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Fulford Sets The Record Straight

Fulford Sets The Record Straight

From David's article

There is a lot of new information in Fulford's latest entry at I will just share a short excerpt that is most relevant to issues we've already been discussing here:

There were disinformation reports out that a European financial meeting this last weekend was a follow-up to the Monaco meeting. This is not true. The meeting in Europe was held by members of the old cabal who were trying to somehow keep their fiat currencies from imploding.

Any serious financial journalist or expert though, must have been appalled by US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner telling the Europeans to "increase leverage," in order to solve their economic crisis. This is like telling an underwater gambling addict to start doubling his bets.

The fact of the matter is the Europeans know the Greeks and other Mediterranean countries were mooching off their hard working Northern cousins and they must now stop it. A new Mediterranean currency is what they really need.

However, there have been serious developments in the move towards a new financial system. Soon all financial trading programs or "platforms" will the shut down for an indeterminate period of time. The aim of this shut-down is to totally clean out and revamp the system. The amount of time needed to clean up the mess is not known.

The tentative date for this shut down has been set at November 11, 2011 (2011/11/11) but as with many dates that have come and gone, the financial cabal will do everything in its power to prevent that from happening. [END FULFORD EXCERPT]


A small percentage of commenters on this article have expressed such massive hatred and distrust of anyone in government or military that they feel they are witnessing some sort of insidious plot to fool everyone yet again.

No forgiveness. No mercy. They're all demons, demons, demons.

With all due respect, this is genocidal thinking.

We all have to live here on this planet. Together. We need to work this out. If we demonize people as "reptilian shapeshifters", then we're just repeating the same old patterns.

Historically, every time we've come in contact with a new and different culture, we are told they are horrific monsters who must be destroyed. Meditate on that for a bit and you will immediately recall many different examples.


Each human life is precious beyond measure.

The people in these occult groups have grown up in a culture of total abuse. It is abuse on a level you cannot even imagine. If a regular adult ran through a typical "training session" they would literally die of a heart attack or stroke from fear. If you try to escape, your own "family" will torture or kill you. The beliefs and philosophies are forced on you whether you like them or not.


It is a widely-overlooked fact that the most significant Illuminati whistleblower ever to come forward, Svali, said there would be a mass exodus out of this group if/when people knew they could escape.

I will give you a link to all of her writings, which were originally on, got taken down, and have now been restored.

I must warn you, however, that this material is extremely disturbing. You cannot go back to your former life after you do this. Reading this rocked my world, and I had to move through a serious grief process that required my full attention for several weeks.

There are very graphic descriptions of abuse. Suffice it to say that there is no limit to the degree of malevolence that has been thought of and enacted upon these people by their own "family".

If you do decide to read it, I recommend starting at the bottom, doing only a little at a time and balancing it with positive, uplifting spiritual material of your own choosing:

However, I will be at the front of the line for those who advocate compassion and forgiveness for people who were born into a system that tortured them in unimaginable ways, and gave them not even a shred of hope to ever escape.

Svali reveals that the main incentive to advance in this group is that as you reach higher levels, you are no longer required to hurt as many people, and fewer people are permitted to hurt you.

There is a massive youth movement within this group to use what they have to help humanity, rather than enslave it. Truthfully, once the older members are either arrested or die out, it's a completely new game. I intend to help them change if I am invited to.

I ask you to seriously step back and consider what you define as "love", and whether you do really understand what we mean when we say we are all One.

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