Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Libro De Las Sombras Relato Dcimo Tercero

Libro De Las Sombras Relato Dcimo Tercero
T'u que caminas en las sombras buscando los misterios y lo oculto. Bendito se'ais.

Seguimos con la celebraci'on. Recuerdo al Esbat se puede decir alg'un tipo especial de dedicatoria. Cuando van a empezar las actividades M'agicas es buena idea recitar:

La Runa de las Brujas

Oscura noche y brillante luna,

este y sur oeste y norte:

Escuchad de las Brujas la Runa,

y que mi alma la magia porte.

Tierra y agua, aire y fuego,

Varita pent'aculo y espada:

Trabajad en mi ruego,

y escuchad mi llamada.

Velas e incienso, caliz y cuchillo,

poderes de la daga del brujo:

Levantaos en vida yo os lo pido,

venid y ayudad en mi embrujo.

Reina del Cielo y la Tierra,

Astado cazador de la Oscuridad:

Enviad vuestros poderes a mi reino,

y haced verdad mi voluntad.

Por el poder de la tierra y el mar,

por la fuerza del sol y la luna:

As'i es mi deseo, y as'i hecho ser'a,

cantando de las brujas la runa.

Hay una conjuraci'on que se puede hacer antes de la recitaci'on de la runa o en otro momento. Es 'util pro que se pude decir danzando al redor del c'irculo o bien brincando el fuego central.

Eko, eko arazak.

Eko, eko, zomilak.

Eko, eko, cernnunos.

Eko, eko, Aradia.

M'as adelante veremos la danza y espiral y otros procedimientos para juntar vibraciones. En este momento se cuando se hacen las labores M'agicas.


En el altar con las manos en alto decir:

"Celebrad, bebed, comer y amar, en el nombre de la Diosa, os presento esta ofrenda en agradecimiento."

"Agraciada se~nora de la abundancia, bendice este vino e inf'undele tu amor, que represente la comuni'on contigo."

Toma el Athame y ve meti'endolo en el c'aliz de manera vertical. Debes sentir las vibraciones intensamente, muchas veces se hace sin decir nada, peor es bueno decir algo para que se avive el fuego de amor en ti.

"As'i como el Athame es masculino, el C'aliz femenino. !juntos forman una sola cosa!."

Despu'es tomad un poco de vino y pasarlo a la congregaci'on (las vibraciones de este vino son altamente sexuales).

Tomad la bandeja de panecillos y di:

"Oh reina de los secretos, bendice este alimento, inf'undele tu amor, que represente la comuni'on contigo."

Toma un panecillo y come, en el caso de congregaciones el compa~nero de alado da un beso a su compa~nero, toma un panecillo y lo introduce en la boca de este, acto seguido le da la charola a este y el proceso se repite. Lo mismo se hace con el vino, se le da un beso al compa~nero y se le da el c'aliz para que beba.

Se pueden hacer muchas cosas todav'ia, meditar, cantar, etc. Despu'es de eso se Abre el c'irculo:

Con la varita ve al este y mientras formas un pentagrama de destierro di:

"Esp'iritus del Este, Hadas del Aire, puras e inspiradoras. Os agradezco por venir a este lugar de Magia. En amor y perfecta confianza partid en paz."

Con la varita ve al este y mientras formas un pentagrama de destierro di:

"Esp'iritus del Este, Hadas del fuego, fuertes y pasionales. Os agradezco por venir a este lugar de Magia. En amor y perfecta confianza partid en paz."

Con la varita ve al sur y mientras formas un pentagrama de destierro di:

"Esp'iritus del Este, Hadas del Agua, limpias y so~nadoras. Os agradezco por venir a este lugar de Magia. En amor y perfecta confianza partid en paz."

Con la varita ve al oeste y mientras formas un pentagrama de destierro di:

"Esp'iritus del Este, Hadas de la Tierra, sabias y f'ertiles. Os agradezco por venir a este lugar de Magia. En amor y perfecta confianza partid en paz."

En el centro:

"se~nores de la oscuridad os agradezco por venir. En perfecto Amor y confianza partir."

"Dios que anuncias el principio y fin de la noche. Os agradezco tu presencia en este lugar. Bendecido se'ais"

"Gran Dama de la oscuridad, Gran Diosa de os misterios ocultos, se~nora de la muerte y el renacimiento agradezco tu presencia en este lugar. Bendecida se'ais, mi se~nora"

Apagad las velas de elementales y de los Dioses. Recoged el circulo esfera como vimos antes. Y di:

"como entre en este c'irculo, as'i en perfecto Amor y perfecta confianza lo dejo"

"El c'irculo est'a abierto peor no por ello perturbado como arriba (apunta arriba), abajo es tambi'en (toca el suelo con la punta del Athame)."

"Feliz partida, para feliz reencuentro"

Felicidades has hecho un c'irculo M'agico. Al principio es s'uper agotador pero conforme vamos creciendo en la senda se hace m'as f'acil y simple. Anotad en vuestro libro toda experiencia durante el ritual.

Tarea m'agica.

Investiga los temimos psicol'ogicos: sugesti'on, man'ia, depresi'on, pulsi'on, catexis y los esot'ericos: Te'urgia y Hechizo.

Se'ais bendecido/a )O( Lady RavenGrelen

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Love Spells White Magic Love Spells

Love Spells White Magic Love Spells White Magic That Work Fast

Love Spells That Work Instantly,
I am an expert in white magic. I am THE EXPERT ON SPELLS THAT WORK INSTANTLY!

I am expert in Resolving Love Troubles with the experience and reliability of a lifetime.

Your problem is "Love"?

I know you really want to get your partner back. Your Happiness. Your Peace.

Let me act in your life...

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Paganwiccan Fundamentalism

Paganwiccan Fundamentalism
Okay, we're back. We had a wonderful trip to Florida, speaking to several groups around Tampa, including the very active Tampa U-U with its CUUPS group. Then we went on to the Florida Pagan Gathering, which lived up to its reputation as being the highlight of our Spring travels. There we enjoyed sharing time with Judy Harrow and with the Grimassis.

We formed the impression that people are finally getting past our own fangs and our hairy palms and are even listening to some of our ideas. Of course teaching dance in 94-degree weather and high humidity was not a lot of fun, but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Further, we were delighted to sense a lot less inter-group friction this year. Maybe-we hope-the fundamentalist pagan movement is losing momentum.

We've had a huge response to our earlier blog on that subject. Everyone agrees, there's got to be some way to get back to freedom and to honest debate and discussion without the ad hominem attacks. We who think "alternative" thoughts are beginning efforts to stop the witch wars, efforts to get people to do more than fight each other. Why? Because we can envision those fundamentalist Christians laughing and doing high-fives when we get into that sort of family bickering.

Years ago some self-appointed inquisitors put us Frosts "on trial' in Minneapolis (here Yvonne is chortling while she dances on graves). As that caper wrapped up, everyone ostensibly agreed to
The nature of Spirit may be understood by a glance at its direct opposite-Matter. As the essence of Matter is gravity, so, on the other hand, we may affirm that the substance, the essence, of Spirit is freedom.

Decades ago the Guides gave to Yvonne three verses of a song. Here is a clip from that.

"... Gather we friends together and dance all in a ring.

Glad Witches, come gather, to the old true ways returning :

To freedom and to truth and light, and ne'er again the burning."

Call us biased, but it looks to us as if every time some new writer wants to sell a book, they can find no better way to get onto some Top Ten list than to attack us Frosts or other prominent people in the community. These are just shabby cheap shots, of course; but they sell


Adolescent Rites Of Passage Something

Adolescent Rites Of Passage Something Of Monumental Importance Has Been Lost
"I've been reading about traditional and modern rites of passage. So far, the two most helpful A consistent theme: Long ago, "primitive" cultures evolved effective initiation rites to guide young people from childhood to adulthood. Modern adolescents feel the same powerful need to break away from childhood, prove themselves, find their identity, and be acknowledged by and accepted into the adult community. But traditional rites of passage have for the most part been diluted or discarded, and most young people are left to find their own way, often with disastrous results.

My reading has caused me to reflect on what happened to me during my own adolescence. My conclusion: I had amazing luck in the rites of passage department.

* At age 13, I earned the rank of Eagle Scout after two years of hard work.
* At age 14 in the Explorer Scouts I experienced the "Order of the Arrow' initiation ritual.
* At age 15 my father was assigned to Germany. Our family was on a waiting list for housing, and I had to take his place to help my mother control my six younger brothers and sisters for six months until we could join my father.
* At age 18, after 12 years at the top of my class, I gave the valedictory address at my high school graduation.
* At age 18, I survived the West Point summer "Beast Barracks" training and was accepted into the Corps of Cadets.
* At age 19, I was "recognized" at the end of "Plebe" year and became an upperclassman.
* At age 22 I graduated from West Point and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the a Regular Army.
* At age 22 I was married in a Mormon temple with my grandfather officiating.
* At age 22 I successfully completed the Army Ranger School.

Each of these rites of passage required that I accept a "call to adventure" and survive an ordeal, a test to prove myself. After successful completion I was recognized by my community in a way that made me feel I had arrived at a new level in my life. In other words, I was involved in several structured processes that helped me develop personal strengths that would empower me throughout my life and careers -and be recognized for doing so!

Nine of them! How lucky is that?

One of my most intense ordeals happened soon after my adolescence. As a young captain I served in Vietnam as an advisor to Vietnamese infantry units. During that year I participated in over 200 combat missions. I was given several awards for valor and service, but at the end the acknowledgement and acceptance back into my community was non-existent. Instead there was confusion and alienation. I remember an incident during my graduate studies at Duke University when an enlightened coed called me a "baby killer." So my service in Vietnam never became a true rite of passage.

And it wasn't a rite of passage experience for the three dozen of my West Point classmates who died on the battlefield. And soldiers returning from combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't made to experience developmental rites of passage either - a huge opportunity wasted.

Young people will always need to be challenged, tested, guided and accepted in a powerful way in order for them to define who they are and feel they've put childhood behind them. But modern culture has abandoned the old structures without replacing them. Gangs, high society, and college fraternities and sororities have their initiation rituals, but these are pathetic remnants of ancient traditions. It's a tragic, mostly unrecognized shortfall that has left our youth adrift.

The consequences of teens trying to find their own way towards being adults - unwed teen mothers, gangs, crime, substance abuse, and suicide. And yes, middle-aged offspring who still live at home and who have never become adults.

Given that the rituals that served ancient and primitive cultures are inappropriate for our time, is there a way to recreate effective rites of passage for today's youth that are appropriate for modern life? It's something I think about a lot these days.


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Do Churches Alienate Intellectuals

Do Churches Alienate Intellectuals

From Sojourners-

"In a world where people are craving inspiration, growth, and information, many churches maintain a cyclical pattern based on redundancy, safety, and closed-mindedness. Unfortunately, many pastors and Christian leaders continue to recycle old spiritual clich'es - and sermons - communicating scripture as if it were propaganda instead of life-changing news, and driving away a growing segment of people who find churches ignorant, intolerant, absurd, and irrelevant."

As technology continues to make news and data more accessible, pastors are often failing to realize that they're no longer portrayed as the respected platforms of spiritual authority that they once were.

Instead of embracing dialogue and discussion, many Christian leaders react to this power shift by creating defensive and authoritarian pedestals, where they self-rule and inflict punishment on anyone who disagrees, especially intellectuals.

More here-

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Official Press Release Xavier Names New President

Official Press Release Xavier Names New President

Xavier High School

June 17, 2009


Please contact for additional information

and/or photographs: JOSEPH F. GORSKI, 212-337-7539

Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Relations




The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Xavier High School, Richard T. Nolan, Jr., Esq., Class of 1983, announced that John R. Raslowsky II will assume the presidency of the school on July 1st, when Rev. Daniel J. Gatti, S.J. '59 steps down after a twelve year tenure. Mr. Raslowsky's selection was made, after a nearly two year search and upon the recommendation of the search committee, by Xavier's Board of Trustees and was approved by its Board of Members and by the provincial of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus.

Mr. Raslowsky, an experienced educator and administrator, brings to Xavier exceptionally strong educational leadership skills and an over twenty-five year record of intensive involvement in Jesuit education. His association with the Society of Jesus has been extensive, beginning as a student at St. Peter's Prep in Jersey City (1975-1979), then at St. Peter's Prep as a teacher, moderator, coach, and principal (1985-2003), and finally as an assistant in the New York Provincial's Office (2003-2007). His in-depth exposure to, understanding of, and commitment to the teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, makes him an ideal selection as Xavier's next president.

Over the past two years, Raslowsky has been the superintendent of schools in Hoboken, New Jersey, an educational system with 2,500 students at six schools. In this position, his focus and leadership has resulted in a reinvention of expectations for the district, as well as some remarkable progress. Under his leadership, the District's high school was recognized for its dramatic improvement by "New Jersey Monthly "and the "U.S. News and World Report".


Prior to that, he worked in various capacities in the office of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus, including serving as the Provincial's Assistant for Pre-Secondary and Secondary Education, as well as his Assistant for Lay Faith Formation. In these positions, he had vital roles in addressing mission, clarifying identity issues, and ensuring effective governance. Raslowsky was the Provincial's personal designee as a member on each board of the Province's seven high schools and three province-sponsored middle schools.

John Raslowsky will be Xavier's thirty-third president and the first layman to lead Xavier. While this may be a milestone, it is an event for which the Jesuits and their lay collaborators in this Province and in Jesuit education across the country have prepared for some time. Knowing that the Society was "graying" and that vocations were decreasing, Jesuit leadership throughout the nation over the past thirty years set forth on a mission to ignite the Ignatian flame among the Jesuit laity. Jack, as he is known, is one of those benefiting from these creative initiatives. He is among the authors of "What Makes a Jesuit School Jesuit". He now joins the two other high school lay presidents in the New York Province and the ten lay presidents from the 52 Jesuit high schools throughout the country.

Mr. Raslowsky's academic preparation includes an undergraduate degree in zoology from the University of Vermont and a master of education in administration from Harvard University. Next spring, he anticipates receiving a master's degree in systematic theology from Seton Hall University's Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology. He has supplemented these degree programs with coursework at Jersey City State College, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Columbia and Fordham Universities.

Mr. Raslowsky's voluntary pursuits and interests include: current chair of the board of New York Nativity, the governing body of Nativity Mission Center, St. Ignatius School, and Brooklyn Jesuit Prep; a former volunteer with the Boy Scouts; a former coach of youth recreational basketball; and the interviewing of candidates for admission to two of his alma maters, Vermont and Harvard.

In his announcement, Richard T. Nolan, Jr., Esq. '83 (the Chairman of the Xavier Board of Trustees - see paragraph one) stated that:

It is with great confidence and enthusiasm that the Board of Trustees welcomes Jack as Xavier's 33rd president. We are confident that he possesses the educational skill and experience, the understanding of and commitment to the charism of the Society of Jesus, and the authenticity of formation in Ignatian spirituality that the Board believes are essential in Xavier's next president.

We see Jack's educational leadership experience as impressively compelling. He's a proven leader of Jesuit educational institutions, with real world hands-on experience that ranges from teacher, retreat leader, moderator, and coach, to principal, trustee, board chairman, provincial's assistant, and superintendent of schools. It is with strong conviction that we believe he is the leader Xavier needs to achieve even higher levels of performance and success as it seeks to prepare the young men of today and tomorrow for service to our country, our city, and our Catholic faith.


The provincial of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus, the V. Rev. David S. Ciancimino, S.J., a 1977 graduate of Xavier and a former headmaster at the school, in approving the selection, said: "Having worked with Jack, I am confident that he will serve the Society of Jesus and Xavier well."

While Raslowsky's work at Xavier will commence on July 1, the Xavier school community's plans for him will include an Installation Ceremony and Mass on September 11, 2009, and at that time or shortly thereafter, a Welcoming Reception, that will permit members of the Xavier family of alumni, parents, and friends to personally meet and greet President Raslowsky and his family.

Jack Raslowsky resides in Hoboken with his wife, Sarah, who is a mathematics teacher at the Hudson School, and their four children, John, Christian, Rebecca, and Rachel, who attend St. Francis Academy in Union City. Jack and family are parishioners at Sts. Peter and Paul in Hoboken.

From the first day of classes at Xavier High School in 1847, there was a focus on "devotion to duty and learning", and almost from the beginning, Xavier was perceived as a school which strove to fulfill the educational needs of the sons from immigrant families. This reputation included an emphasis on offering each student a quality education, one that would serve as a foundation and as an opportunity for success in life. Today, Xavier pursues this same course, performing the same role to immigrant families, but now to those from families from origins elsewhere on the globe and often with different native languages.

Xavier High School endeavors to prepare students for the 21st century who will be persons of competence, conscience, and compassion. As a Catholic, Jesuit, college preparatory school for young men, Xavier accomplishes this goal in the context of a multicultural, urban community dedicated to learning, faith, and service. Xavier is chartered and registered by The Regents of the University of the State of New York, the New York State Department of Education, and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Picture: Newly elected President Jack Raslowsky with Chairman of the Board of Trustees Richard Nolan, Esq, '83 (l.) and outgoing President Daniel J. Gatti '59 (r.).

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How To Use Guided Loving Kindness Meditation

How To Use Guided Loving Kindness Meditation
If you know anything at all about the Buddhist philosophy, most probably you have heard about the GUIDED LOVING MEDITATION before.

Experience the power of Meditation with Yoga Divinity

This is a practice that has been passed down for the last 2,500 years in an unbroken line.

People are often told that they are supposed to love others, but how do they do this?


People can't love others if they don't love themselves. Based on this, the meditation teaches us to love ourselves so that we will be able to share this love with the people around us. The main point is to cultivate positive emotional states in order to become more patient, accepting, kind and compassionate.

As a result of the meditation and loving kindness people will experience compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity. This refers to the patient acceptance of suffering and joy, both for us and for others. Compassion is one of the most important components of Buddhism.


When set on trying guided loving meditation you should know that even the Dalai Lama said that his true religion is kindness. It indicates that the practice is profound. In many cases people wish to be happy at the expense of others.

If they aren't practicing the loving kindness practice, people won't understand that if they are in pursuit of happiness but they want to achieve it through causing pain to others, they will only cause pain to themselves. Buddhism shows us that the only way to be truly happy is to empathize with others.

According to the guided loving meditation people will reach true happiness when they are able to see and experience the joy and pain of others as their own. This doesn't mean that we have to become martyrs and to set aside our needs.


If you follow the practice of loving kindness you will do your best to help others meet their goals and be happy, so a layer of self-induced pain will disappear. As a result, by becoming more empathetic you will be able to be happier through the happiness of others.

The truth is that the GUIDED LOVING MEDITATION is quite deep and not all people are able to understand it or follow it. However, you could follow some parts of it, by trying to become more empathetic with the people around you and stimulating them to do the same.

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Numerology Readings

Numerology Readings
Choose a detailed numerology reading from our selection below. All of our numerology readings are created by hand for you, and emailed to you in formatted HTML format for easy reading.

Our detailed numerology readings and numerology reports are created especially for you. Each numerology reading includes 25-30 pages of details that will give you a powerful, accurate numerology reading.


Click here to Request a Personalized Reading

SALE PRICE:97.00 - 37.00

Our most popular reading, the Professional Reading is over 30 pages in length and includes all essential information for helping you realize your full potential. The reading is personally created using your Birth Certificate Name, Daily Conversation Name, and Date of Birth.

Your personal reading explains in amazing detail your Life Purpose and how you can best achieve your goals. Aspects of your personality are revealed to you: learn your personality strengths (and how to focus on them) as well as your weaknesses (and how to overcome them). You will discover how your issues with others can be resolved quickly.

Forecasts for what you may expect in the next 3 years are included along with detailed monthly forecasts for the next year and then some (18 months total)!


* Life Purpose details - your job/career that is best.
* Existence Number - your talents for achieving goals.
* Birthday Number - how you achieve goals at maturity.
* Soul Urge - your inner feelings.
* Heart's Desire - your deepest wishes and desires.
* Outer Expression - how others see you.
* Personality Matrix (full color chart) - your traits, strengths and personalitylessons.
* Inclusion Chart (full color chart) - your hidden passion, karmic lessons.
* Planes of Expression (full color chart) - your physical, mental, emotional, intuitive aspects.
* Arrows - your unique/hidden aspects.
* Pinnacles and challenges - your 9 year cycles and what you may expect.
* Personal Years - your personal yearly forecast for the next 3 years.
* Personal Months - your personal monthly forecasts for the next 18 months.
* Detailed Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can use to enhance your life.

AUTHOR: Brett A. Simpson, 32 PAGES

Click here to Request a Personalized Reading


Click here to Request a Personalized Reading

SALE PRICE:70.00 - 27.00

Find your authentic Life Purpose with our new Life Purpose Reading. It includes every detail about your personality and life path. Discover your primary selves: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitive, Spiritual, so that you can reach your highest potential. The reading is personally created using your Birth Certificate Name, Daily Conversation Name, and Date of Birth.

Your personal reading covers every detail of your Life Purpose traits. Find out exactly how you can reach your goals. Detailed aspects of your personality never before calculated are revealed to you: Total Self (with color chart), as well as Your 12 Aspects of Expression (with color chart). Find all the right words that describe you so that you can write your personal Life Purpose Statement. Know yourself and where your going immediately! A perfect companion to our "Exploring Your True Life Purpose book"

Your Life Purpose Traits color chart is included along with details for picking out the most important traits and a place to write your own Life Purpose Statement!


* Life Path (double digit) - how you should work toward your life purpose.
* Life Path Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can use to enhance your search for your life purpose/goals.
* Physical Self - your personality traits and how others see you.
* Emotional Self - your feeling traits and your deepest emotions - what makes you feel.
* Intuitive Self - how you form your opinions and set your ideals.
* Intellectual Self - how and why you think the way you do.
* Spiritual Self - how past karma teaches you (the one main lesson you should learn in this lifetime).
* Total Self (full color chart) - your complete personality makeup and which traits standout as your strongest.
* Your 12 Aspects of Expression (full color chart) - Every trait and detail about how you express yourself. Covers every area of your life, including the transpsychological spiritual, intuitive traits.
* Your Life Purpose Traits (full color chart) - a full summary of every trait, highlighting those that are the strongest.
* My Life Purpose Statement - instructions and space for you to write your personal Life Purpose Statement.

AUTHOR: Brett A. Simpson, 12 PAGES

Click here to Request a Personalized Reading


Click here to Request a Personalized Professional PLUS Reading

SALE PRICE:291.00 - 97.00

Includes the Professional Reading PLUS

* A detailed PERSONAL Reading review: I will personally look over your reading and give you a full review of what to look at, and how to achieve it, things to watch out for.
* I personally answer 3 questions based on your Reading over 30 pages in length PLUS additional detailed personal review, and 3 questions answered, includes all information for helping you realize your full potential, PLUS my personal review and answers to your deepest questions.

The reading is personally created using your Birth Certificate Name, Daily Conversation Name, and Date of Birth. It includes everything listed above for the Professional Reading PLUS my personal detailed review of your reading, and answers to your questions.


* Personal Review - I personally review your reading in detail (a 75.00 value included).
* 3 Questions Answered - ask your deepest questions, I'll personally answer them based on your reading (a 60.00 value included).
* Life Purpose details - your job/career that is best.
* Existence Number - your talents for achieving goals.
* Birthday Number - how you achieve goals at maturity.
* Soul Urge - your inner feelings.
* Heart's Desire - your deepest wishes and desires.
* Outer Expression - how others see you.
* Personality Matrix (full color chart) - your traits, strengths and personality lessons.
* Inclusion Chart (full color chart) - your hidden passion, karmic lessons.
* Planes of Expression (full color chart) - your physical, mental, emotional, intuitive aspects.
* Arrows - your unique/hidden aspects.
* Pinnacles and challenges - your 9 year cycles and what you may expect.
* Personal Years - your personal yearly forecast for the next 3 years.
* Personal Months - your personal monthly forecasts for the next 18 months.
* Detailed Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can use to enhance your life.


Click here to Request a Personalized Professional PLUS Reading


Click here to Request a Personalized Forecast Reading

SALE PRICE:70.00/97.00/120.00 - 27.00/37.00/47.00

At last, it's our very detailed Forecast Reading, over 27 page, covers the most powerful details of your life in numbers for the coming months and a beautiful color coded Yearly Forecast for this year and next. If you have our Professional Reading, you'll love the extra details presented here, if you have never had a Numerology Forecast, then you must see this one - for you!

Written over a two year period, the detailed trimesters use powerful tarot interpretations that are based on your 4 month periods for the coming months, and year.

You will love the colors and the detailed chart heading that gives you the double-digit Yearly number for this year, and next, as well as your Current Essence and Transit numbers based on your birth name. These calculations and interpretations are unlike any seen before, they will astonish and amaze you with their accuracy.


* Personal Year Chart (this year and next* in a color chart)- color-coded look at your year ahead*. * included with 6 and 12 month forecast. 3 month forecast may provide only current year. Forecasts beginning in Jan., Feb., March provide current year only.
* Yearly Details - key points, outlook, what to watch out for and stay away from and how to take advantage of (this year and next*).* included with 6 and 12 month forecast. 3 month forecast may provide only current year. Forecasts beginning in Jan., Feb., March provide current year only.
* Current Essence Letter - combines all of the excursion letters to give you the 'Essence' of the year from birthday to birthday.
* Next Essence Letter - looks at the combined excursion letters to give you the Next 'Essence' for one year ahead of Current Essence from birthday to birthday.
* Excursion Letter Interpretations - details that are unavailable anywhere - get the amazing details based on your Birth Name letters that are transiting at this time.
* Full Physical/Mental/Emotional/Spiritual analysis - find out which of these areas will play the biggest part this year for you.
* Four Month Cycles - powerful and deep analysis of your four month cycles using tarot vibrations to cover the greatest detail.

AUTHOR: Brett A. Simpson, 27 PAGESClick here to Request a Personalized Forecast Reading


Click here to Request a Personalized Compatibility Reading

SALE PRICE:97.00 - 37.00

Incredible 25+ page reading that will explain *ALL* aspects of the relationship, from physical/personality to intuitive, emotional, intellectual and (most importantly) Fate!

The reading is designed to help two people find their true compatibility and awareness of each other. Your personal reading explains in detail deep issues regarding your relationship including full color charts that rates your physical, emotional, intuitive, fate, and intellectual compatibility.

Find out if they physical or emotional attraction will last: your reading will describe the details of your long-term relationship with each other. Also included are your current major life cycle forecasts for each of you - discover how the next 2 years will be with your detailed Yearly forecasts for 2 years.


* Compatibility Rating Chart (full color chart)- your overall compatibility.
* Personality Comparison - your personality strengths/weaknesses, compared side by side.
* Life Paths/Lessons - your detailed Life Purpose information, including a powerful Life Lesson that each of you need to know.
* Fate Numbers - your possible karma here together and how to work with it.
* Total Self - your strongest traits, size up one another instantly.
* Essential Self (full color chart) - your in-depth relationship analysis, how you balance each other out when you are together.
* Pinnacles and challenges - your current major cycles and what you may expect.
* Personal Years - Your personal yearly forecast for the next 2 years.
* Detailed Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can each use to enhance your Physical Connection.

AUTHOR: Brett A. Simpson, 25 PAGESClick here to Request a Personalized Compatibility Reading


Click here to Request a Personalized Compatibility Plus Reading

SALE PRICE:291.00 - 97.00

Includes 3 Readings - everything listed above! One Compatibility Reading along with two Professional Readings for each person in the relationship. By providing each of you with a Professional reading as well as the Compatibility Reading you will have over 80 pages of detailed personal information. The ultimate relationship workshop!

The reading is personally created using each person's Birth Certificate Name, Daily Conversation Name, and Date of Birth. Your personal reading explains in fascinating detail deep issues regarding your relationship including full color charts - everything listed above for the Professional and Compatibility readings is included.


* Life Purpose details - your job/career that is best.
* Existence Number - your talents for achieving goals.
* Birthday Number - how you achieve goals at maturity.
* Soul Urge - your inner feelings.
* Heart's Desire - your deepest wishes and desires.
* Outer Expression - how others see you.
* Personality Matrix (full color chart) - your traits, strengths and personality lessons.
* Inclusion Chart (full color chart) - your hidden passion, karmic lessons.
* Planes of Expression (full color chart) - your physical, mental, emotional, intuitive aspects.
* Arrows - your unique/hidden aspects.
* Pinnacles and challenges - your 9 year cycles and what you may expect.
* Personal Years - your personal yearly forecast for the next 3 years.
* Personal Months - your personal monthly forecasts for the next 18 months.
* Detailed Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can use to enhance your life.


* Compatibility Rating Chart (full color chart)- your overall compatibility.
* Personality Comparison - your personality strengths/weaknesses, compared side by side.
* Life Paths/Lessons - your detailed Life Purpose information, including a powerful Life Lesson that each of you need to know.
* Fate Numbers - your possible karma here together and how to work with it.
* Total Self - your strongest traits, size up one another instantly.
* Essential Self (full color chart) - your in-depth relationship analysis, how you balance each other out when you are together.
* Pinnacles and challenges - your current major cycles and what you may expect.
* Personal Years - Your personal yearly forecast for the next 2 years.
* Detailed Aromas/Oils - aromatherapy oils you can each use to enhance your Physical Connection.

AUTHOR: Brett A. Simpson, 25 PAGES


Click here to Request a Personalized Compatibility Plus Reading

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The Myth Of Multiplication

The Myth Of Multiplication Part 1
If you're as old as I am, you might remember this annoying TV commercial from the 1970's.The executives who came up with this ad imagined that, if each satisfied customer convinced two of her friends to try the product, then sales would go viral, and soon every woman on the planet would be using Faberg'e Organics shampoo.

Did that happen? Of course not. In retrospect, the idea that consumers would, simply by viewing this commercial, be transformed into an aggressive and unpaid sales force was preposterous. This ad may have sold a few bottles of shampoo to desperate young women who were willing to try anything to have hair like Farah Fawcett and Heather Locklear. But the brand didn't experience anything like the exponential growth in sales that this commercial envisions.

Ever since my college days, I have heard a similar idea promoted as the best, indeed the only truly effective, strategy for evangelizing the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The idea is that we can carry out the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20) only if we put aside addition and intentionally strive for multiplication. Rather than trying to convert large numbers of people to become nominal Christians, we need to focus our efforts on making a small number of zealous disciples who will make more disciples, who will make more disciples, and so on. These disciples that we make cannot be those typical, average, low-level churchgoers (a.k.a. "cultural Christians" or

"Sunday Christians"
) but an elite force of highly committed, well trained, well disciplined, self-replicating apostles. Then, in a few generations, "voila"! - the Great Commission has been fulfilled.

In his classic book The "Master Plan of Evangelism" (first printing in 1963), Robert E. Coleman makes a compelling case that this was the strategy envisioned by Jesus himself, his "master plan" for reaching the lost world. Over the course of Jesus' three-year ministry, the gospel accounts show Jesus paying increasing attention to the twelve apostles. Among them, he places special emphasis on three (Peter, James and John), and among these three he shows special love and care to one (Peter). Jesus didn't focus on a small number of apostles because he didn't care about the world. Rather, he did it precisely because he loved the whole world and he knew that the strategy of multiplication was the surest and most effective way to evangelize the planet.

Yes, it is true that Jesus focused his efforts on a small number of highly committed disciples, and it was they who bore witness of his resurrection to the world. But does this fact canonize multiplication as the definitive, divinely mandated method by which Christ's mission to the lost world will be accomplished?

A generation ago, many evangelicals would have said, "Yes." Giving top priority to raising highly committed Christians who were passionate about sharing the gospel was the hallmark of 20th century parachurch ministries. The Navigators, for example, developed and practiced elaborate discipleship programs whose main purpose was to create self-replicating disciples. Dr. Samuel Lee, the founder of UBF (who credited the Navigators as one of his spiritual influences), emphasized one-to-one Bible study for the purpose of raising Bible teachers who would in turn raise more Bible teachers.

Ministries based on this idea did at first meet with some success. But most experienced a dramatic slowdown in growth during the 1980's and 1990's, and within the last decade those efforts virtually ground to a halt. Many disciples were made, and here and there a few still are being made. But the results have not come anywhere close to the wildly optimistic predictions of a generation ago.

Why didn't the multiplication strategy pan out?

Here is one possible explanation: The present generation of Christians has lost its zeal. Ministry members became complacent, lazy, worldly, self-centered, and so on. If they just repent and recover the spirit of the ministry founders - their passion, dedication, boldness, and absolute obedience to Jesus' world-mission command - then the multiplication strategy will surely succeed.

Perhaps that explanation has some merit. But many evangelicals are coming to believe that the basic idea of multiplication is unrealistic. My wife and I have been working through an excellent book published by NavPress called "The Complete Book of Discipleship" (2006). The author, Bill Hull, is a pastor and writer who was discipled by Navigators and Athletes in Action. Hull used to promote the multiplication doctrine. But on pp. 27-28, he writes:

"As many writers and teachers have proclaimed, when all who become disciples make disciples through several spiritual generations, the result should not be reproduction (adding disciples one at a time) but multiplication (one disciple makes two, who make four, who make sixteen, and so on). I've heard sermons (in fact, I've preached a few) theorizing that if we just follow this multiplication plan, the entire world will be converted to Christianity in thirty years. That was more than thirty years ago."

"In spite of how logical it sounds, this plan runs aground repeatedly on the rocks of human frailty and ignorance of how people really change. We must admit that this mathematical formula has never worked in any broad way. It might have limited success in controlled environments, but it would be wrong to claim that multiplication has worked to the extent of reaching whole cities, cultures or generations."

There's nothing wrong with making disciples of Christ. In fact, Jesus commands us to do it. The key question is: What are these disciples supposed to be doing? Should they be singlemindedly devoted to making more disciples? Or should they be focused on something else?

In the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus said: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

A disciple must be taught to do everything that Jesus commands. And Jesus commands us to do a whole lot more than just making disciples. Hull notes (pp. 29-30) that the New Testament records 212 commands of Jesus. These commands can be summarized in three simple principles:

1. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

3. Love your enemies.

Faithfulness to the Great Commission requires a kind of discipleship whose primary goal is spiritual formation that produces the inner fruit of the Spirit manifested in loving relationships. When Christ and his love are present, the church sees growth that is natural and contagious. Hull writes (p. 28):

"The principle behind discipleship does involve one person influencing another, which does result in a change in heart and mind. The success of discipleship doesn't depend on soldiering forward in a mechanical strategy of reproduction and multiplication. And discipleship doesn't involve developing a well-trained, elite sales force. Rather discipleship occurs when a transformed person radiates Christ to those around her. It happens when people so experience God's love that they can do nothing other than affect those around them."

"The heart of being a disciple involves living in intimate union and daily contact with Christ. Discipleship - the effort both to be a disciple and to make other disciples - is about the immense value of God at work in one individual's life and the resulting impact on other lives."

In the next installment, I will describe some truly surprising, unexpected means by which the early church grew over the first three centuries. Stay tuned.

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Dead Air

Dead Air
One of the most common frustrations and complaints about prayer is that it doesn't work, that the prayers don't get answered.

There seem to be those who live a "charmed" existence, whose prayers are always answered and who are always getting great press because whoever they pray for gets healed, or a job, or whatever, - and whatever they pray for happens.

Hm. Well, I guess I am glad it happens for some people. I have to wonder what might happen to their faith if for some reason there was an "answer" that didn't come.

The term "unanswered prayer" is a red flag for those who consider themselves Christians. Yet... I think this might have more to do with the idea that we have to protect God's reputation than it does about actually being honest.

The truth is that prayer (and for the moment, let's keep our definition to the more accepted one of asking God for what you want) - carries with it the option of God saying "no". And speaking as a parent, the more my kids hound me to do something with the attitude that I HAVE to give it to them, like it's their right or something, the more likely I am to either say no, or walk away and ignore them. (They are starting to learn this!) See, it works this way: we ask for what we want, we say please, and God decides whether to say yes, no, or wait a while (sometimes a LONG while). We DON'T demand. We DON'T manipulate or "quote scripture" back to Him (after all, He knows what it says!) as a way to get what we want. We don't even have to ask Him for something that we know is His will! if it's His will, He will find a way to make it happen because - well, because He is God and being Divine and all-powerful and all that, He can.

I'm beginning to see prayer in a different light these days.

Less and less I pray for "what I want." More and more I see prayer as a way to develop and deepen my relationship with Him. A conversation between friends, in other words.

Okay, so if I am upset about something, I tell Him. I don't hold anything back because after all, He made me, and He loves me. But most of the time I'm inviting Him into my situations, to take control of them, to not let me grab the reins and try to do His job in my life or anyone else's. I accept things, people, and circumstances the way they are in reality. I try to remember that He's God and I'm not, and that He can do a far better job of running the universe than I ever could. And I have discovered that for me - this leads to far more peace than I have ever known in my life. Before, I was so dissatisfied with the "way the world is" and what people "should" be doing. I was constantly angry. Nothing or nobody could satisfy me - and that included God. He was too slow. And then I prettied it up and turned it around to blame myself. I'm not saying the right words in the right way. I don't have enough faith. I must have sin in my life. It was all a smokescreen. It was all "I - I - I." I wanted things to change and change "now" like I was some old dog chasing its tail and never catching anything but a dizzy spell - what a waste of energy that was.

I stumbled about a year ago on the only kind of prayer that always gets answered and brings the kind of peace I was looking all my life to find.

It took taking me through quite a journey for God to get me to the idea that prayer isn't about changing things. It's about walking with Him. It's not about me hanging on for dear life to Him - but about Him never letting go of me. It's not about me getting what I want. It's about growing in my love-relationship with Him. It's about Him freely and graciously giving me the one thing I need in life: the awareness of His presence.

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Marketing 101 Selling Israel For Almost 50 Years

Marketing 101 Selling Israel For Almost 50 Years
1962-1963 US Public Relations Plan (click through to see original document)

American Zionist Council

Committee on Information and Public Relations

The Committee carries on a major part of its work through highly specialized subcommittees composed of professionals in specific areas of activity who volunteer their services to the American Zionist Council. It is the subcommittee chairmen who have been instrumental, for the most part, in mobilizing these experts to serve with them to help interpret Israel to the general American public. In addition, the AZC staff carries on a number of activities on its own without benefit of these volunteers.

1. Magazines

Cultivation of editors.

Stimulation and placement of suitable articles in the major consumer magazines.

Reprinting and distribution of favorable materials which appear in the above publications.

Stimulation of articles in trade and specialized journals.

Liaison with writers resident in Israel via a literary agent in New York for ideas and placement.

2. TV, Radio, Films

The department arranges for talks and interviews on Radio and TV, and servicing of film requests.

It also cultivates leading personalities in these media.

It encourages networks and stations to create programs revolving around Israel.

3. Christian Religious Groups

Cultivation of key religious leaders and groups.

Setting up seminars on Israel for Christian clergy.

Stimulating of positive articles in the Protestant and Catholic press.

Counteraction of hostile material in that press.

Reprints and distribution of favorable materials in the church press.

Stimulation of suitable articles in the journals of the Jewish religious groups.

4. Academic Circles

Support of the American Association for Middle East Studies.

Support of the Inter-University Committee on Israel.

Cultivation of leaders in the academic community.

Stimulation of "Israel Day" on college campuses.

Cooperation with colleges and universities in setting up of seminars on the Middle East.

Monitoring and counteraction of materials in the campus press.

Stimulating of articles in academic journals.

Guidance to student Zionists and other Jewish students on Arab-Israel issues.

Counteraction of hostile faculty and Arab students.

Preparation of materials for elementary and high school faculty.

5. Daily Press

Cultivation of editors.

Stimulation of positive material via syndicated writers, columnists, etc.

Counteraction of hostile material.

Reprinting and distribution of favorable materials.

Issuance of special material and guidance on controversial issues such as Arab refugees, Syrian-Israel situation, etc.

Programming for special occasions such as Yom Haatzmaut, etc.

10. Visitors to Israel

Subsidization to individual public opinion molders to help provide them with an experience in Israel.

Inter-University Committee Study Tour to Israel.

Organize other tours in which public opinion molders will participate.

Provide suitable arrangements in Israel for handling of American visitors.

11. Counteracting the Opposition

The monitoring and counteraction of all activities carried out here by the Arabs, American Friends of the Middle East, and the American Council for Judaism.

12. Miscellaneous

Answering requests for information and providing suitable literature for the many thousands of requests annually received.

And you can see how this marketing plan, 45+ years later, is working out.

As shown by our Media Report Cards, the American press tends to provide extremely distorted coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict. There are a number of factors that contribute to this troubling pattern of omission and misrepresentation. One of them is bias. In this section, we will provide information about how bias influences media coverage of this topic, and where this bias originates.

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Managing Life And Stress With Meditation

Managing Life And Stress With Meditation
BryAnn Becker Veronika Ludewig rubs outside of a crystal singing bowl to produce a tone during one of her meditation classes at The Dharma Room in Sioux Falls (Elisha Page/Argus Leader).

BEGINNER'S MEDITATIONBegin with a few minutes of meditation every day. Be comfortable. Then go right into your body and notice any tension. Breathe naturally. Follow your breath. You can also take straight, deep breaths and count. Hold breath for four counts, release for a count of four, and start again. Release any expectation of what is supposed to happen. (
Melissa Shattuck was recently stranded at the Chicago O'Hare Int'l Airport for three days on her way back to Sioux Falls from a workshop in Puerto Rico with The Chopra Center. Instead of becoming overly worried and stressed, Shattuck took the setback in stride. A friend remarked to her how calm Shattuck was during the event.

She credits her meditation practice for helping her keep anxiety and stress in check. Shattuck, co-owner of The Dharma Room, started meditating about four and half years ago after an experience at the The Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California.She started meditating to deal with stress.

"This was the most life-changing thing for me in dealing with depression and anxiety," Shattuck says. She is a certified meditation instructor with The Chopra Center, started by teacher and author Deepak Chopra and David Simon. She also teaches Ayurveda and yoga. MORE>>

* What: Crystal Bowl Meditation with Veronika
* When: 3-4 p.m. Saturday and March 26
* Where: Park Ridge Galleria, 1604 S. Western Ave.
* What: Meditation, Dharma discussion, Q">When: 6-8 p.m. Sunday
* Where: The Butterfly Rainbow Center, 1416 S. Minnesota Ave.
* Info: The mission of the Vihara is to share the Buddha's message of peace and happiness and to help create peace and harmony within ourselves and in the surrounding world. The Vihara is open to people of all faith traditions and cultures.
* Info:
* Individual meditation is available by appointment from Randy Smith at The Butterfly Rainbow Center.

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Gema Acvamarin Caracteristici Astrologie Legende

Gema Acvamarin Caracteristici Astrologie Legende

Caracteristicile acvamarinului

-Culoare : albastru deschis, albastru, albastru-verzui

-Transparenta : transparent, translucid

-Luciu : sticlos

-Sistem cristalin : hexagonal

-Spartura ; concoidala

-Duritate : 7 1/2 - 8 (pe scala Mohs)

-Greutate specifica : 2,6 - 2,8

-Indice de refractie ; 1,57 - 1,58

-Dispersie : 0,014

-Birefrigerenta : 0,006

-Compozitie chimica : Be3Al2Si6O18

-Clasa de minerale : beril

Descriere, prelucrare, resurse

Gema acvamarin, a carui nume deriva din expresia latina "aqua marina" ( apa de mare ), este o varietate albastra spre albastru-verzui a mineralului beril.Din categoria berilului fac parte smaraldul, dar si geme mai putin cunoscute precum morganit si heliodor.Berilul cu o culoare verde deschis poate fi transformat in acvamarin prin incalzire la o temperatura de 400 grade Celsius.In acelasi timp, prin incalzire, pot fi eliminate nuantele albastre din acvamarinul comun.Cele mai multe geme de acvamarin intalnite pe piata in prezent sunt obtinute prin tratament termic.In general, cu cat albastrul este mai profund cu atat acvamarinul este mai valoros.O forma foarte intunecata de beril, asemanatoare safirului albastru profund, este obtinuta prin iradierea unor anumite tipuri de beril.Acedte pietre sunt comercializate sub numele de "beril albastru".

Acvamarinul nu este o piatra rara, astfel incat ea poate fi achizitionata fara mari eforturi financiare.Filoane uriase din acest cristal au fost descoperite si apoi taiate in geme de mii de carate.Frumoasa culoare a acvamarinului, variind de la albastru deschis la albastru-verzui poate pali la contactul excesiv cu lumina, de accea este important ca aceasta gema sa fie cumparata de la un dealer de incredere.

Topazul albastru deschis poate fi usor confundat cu acvamarinul.Culorile si proprietatile fizice ale acestor doua pietre sunt foarte apropiate, topazul fiind insa cea mai ieftina gema de pe piata.

Spre deosebire de smarald, acvamarinul este total lipsit de defecte,Costurile de fabricatie ale acvamarinului sintetic sunt foarte mari fata de abundenta in natura a acestei pietre.Producerea usoara si ieftina a spinelului face ca aceasta piatra sa fie vanduta adesea ca un inlocuitor sau imitatie a acvamarinului.De altfel, spinelul este adesea comercializat sub denumirea eronata de "acvamarin artificial."

Acvamarinul este o gema dura si durabila, insa uneori, poate prezenta crapaturi interne daca este lovit puternic.

Acvamarinul este taiat in numeroase fatete, fiind folosit ca bijuterie pentru cercei, inele, margele.Ocazional, cristale perfecte, taiate in 6 fatete sunt purtate ca pandative pentru gat.Acvamarinul transparent, cu efect de ochi de pisica sau de asterism este prelucrat sub forma de caboson.

Cele mai valoroase exploatari de acvamarin sunt in Brazilia, existand insa zacaminte importante si in Kenya, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan si Russia.

Astrologie, folclor, legende si capacitati de vindecare

-Acvamarinul a fost ales de piatra lunii de nastere martie de catre Asociatia Nationala Americana a Bijutierilor, in anul 1912.De asemenea este piatra de nastere a zodiei Scorpion.

Se spune ca aceasta gema are o actiune benefica asupra cuplurilor casatorite, ajutandu-le sa treaca peste diferentele de opinie sau de gust.Acvamarinul se obisnuieste sa fie daruit cu prilejul aniversarii a 16 si a 19 ani de la casatorie.

-Totodata, se crede ca acvamarinul ar oferi protectie impotriva fortelor diavolilor.

-Purtat de catre o femeie, o poate ajuta sa se marite cu un barbat bogat.

-Acvamarinul aduce purtatorului o legatura intima cu ingerii, asigurand intotdeuna un acoperis deasupra capului si mancare pe masa.

-Aceasta piatra a oceanului confera abilitatea de a invata si memora.

-Visul acvamarinului semnifica legarea de noi prietenii.

-Numarul vibrant al acvamarinului : 1.

-Chakra principala a acvamarinului : gatul.

-Din timpuri stravechi, a existat credinta ca acvamarinul ii da purtatorului cu clarviziune, curaj si fericire.Se spune ca stimuleaza inteligenta si confera tinerete.

-Acvamarinul este o piatra simbolica a protectiei in calatoriile pe mare, spunandu-se ca ar fi fost daruit de catre sirene.

Pentru intaia oara, acvamarinul este mentionat documentar de catre greci, in anii 480-300 ien.Pentru acestia, amuletele din acvamarin oferau marinarilor curaj si aparau impotriva adversitatii valurilor, in special daca pe gema era gravata imaginea lui Poseidon intr-un car.

-Din punct de vedere al resurselor de vindecare, se credea ca este de folos in cazul tulburarilor nervoase, in Evul Mediu considerandu-se ca ar putea reduce efectul unor otravuri.

Acvamarinul curata si aliniaza chakrele, corpurile mentale si eterice.Purifica sistemul imfatic.Reduce frica si ajuta la comunicarea cu cei din jur intr-un mod afectuos, atrage prietenii si faciliteaza comunicarea in general.

Ajuta la ameliorarea laturii spirituale a fiintei, la acumularea simtamantului de a fi o parte a unei entitati atotcuprinzatoare.

Acvamarinul are un efect benefic asupra gatului, timusului, alergiilor respiratorii, gurii, inimii, sistemului imunitar, si nodulilor limfatici.

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Thursday This N That

Thursday This N That
"Welcome to Thursday This 'n That! "


"My first snippet is from Connie's Thoughts From My Heart."

As I look back over my Christian life, I see times of joy, times of victory, times of trials, times of failure. We are all on the mountain tops when all is going just right and we see God's blessings in our lives. But what do we do when the hard times come? When there is sickness, hurt and pain? Where there are trials, you don't feel you deserve? When you look out and see no light?

In my life, I have found, we have two choices. " more..."


"From Bro. Jerry Bouey at "Buy The Truth" we have another Bible study:"


The Lord is calling His children away from the world to fellowship with Himself. In this Song by Solomon, Jesus (pictured by King Solomon) is the believers' Beloved, and we are His love. (This distinction is clearly used all throughout this song.) In His eyes we are fair - in fact, in Song of Solomon 4:7 He praise His bride in stating, Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee. All true believers (who have placed personal faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, believing and receiving the Gospel according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4) have been washed in the precious blood of the Lamb (1 Peter 1:18-19 and Revelation 1:5) and credited and clothed with the righteousness of Christ (Romans 10:4); therefore in the Lord's eyes there is no spot in them. When our Heavenly Father looks at His children, He sees them through the righteousness of Christ, in whom there is no stain of sin or blemish. Do you arise from your busy pursuits, come away from the hustle and bustle of this dreary world, and spend time daily in fellowship with the Lord? Do you spend time listening to His voice as He speaks to you through the Word of God? Like the Shulamite, do you rejoice in the voice of your Beloved?

(See Song of Solomon 2:8-10) more...

"Here is another one from Starr, at Cooking With The Preacher's Wife."SOUTHERN POT ROAST

I LOVE Sunday dinner! My family LOVES Sunday dinner. It is a BIG deal in our home. Our son and his family live next door and we all eat together every Sunday. I just LOVE it! There are usually 9 of us that eat together every Sunday, but now we've added a Summer guest, so it's 10. We always decorate the table in some fun way, seasonal or whatever strikes our fancy. And I've done that since my children were very small. My girls always got a big kick out of helping "decorate" the Sunday dinner table. We did a patriotic table for more...

"Another Christmas song from Songs Of Faith:"

Ponder These Things

I wrote this song several years ago. I call it my response to "Mary Did You Know," which is a beautiful song, but always leaves me saying, Yes, Mary knew! I don't believe that she knew that Jesus would walk on water, or other little details, but she knew who her son was! After all, she had an angel come and tell her that she had been chosen for a special purpose. That's kindof hard to forget! " more..."


"If you are a member of the KJV Blog Directory, and would like to contribute a post, please send me a link at debbloack at Thanks!

"Posted by Deb, from Songs From My Journey."

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Medusa And Pandora Box

Medusa And Pandora Box
These two stories have fascinated me since I was a kid; Medusa and Pandora's Box.

Here's a basic description of Medusa: The medusa was an ugly creature. Let's have a look at how she came into existance, for she wasn't always that ugly... Again, the Gods played their role. The Medusa was the daughter of Phorkys and Keto, the children of Gaia (Earth) and Okeanos (Ocean). She was one of the three sisters known as the Gorgons. The other two sisters were Sthenno and Euryale. Medusa was the only mortal out of the three. She was once very beautiful and lived far in the north were the sun didn't visit. Being very curious, she wanted to see the sun, and asked the Goddess Athena for permission to visit the south. Athena refused to allow her to visit. The medusa got angry and dared to say that Athena hadn't given her permission because she was jealous of her beauty. that was it! Athena was angered and punished her by turning her hair into snakes and cursing her by making her so ugly that who ever looks at her eyes would turn into stone.

"The Gorgon"

Here's the story of Pandora's Box: "Prometheus was a Titan who really liked humans. He helped them in any way he could. When he saw them shivering at night and eating raw meat, he knew they needed fire. But the gods did not allow man to have fire. They knew that man would misuse it and destroy with it. Prometheus was sure that the good man did with fire would outweigh the bad, so he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. Zeus decided to punish Prometheus with trickery. He called Aphrodite to pose while Hephaestus made a clay figure of a woman. Then he brought the statue to life. The gods granted the woman with many gifts including beauty, charm, cunning, wit, eloquence, deceit, skill, and curiosity. Then Zeus gave her a box and told her she was never to open it. Zeus then offered Pandora as a wife to Prometheus. The Titan wanted her, but he refused because he knew it must be a trick of the gods. Zeus became angry and punished Prometheus. The Titan was chained to a rock. There, a vulture came daily to feed on his flesh. Prometheus's brother, Epimetheus, accepted Pandora as his wife, and the couple settled down for a happy life. But Pandora always wondered what was in the box Zeus gave her. Finally she couldn't hold her curiosity down anymore. She opened the box, and from it flew hate, anger, sickness, poverty, and every bad thing in the world. She slammed the lid down and managed to trap the final evil still in the box: hopelessness. So today, even when the going gets tough, every human still has hope."

"Pandora's Box"


Gop Refuses To Appoint Members

Gop Refuses To Appoint Members To Obamacares Death Panel

Vision to America

May 10, 2013


GOP Refuses to Appoint Members to Obamacare's 'Death Panel'


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Ted Cruz Seeks to Ban Illegal Immigrants in U.S. from Citizenship ABOUT VisiontoAmerica.COM Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father's vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world-a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.

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