Pagan Wiccan


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Wiccan Supplies: Your Easy Guide

Wiccan Supplies Your Easy Guide To Witchcraft Learning The Basics Of Witchcraft Posted By Caroly
Witchcraft is the oldest recognized religion founded on archaeological evidence like burial rituals and goddess figurines. However, the modern type of witchcraft is based on a combination of archaeology, oral traditions and modern interpretations as well as activities such as visions, dreams, or divination.

If you want to be a witch, you can become one. You can actually decide to make yourself a witch. With the modern type of witchcraft called eclectic witchcraft, you can create your own version by choosing from different traditions around the world to come up with a customized version of witchcraft that will fit you. However, you should take note that the first rule in the guide to witchcraft is for you to avoid causing harm to others. So if you decide to become a witch, be sure to send out good and positive energy.

There are ancient and modern kinds of witchcraft and the most famous type is Wicca. It is a religion which focuses on worshipping nature. The Wiccan faith is established on the worship of the religion known as 'Divine in Nature.' The guide to witchcraft followed by Wiccans is based on the use of witchcraft spells or prayers and rituals as a way of asking for divine help. The Wiccan Rede is their major rule of behavior. It prohibits them from causing harm to themselves and other people.

In early witchcraft, magic rituals are combined with herbal preparations. Early witches for example believed that eating rose hips is helpful during menstruation. This traditional witchcraft practice is the root of associating roses with romance. As witchcraft blossomed and changed through the years, its new forms can all be traced back to female shamanism.

Your guide to witchcraft would not be completed without knowing the other types of witchcraft. Another modern form of witchcraft is the Tameran Witchcraft which is based on ancient Egyptian witchcraft and includes some forms of Wicca and eclectic witchcraft. The attempt to copy ancient Egyptian witchcraft is called kemetic witchcraft.

Even if the Roman Catholic considers witchcraft as heresy, there are still many Christian witches existing today. However, these Christian witches differ in who they worship. Some Wiccans honor Jesus as their God and Mary as their Goddess. Some witches worship only the Christian trinity or just Jesus.

Though there are witchcraft spells that can be practiced at home, there are also some who have natural talent for it. They are called natural witches and their natural talents are obvious. Their natural witch talents include having dreams that predict the future and accurateness with tarot, runes, and other prophecy.

To become a witch is just the same as becoming a Christian, Buddhist or Muslim. If your heart is into it, then you can decide to become a witch.

An important guide to witchcraft to know if it is right for you is to try performing meditation or an initiation ritual. The best teachers of witchcraft are the practicing witches. However, there are also a lot of witches who learned on their own. There are witches who practice in covens and some may also prefer to work alone.

Wiccan Supplies


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Carolyn Anderson is fascinated by magic and witchcraft. For an underground guide to witchcraft, check out Witchcrafts Greatest Secrets. Also check out Subliminal Video Message System, to help you find what you want in life.

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