Pagan Wiccan


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Thursday This N That

Thursday This N That
"Welcome to Thursday This 'n That! "


"My first snippet is from Connie's Thoughts From My Heart."

As I look back over my Christian life, I see times of joy, times of victory, times of trials, times of failure. We are all on the mountain tops when all is going just right and we see God's blessings in our lives. But what do we do when the hard times come? When there is sickness, hurt and pain? Where there are trials, you don't feel you deserve? When you look out and see no light?

In my life, I have found, we have two choices. " more..."


"From Bro. Jerry Bouey at "Buy The Truth" we have another Bible study:"


The Lord is calling His children away from the world to fellowship with Himself. In this Song by Solomon, Jesus (pictured by King Solomon) is the believers' Beloved, and we are His love. (This distinction is clearly used all throughout this song.) In His eyes we are fair - in fact, in Song of Solomon 4:7 He praise His bride in stating, Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee. All true believers (who have placed personal faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, believing and receiving the Gospel according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4) have been washed in the precious blood of the Lamb (1 Peter 1:18-19 and Revelation 1:5) and credited and clothed with the righteousness of Christ (Romans 10:4); therefore in the Lord's eyes there is no spot in them. When our Heavenly Father looks at His children, He sees them through the righteousness of Christ, in whom there is no stain of sin or blemish. Do you arise from your busy pursuits, come away from the hustle and bustle of this dreary world, and spend time daily in fellowship with the Lord? Do you spend time listening to His voice as He speaks to you through the Word of God? Like the Shulamite, do you rejoice in the voice of your Beloved?

(See Song of Solomon 2:8-10) more...

"Here is another one from Starr, at Cooking With The Preacher's Wife."SOUTHERN POT ROAST

I LOVE Sunday dinner! My family LOVES Sunday dinner. It is a BIG deal in our home. Our son and his family live next door and we all eat together every Sunday. I just LOVE it! There are usually 9 of us that eat together every Sunday, but now we've added a Summer guest, so it's 10. We always decorate the table in some fun way, seasonal or whatever strikes our fancy. And I've done that since my children were very small. My girls always got a big kick out of helping "decorate" the Sunday dinner table. We did a patriotic table for more...

"Another Christmas song from Songs Of Faith:"

Ponder These Things

I wrote this song several years ago. I call it my response to "Mary Did You Know," which is a beautiful song, but always leaves me saying, Yes, Mary knew! I don't believe that she knew that Jesus would walk on water, or other little details, but she knew who her son was! After all, she had an angel come and tell her that she had been chosen for a special purpose. That's kindof hard to forget! " more..."


"If you are a member of the KJV Blog Directory, and would like to contribute a post, please send me a link at debbloack at Thanks!

"Posted by Deb, from Songs From My Journey."

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