Wishing everyone Blessings of the upcoming Beautiful "Blue Moon"Wishing you all Blue Moon Magic!
*Meditations of Water
Water is FlowLiquid MagicThe RainA tear of healing, grief, joy
Water is alivein All bodies of Water and is the home of many magical creatures and life forms
Wateris healingcleansingpurifying
Water is Inspiration EnergyWater magic creates the Power of FLOW in all areas of your lifebody-mind and spirit
Wateris peaceful">reflective
The sound of water dripping..falling..the rush of waves..all is healingWater magic carries you into a spac blissful inspiration and relaxation.
Wateris BeautyWateris LifeWater is a Sacred BlessingA magical energyThe Spiritual Flow of HarmonyThe essence of Wateris Life-GivingNourishingReplenishing and PowerfulWater is Nature's Powerful Life-forceit is creationalhealing and cleansingLike a poem of creation it soaks into the land, into Mother's Great Bodyto Bring Life to All Things and to Awaken New Magicinto Being.~Victoria Pettella~
There are many Gifts in each elementConnect with the Sacred Flow of WaterAllow it to nourish you and to speak to youin your own wayand create!Victoria
Reference: http://thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com