It is in and with the true and pure embodiment of love that I consciously step forward to be present within your energy and consciousness. I demonstrate to you through my presence your own sacred and divine self. If you can allow yourself to see, sense or acknowledge my energies as a pure embodiment of love then you are ready to accept, see, sense and acknowledge yourself in the same way, form and manifestation.
This realisation of yourself as an embodiment of love can be achieved through simple and yet powerful steps and intentions that you place firmly into each and every day you allow yourself to be consciously alert and present on the Earth.
Do not look to me as a leader of truth and love but look through me to yourself as an example of truth and love. I no longer walk the Earth as a physical embodiment and presence of my soul on the Earth and yet each and every day I walk the Earth through your being, through your actions, thoughts, loving gestures and divine connections.
Can you imagine me as being divinely present within everything, my peace, love and truth being present within your soul, within those that you meet? Could you imagine how beautiful your world could then seem as you see my sacred qualities wherever you are? Could you then replace my energy with your own, and imagine that you are divinely present within everything, within your being and within those that you meet, whether strangers or loved ones?
Would the world be a most beautiful place with your sacred qualities integrating and merging or appearing within all? Maybe through my questions you can see how much of your own power and self-realisation that you direct towards me, honouring my vibrations rather than your own. Of course when you look to me you will always look through me to acknowledge yourself but when you see those sacred and holy qualities do you truly recognise them as being present within you, as being a reflection of you?
I am here only to inspire that which is sacred within you to emerge, this has always been my purpose, to show you all that you are, to act as a mirror so that you may see yourself more fully, clearly and with perfect clarity. I show to you the most simplest of qualities and yet these are the greatest qualities and gifts that a human being or Light soul may hold. Through simplicity and communicating with simplicity we can all see beyond the many levels of illusion to grasp truth.
Simply sitting in meditation within my energy or allowing me to be present before you as our energy fields join and Light passes between us will allow you to use my energy and presence as a mirror to your own sacred divine truth and the essence or core of your being. The essence and core of your being is always evolving and expanding and so requires constant observation and focus in order to continue to realise the magnificence within your physical being. With realisation the presence and inspiration of truth unfolds allowing you to submerge yourself deeper into a state of truth awareness.
In meditation and connection with my energy allow yourself to focus upon my heart chakra, let yourself enter into my heart chakra, seeing, sensing acknowledging any energies, sensations or insights. Then remind yourself that what you are experiencing is you; this is your energies, your truth, your magnificence, you are acknowledging yourself, it is important to really ground and acknowledge this understanding deep within you. It is a way of confirming yourself as a sacred being of Light while also allowing your own truth to unravel with ease and free from expectations or pressure from within your being.
I am always present with you to help you unravel your truth, by doing so you are unravelling the truth of each and every soul, the Universe and the Creator. To unravel your truth is to loosen your hold on your own reality, your beliefs and perspectives of yourself, to undo that which ties you to your physical perspective of illusion and limitations gradually loosening and expanding the essence of your being. To unravel yourself could be perceived as allowing yourself to crumble and fall to pieces but sometimes this is needed in order to realise what is your true essence and what is a perspective that ties you to the reverse of truth which is untruth.
There are many areas of your reality and even self that you have created false fictional fabrications holding onto them as truths or natural aspects of your being. To see these false fictional fabrications without taking them personally, as an insult or causing yourself pain allows you to unravel the truth of your being which is the truth of the Creator. The truth of your being is like small but beautiful gems of the Creator, each exquisite and valuable.
When you allow yourself to acknowledge your divinity a natural reaction is that you become aware more fully of your limitations, barriers and fears. Often when you do not recognise yourself as sacred you also do not recognise the fears and limitations that you hold onto tightly and weave into your manifestations on the Earth. With realisation, your eyes are opened wide to all that you hold onto.
This is nothing to be ashamed of, to judge or punish yourself with; it is simply a process of unravelling your truth. When you are realising your fear, experiencing an unwanted manifestation or emotion in your life, it is important to realise that this is a natural process that you have created, a space in your reality in order for you to unravel your truth more, through loosening your hold upon certain ideas or perspectives and attuning to new insights that will serve you and carry you further along your spiritual path of illumination.
Do not be afraid to observe your fears and emotions as they arise within you, see, sense and observe them not as negative aspects but as a pathway to unravel your truth. By seeing beyond the fear or unneeded emotion and reminding yourself of light, of love and of gratitude you are able to literally see the light, bringing forth a spotlight of illumination from within your being to dissolve the barriers that restrain you and you hold onto, to replace each with a greater experience of peace and expansion.
The greatest tool of unravelling your truth and therefore loosening your hold upon aspects and perspective of your being and reality is through THE VIBRATION OF LOVE being constantly present within your being. This way you learn to give love to all, to react and act in love and to serve love to all situations and experiences.
With the presence of unconditional love and unconditional gratitude you are able to allow expansion to flow with tremendous ease. No longer will you experience the restrictions of illusion, fears, boundaries and limitations, your greatest experience will be of easy and prefect expansion, freedom and the unravelling of your truth. You will notice that negative or unwanted emotions, fears, attitudes and perspectives no longer cause you to suffer but are simply resolved or fall away in order to provide you with more space.
Your light and truth requires much space, often your perspectives and self-created limitations restrict your creative space and expression causing your truth to be hidden and tied up within your being. With the presence of love within your being as a constant vibration pulsating eternally, allow yourself as you know yourself to be now, to unravel, there is no way of you controlling your reality or experiences there is simply a need to focus rather than hold onto the love of your being while you fearlessly allow yourself to observe all aspects of your being.
Recognize your divinity and the sacred qualities that flow through your being, next to these qualities you will notice qualities of limitations and fears. With the realisation of your greater light self you may see that which limits your greater light self, realising and healing these qualities will allow for you to manifest and project from deep within your being a greater source of light.
I wish to make you aware that each situation in your reality may not always be what it seems, if you can allow yourself to recognise the pulsing vibration of love within your being you will be alerted to a higher insight or understanding of each situation. This will allow for you to loosen fears or unneeded qualities with ease and move into a space of constant and easy expansion effortlessly. In truth you will move into a constant state of freedom that is ever flowing and ever evolving.
If you wish, you can allow me to be a mirror to assist in the unravelling of your truth in order for you to embody your truth with tremendous ease and precision.With constant loving support,
Master Jesus
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