GARDENING TIPS Our local radio station has a Thought for the Day (like Radio 4, but a local person giving it). This week it has been the turn of a elderly lady who belongs to the Bahai faith, whom I once met at a Mind Body and Spirit Fair and chatted too. I remember being most impressed by the fact that while the other stalls were all selling things - fortune telling, crystals, head massage, angel cards etc, she was the only one just giving away leaflets (if people wanted them) and taking time to talk to people (a rare commodity), and not selling anything at all (apart from her faith, and her hopes for world peace).
Today's thought for today she got from the Amish (where I managed to track it down); it has also been used by scouts and many other people. Some useful advice from an Amish publication concerning planting your garden...
First, plant 5 rows of peas: preparedness, promptness, perseverance, politeness, and prayer.
Next to them, plant 3 rows of squash: squash gossip, squash criticism, squash indifference. No garden is complete without some turnips: Turn up with a smile. Turn up with determination. Finally, how about 5 rows of lettuce? Let us be faithful. Let us be unselfish. Let us be loyal. Let us be truthful.
Let us love one another.
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