Clearly Light Divine
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Exhausted yesterday (even though I really like my new job) by my new work week (where one workday this past week - my first week - averaged between 10 and 11 hours, which is not an easy endeavor for a 46-year-old following an extended period of years of un/underemployment), today this shabbat day, I am "renewed".
In the upcoming new week's parashah, "Beha'alotcha", we find that Aaron and Miriam spoke against Moshe (Bamidbar 12:1-2), and by extension, against the prophecy of Moshe. In consequence to the charge made by Aaron and Miriam, the Divine commanded all three to go to the Tabernacle (Bamidbar 12:4-8). There, Aaron and Miriam were called outside - to which they both cried "water! water!" (Rashi). Inside the Tabernacle, to Moshe alone did the Shechinah reveal Herself (Numbers Rabbah 14:19, Rashi on Vayikra 1:1).
Now hear My words. When there is a prophet among you, I make Myself known in a vision, I speak in a dream. But it is not so with my servant Moshe - in all My house, he is faithful. "Mouth to mouth" I speak with him, in a vision and not in riddles. [Bamidbar 12:4-8]
UNIQUE. The prophecy of Moshe is unique among the prophets. Mouth to mouth, the Divine communicates. Zohar (I:170b-71a, Yev. 49b, Leviticus Rabbah 1:14) tells us "Moshe received the Divine message standing with his senses unimpaired, and he comprehended it fully... whereas other prophets "fell on their faces" in a state of exhaustion and did not obtain a perfectly clear message." The words of their prophecies were unclear riddles, unlike Moshe's singularly unique prophecy.
SINGULAR WORD. Earlier in the parashah (Bamidbar 9:2), we also find the word meaning "in its appointed time". This word () which "the Divine spoke" to Moshe mouth to mouth, itself is connected to prophecy (nevuah). With a gematria of 128, it is the im hakolel (mispar musaphi) of the number of years (127) in the life of Sarah Imeinu, the prophetess whose Torah Aur illumines Gan Eden.
HIGH HOLY ONE. The Hebrew name Sarah means "woman of high rank", and (see link) is "sometimes translated as "Goddess" or "High Holy One"."
VISION. The prophet Yishayahu (51:2) exhorts us to look to our mother Sarah. Happiness and joy abide with Her, where thanksgiving and the sound of music can be heard. Through Her emanates Light among peoples.
TORAH AUR. Taken together, through the Divine Word, the prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu and Sarah Imeinu are identified as uniquely and singularly One, mouth to mouth.
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