Many of the steps in spiritual awakening are riddles in which one must find the right question before one can find the right answer. Most people think finding an answer is hard but the truth is your spirit, mind, and body will find the answer to any question you ask, However to find a true answer you must first sift through the questions to find the right one.
The first step in learning inner silence is to learn to hear the world around you. One will find it hard to learn focus by trying to focus on one thing it is a good thing to learn but has to be done in steps. So to find the tree first you have to find the forest. There is so much activity going on around us these days one finds it hard to actually think.
It used to be you could think and learn to listen as you did your daily chores for all there was around you was the sounds and activities of the natural world. Today you have TV, radio, cars, and neighbors making sounds all around you so to concentrate takes a true act of will. The first exercise to find your way in is to find your way out.
Take 10 to 15 mina day sit in your front yard or in a mall or
For those interested in step 2 write me when you have achieved this state and tell me what it is you hear or see in your inner eye.
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The Pagan Village Tribe
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