Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Waxing Half Moon Moves Into Virgo

Waxing Half Moon Moves Into Virgo
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Wisdom."

9th Day of the 5th Lunar Cycle

Ruled by Kore

Lunar Tree Cycle of Saille/Willow

27th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Saille/Willow

9th Day of the Cycle of Mab -

Days of Faeries

Moon Phase: waxing Half Moon

Moon sets: 2:20AM EDST

Moon rises: 1:54PM EDST

Moon in Leo v/c 5:43AM EDST

Moon enters the Mutable Earth

Sign of Virgo at 9:59AM EDST

Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The wisdom

of nature

Sun in Taurus

Sunrise: 6:06AM EDST

Sunset: 8:24PM EDST

Solar Question for the Day: "Who

do you need to forgive the most?

Beltane (Calan Mai) Quarter

of the Year

May 11th, 2011

MOON IN VIRGO - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives a to-do list. We become impatiently aware of what needs to be improved, fixed or healed. Our compassion is strong, but we can get irritated at less industrious folk. This transit is a time to weed, edit, critique, care, exercise, investigate, study, heal, but remember to be gentle with other. During this transit important issues are practicality, organization, cleaning up your diet or your home, healing your body or offering healing to others and attending to loose ends. After the Leo party it's a time to clean up our act and turn our attentions to the matter of our health and hygiene. This is a time of taking responsibility and cleaning up the messes we've been leaving. Virgo brings painstaking attention to details; housecleaning is a good way to work through a Virgo transit. During a Virgo Moon transit women are mentally active but there is a tendency to excessive criticism both of oneself and others. Emotionally it's an inward time, when we can reflect on personal relationships. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick involving employment, intellectua matters, health and dietary concerns. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time. Those who were born under a Virgo Moon are curious, responsible, caring but need cultivate gentle acceptance of self and others.

WODEN'S DAY - Mercury Day, the Day of Communication and Conncection... there are minor magickal energies for divination and working Elemental magick.


Deborah Lipp says in the beginning of her book "The Way of Four "this: "In Wicca and much of occult, the four elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth describe the universe and everything in it. Everything can be understood as taking part in one or more elements. Everything this is whole contains all four, and can be understood more deeply by dividing it into four and viewing it through a lens. The elements are the building blocks of creation; they are the beginning of "things. "The undifferentiated void that preceeded creation had no elements, or to put it another way, all elements are One. But creation - things, reality - consists of the elements... The four elements give us a way of thinking about the world. They give us a structured approach to knowing the unknowable. They provide us with a system of interrelations and magick is all about interraltions."

Here is a link to an website that give us more information about the Elements and how they can work in our magick spells and rituals:

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