**Warning: This is one of those loong posts, you know? ;) **
And soooo, you guys who know me over one year knows that I broke up with my ex, and that last year was the first time Lucas spent his January vacations with his dad, seven hours away from me. And you guys remember well how bad it was for me, who has never been away from my son for a single day. Oh well, lessons learned.
To shorten a very long story, Lucas decided by himself that he wouldn't go this vacations. He couldn't explain why, just didn't want to go, and decided spending January at home. Maybe the fact that in the first vacations, once he was put in a cab late night to meet his dad in the neighbour town, 25 minutes away from where he was had something to do with it, although apparently, it didn't leave any "traumas" in his mind and heart. I talked to him about how important it was for his dad and family to have him during this period of time, that they love and miss him, but he was firm in his decision, and I thought it would be wiser not to force him, I wouldn't force him to anyway. I have to confess that I got happy to have him at home, with mixed feelings of relieve and guilty, as if I haven't done enough to make him change his mind. At the same time, I know I did what I could as naturally as possible, and that he's getting old enough to start making his own decisions, feeling safe that his mom is always supporting him when he needs it.
Anywho... We spent New Year Eve in Araruama, at my cousin's beach house, where I've been last year. It was Lucas' first time there, and he simply adored the place. The famous, huge lagoon is breath-taking for adults, imagine for a little boy!
We walked along it several times, and he "fished" many shells on the way (still in the plastic bag to be washed and place in his altar).
He had a blast in the house pool, all proud that I didn't need to hold his hand, just watching by the edge. It was like a little fish, it was hard to convince him to get out of it, to eat or sleep, lol!
.. And of course I had fun too! ;)
The Reveillon night was beautiful, the lagoon beach was crowded but comfortable to be at, not that huge mass like Copacabana's. Lucas enjoyed his first fires!
Here, he's in front of candles lit in the sand for Yemanja, something very traditional at this special night:
Like many others, this man threw flowers on the lagoon for Yemanja, and prayed for a long time after each flower was ont the water... I wonder what he wished, and hope he gets it, if "harm none"...:
At midnight, I wet my fingers on the lagoon, and made a pentagram on his forehead and on mine, asking for protectrion along the new year, and thanking the old one that was leaving us. Then I hugged and kissed my little witch:
As well as grandma, ;)
Lucas made good friends in Araruama, like Nina:
And Julieta:
And the best for him: he went, also for the first time, to an amusement park! One of those itinerant parks was in town, and obviously, I had to take the chance! He had so much fun! Ghost train, bumping cars, rockets, trampolines... He had a bit of everyhting, and it was such a delight to watch him laughing and having so much fun. It's wonderful to see that light in his eyes and around him with such something so simple and irresistible. It was like seeing myself in him when I was his age.
Summoning it up, it was perfect! We spent some wonderful days with awesome friends, and got back home ready for 2011. I hope you all have a great new year as well, with batteries recharged for the new challenges that always come. I have a little list of resolutions that I intend to take to term this year... But this is for another post! ;)
Tags: candle magic purity candle deification theosis and c anthropology religion llewellyns magic magick series teutonic teutonic astral projection can you happy august greeting