Where Is The Kingdom Of God
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/ 7:47 AM /
The kingdom of God is within our hearts (Luke 17:21). It is the spirit of Jesus which is unconditional, selfless, sacrificial, merciful, humble, ever-forgiving and faithful. This spirit is instilled in every human heart (Ezekiel 36:27) through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Those who make him the Lord of their life by accepting his spirit (Romans 10:9), are enabled by the spirit to love their enemies, do good to those who hurt and betray them, offer the other cheek if struck on one, give without expecting anything in return, bring healing to their offenders by their prayers and acts of sacrificial love (Matthew 5:43-48), consider others as superior to them, seek the interest of others over their own (Philippians 2:3-4) and stay faithful to their marriage vows even when there is hurt and unfaithfulness (Luke 6:18 & Hosea 3:1).
Reference: http://magical-poetry.blogspot.com