Presents Circle Craft Study And Pagan
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/ 6:53 PM /
PAGANS TONIGHT RADIO NETWORK PRESENTS: 8 PM CST-CIRCLE CRAFT STUDY with Selena Fox Creating Imbolc Rituals & Celebrations: Explore ways to incorporate ancient and contemporary customs, chants, symbols, and ceremonies into personal, household and community celebrations of Imbolc, festival of the Waxing Light and the Celtic Goddess Brigid. 9 PM CST-PAGAN PRIEST: Renewal of Faith Your beliefs dont make you better, your Behavior does~What behaviors do you see in yourself that are unproductive or no longer serve you & What are you willing to Change? Panelists~Terry, Rick & Torcyr Pagan Priest is a panel disccusion with priests from around the nation featuring- Mark Brown aka the Marque, River Higginbotham, Rev. Richard Keen, Rev. Michael Neal, Rev. Ed the Pagan Hubbard, Dr. Scott Marshall (Foo), Raven Digitalis, Raven Kaldera, David Sassman, and Terry Power. Tune in and join us as we discuss topics of interest and male spirituality.
Pagans Tonight Pagan Priest Circle Sanctuary pagan spirituality Selena Fox