The usual caveats apply. If you're a minor or don't like stories about girls, or stories about girls who developic titanic strength and huge breasts, don't read this. There's a little sexual activity, and
considerable innuendo, as well. It ain't for kids.
I don't want to offend anyone...well, I don't want to offend anyone important, anyway. Like Senator Exon - I CERTAINLY don't want to
offend him.
By the way, I'd like to let the First Lady know I support her all the way with this subpoena and likely-indictment business. I mean, I'm SURE she and Billy-boy are guilty as HELL, but if we don't support a strong woman hereabouts in, how can we
complain when the magazines are filled with mewling waifs?
Anyway, Hilly, if you're reading this (and I suspect you are, you kinky little cutie), you have our prayers.
Mighty Lingster
M I G H T Y M O R P H I N ' A MA Z O N C H E E R L E A D E R S
T R A C E Y ' S D I A R Y
November 15, 1996
Dear Diary,
I thought it would be interesting to look through Richard's journals from the week after the the start of my transformation.
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Saturday, 23 June, 1995, 11:00 am - Kitchen table
Tracy gone on cycling trip with Maggie & Karen this morning.
I plan to spend day practicing meditation - could be useful on SATs.
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Sunday, 24 June 1995, 7:30 pm - My bedroom
Called Tracy today. Wanted to experiment with "Rite of Shiva"
ancient mystical Hindi lovemaking technique I've read of. She made
excuses, didn't seem to want to see me - her voice a little husky.
Denies she has cold or flu. Dumping me?
Perhaps for best. While having trouble coming to terms with
fixation on physically dominant women, may be best to put such
a frail creature as Tracey back on shelf.
Carla, though. She fills my sleep. Is she as strong as me?
Stronger? I need to know.
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Monday, 25 June 1995, 12:30 pm - School cafeteria
Strangeness afoot. Tracy and her two cheerleader friends went out
bicycling Saturday, and she's avoided me since.
The summer college prep seminar is in session, roughly half the
junior & senior class is enrolled. Provides excellent opportunity to keep tabs on Tracey. I approached her at her locker this morning,
intending to confront, but felt dizzy, confused when I spoke to her.
Her two cheerleader friends, Karen & Maggie, were there. They
moved very close to me (supported me as I fell?), I felt vaguely
threatened. I remember the whole parade of events as though a
Oddly arousing. Am I coming down with flu?
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Tuesday, 26 June 1995, 10:30 pm, My bedroom - mescaline test
(transcribed later from scribbles)
Lamp lamp lamp
BIG GIRLS have all the fun
All bones and no flesh made tRACY a dull girl
super cheerleaders
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Wednesday, 27 June, 7:00 am, My bedroom
Looking over past night's hallucenogenic scribblings, clear that my unusual fetish is occupying my thoughts. Odd that I should imprint
it on Tracey, so small and weak. In fever-dream I imagined her as tall as myself, fabulously muscled and endowed.
Began taking hallucinogens to come into contact with my true mind,
is it leading me astray? Sex magick with Tracey having after-effects?
Perhaps best to focus on 12th grade concerns: chess team,
homework, AD&D. Princeton would reject me out of hand if this
became known.
Yet just writing about Tracey has aroused me. What is happening?
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Thursday, 28 June 1995, 3:45 am, Woods behind high school
Holy s
I am going out of my f
ing MIND!
Where do I start? I can't, I don't, how can this happen?
She lifted me over her, rolled me under her. I felt like a sex toy. Tracey was in control. Completely. I may as well have been a dildo.
The mescaline has corrupted my mind. I'm going home to sleep (must
not miss school - perfect attendance record to think of), then, what?
Voluntary committal at mental hospital?
I don't know. Cheerleaders can turn into amazons overnight, can't
they? I mean, CAN they? Freudian slip. Giddy.
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Friday, 29 June 1995, 7:00 a.m., My bedroom
No sleep.
the college prep seminar, I'm staying home.
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Friday, 29 June 1995, 12:15 pm, School cafeteria
Came in late, record intact.
How did I miss it before? Tracy has grown as tall, if not taller,
than I. Her friends have developed remarkably since last week,
as well. No one seems to have noticed. What is happening?
Last night was like something out of fantasy. Groping think knotted cords of muscle even as I plunged deeper and deeper into a woman so familiar, yet so alien. Breasts ample enough to suffocate pressed
into my face, nipples like little-toes resisting my tongue.
Not in control. I did as she suggested or, at times, commanded.
I have always stood up to bullies, many fights lost, some won. As
worst as I've been tossed around was as nothing compared to
Tracey's gentle power last night. I have never been so aroused.
Still I did not believe my eyes until her blouse came off. The first glimpse of her concave, muscular stomach, followed by her ample
breasts (D - CUP?), and thick pectoral muscles convinced me that
my suspicions were correct. But my reason fled me and faintness
nearly prevailed as her arms and shoulders emerged from beneath
their veil. Thicker and far stronger than have any business being
found on a sixteen-year-old girl, they overwhelmed me before I was
even wrapped within them. And when I was wrapped within them,
I would have done, and WOULD DO, ANYTHING to remain there.
I am in love, but will she still love me, now that she is so much the stronger of us?
R I C H A R D ' S J O U R N A L
Friday, 29 June 1995, 7:00 pm, My bedroom
Went to the cheerleading practice today, had a chance to size
girls up.
Smallest, least muscular of transformed three.
Breasts very large, movements athletic and confident - perhaps
possessed of enhanced physical strength.
Nearly as tall as me. Very large breasts, extremely muscular.
Seems to be even larger today than earlier in week. Still growing?
Enhanced, if not superhuman, strength very likely. Knocked Tracey
over accidentally! Behavior erratic.
Slightly taller than me. Build very athletic, long lean muscles.
Smallest breasts of three, though still very large. Definite enhanced strength.
Noted with irony that Carla, formerly my fantasy woman, now same
height as Tracy, much less muscular, smaller breasts. Seems skinny, underdeveloped, and girlish by comparison.
Fears about Tracey's loss of interest in me seem unfounded. She is
more affectionate than ever. Karen's continued growth raises
questions, though. How large will three cheerleaders get? Will other students experience similar transformations? Tracey refuses to
discuss root of growth. Possibly viral/hormonal disorder. Possibly
magic - black or white? Bicycle trip? Must investigate.
Was Karen making eyes at me?
Such a perceptive boy, isn't he?
Tags: book gift happiness secret secret lucid dreaming we attract abundance when bible in israel prophecy fruit vegetable and nut the year