Pagan Wiccan


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The Wiccan Rede And Ye Harm None Do What Thou Wilt

The Wiccan Rede And Ye Harm None Do What Thou Wilt
Wicca is a religion that recognizes the laws of nature and the universe as an integral part of life. Besides these natural laws, there are few written tenants that transcend the divide between tradition-defined and eclectic Wicca. Most use the Wiccan Rede, for guidance, and interpret these writings with their personal understanding and experience. Others may belong to a tradition or coven that defines a certain ethical or moral code.

The Goddess and the God represent the duality of the energy in the

universe. Although nothing would be complete without both aspects, some

forms of Wicca place more emphasis on the Goddess, because She is the giver

of life, the womb, and the earth itself.

Monotheism is the belief in one deity.

Polytheism is the belief in many deities.

Animism is the belief that all things have a consciousness and are helped to

grow by the non-physical worlds.

Pantheism is the belief that god is everywhere and that all gods and

goddesses are aspects of one deity.

Wicca often is Pantheistic. In that belief:

All Goddesses are one Goddess.

All Gods are one God.

The God and Goddess are one. THE GODDESS

The Goddess is the giver of life, but knowledgeable of death. She

represents the womb of the mother, nature, the earth, and a plethora of other

things. The Goddess is very dynamic and receptive, as opposed to active and

energetic. Symbols of the goddess include the triple moon, the chalice/goblet,

and the cauldron. She is the ruler of the waxing half of the year, from Yule

(December 21st) to Midsummer (June 21st).

The Goddess has three general aspects: the Maiden, the Mother, and

the Crone. These aspects are in correspondence with the three phases of a

woman's life, as well as the three phases of the moon. The Maiden is the

waxing crescent moon, which is the moon at the beginning of its life cycle. The

Introduction to Wicca and Magick

Mother is the full moon, the ripe, fertile lady. The Crone is the waning crescent

moon, the moon in its final stages of the cycle.

The moon is full for three days, and these days can also be broken

down to fit into this pattern. The full moon is a very powerful time, because

during those three days, the moon is reflecting back the most amount of the

sun's light as possible. The first day of the full moon represents Maiden

energies, the second day is Mother energies, and the third day is Crone


The color that best represents the Goddess is silver. The moon appears

silver or gray. A pool of water reflecting the light of the moon is silver. Mirrors

also have reflective properties and they tend to be silver as well. Silver is a

cool, calm, and receptive tone. It balances well with gold, which is the color

most associated with the Sun God.

Here are a few goddesses from various traditions: Cerridwen, Isis,

Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana, Aphrodite, Persephone, Gaea,

Hera, Artemis, Iris, and Athena.


The God is the father figure. He is the Horned One, the consort of the

Goddess, and her equal. He represents linear energies and is very active and

energetic. Symbols of the God include the sun, harvest, death, incense, wand,

and the athame. He is the ruler of the waning half of the year, from Midsummer

(June 21st) to Yule (December 21st).

The color gold best represents the God, because the sun is bright and

warm. Gold is also the color of the fields waiting to be harvested. It is an color

of stability, power, and wealth.

Gods from various traditions include Pan, Zeus, Odin, the Green Man,

and the Horned One.

The universe is a give and take, an ebb and flow of energies. Wicca is

a system that recognizes the oneness, the wholeness, of the universe and in

the divine cosmic energies that are present in everything. However, we

separate the deity into the God and the Goddess to better understand the

Firefly: Wiccan Advancement

balance that exists within the vast reaches of the universe, as well as here on


Birth and death, yin and yang, good and evil, black and white, new and

old, light and dark...our reality is made up of countless dualities. Though each

of these dualities expresses two absolute extremities, many times in real life,

the actual dualities are a mixture of the two. At the beginning of life, you are

born. However, birth is not one end of the extremity. It is not purely the

beginning of life. It is also the end of something. Reincarnation is the process of

experiencing many lifetimes to gain the necessary knowledge to become one

with the divine. When we are born, we lose much of our knowledge of prior

experiences. This is a death or ending of some sort. So, in reality, birth is never

truly one side of the extremity. Birth is both living and dying in some sense. It

is a mixture of the two.

We work with the God and the Goddess to understand how the cosmic

energies in the universe are mixed, how they move, and how they affect us. We

also utilize their symbology to better direct our energy or the energy of the

earth and the universe. THE REDE AND THE CHARGE

The Wiccan Rede is a moral guide to which Wiccans hold themselves

accountable. Similar to an earlier writing by Aleister Crowley, "Do what thou

wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
" was transmuted to read, "And ye harm

none, do what thou wilt,
" and is now the most commonly accepted version of

the Wiccan Law. It was adopted because it represents some of the most

fundamental Wiccan principles, having made its way into the following poem.

The Law is about self-accountability, self-responsibility, and above all,

self-awareness. It speaks of the need to be more aware of the fact that what

we do affects other people and living things. Wicca does not restrict us to a set

of defined guidelines. We are of our own command, but the underlying principle

is that what we do should not hurt others.

A frequently overlooked principle of the Rede is that harming none

includes not harming ourselves. Even knowing this, many Wiccans do not take

an active part in keeping themselves from harm. We may not inflict intentional

physical pain upon ourselves, but we would do better to take care of our bodies.

Once the body is exhausted beyond its means, the spark of life cannot



And ye harm none, do what thou wilt.


Extended Version 1

Bide in the Wiccan Law ye must,

In perfect love and perfect trust.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An ye harm none, do what ye will.

Ever mind the Rule of Three:

What ye send out, comes back to thee.

Follow this with mind and heart,

And merry ye meet, and merry ye part.

(Author unknown) THE WICCAN REDE

Extended Version 2

Bide ye the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.

Ye must live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out.

To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little and listen much.

Deosil1 goes by waxing moon, chanting out the Wiccan rune.

Widdershins2 go by waning moon, chanting out the baneful tune.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

When the moon rides at Her peak, then the heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the moor wind blows from the West, departed spirits have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the truth to know.

When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to other's greed.

With a fool no seasons spend, or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law ye should, three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is now, wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in love ye must ever be, lest they love be false to thee.

These eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: "An harm ye none, do what thou



The God is the father figure. He is the Horned One, the consort of the

Goddess, and her equal. He represents linear energies and is very active and

energetic. Symbols of the God include the sun, harvest, death, incense, wand,

and the athame. He is the ruler of the waning half of the year, from Midsummer

(June 21st) to Yule (December 21st).

The color gold best represents the God, because the sun is bright and

warm. Gold is also the color of the fields waiting to be harvested. It is an color

of stability, power, and wealth.

Gods from various traditions include Pan, Zeus, Odin, the Green Man,

and the Horned One.

The universe is a give and take, an ebb and flow of energies. Wicca is

a system that recognizes the oneness, the wholeness, of the universe and in

the divine cosmic energies that are present in everything. However, we

separate the deity into the God and the Goddess to better understand the

Firefly: Wiccan Advancement

balance that exists within the vast reaches of the universe, as well as here on


Birth and death, yin and yang, good and evil, black and white, new and

old, light and dark...our reality is made up of countless dualities. Though each

of these dualities expresses two absolute extremities, many times in real life,

the actual dualities are a mixture of the two. At the beginning of life, you are

born. However, birth is not one end of the extremity. It is not purely the

beginning of life. It is also the end of something. Reincarnation is the process of

experiencing many lifetimes to gain the necessary knowledge to become one

with the divine. When we are born, we lose much of our knowledge of prior

experiences. This is a death or ending of some sort. So, in reality, birth is never

truly one side of the extremity. Birth is both living and dying in some sense. It

is a mixture of the two.

We work with the God and the Goddess to understand how the cosmic

energies in the universe are mixed, how they move, and how they affect us. We

also utilize their symbology to better direct our energy or the energy of the

earth and the universe.

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