Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Voodoo Veves

Voodoo Veves
A veve is a voodoo symbol for a voodoo loa or deity. The veve is used to represent the voodoo deity at rituals. Every veve is unique to each voodoo deity both male and female and is very important in ritual workings. Sacrifices and offerings are usually placed upon them (veves) for the most part voodoo veves are drawn on the ground. The person performing the ritual will usually make a powder like substance themselves the material totally depends on the ritual to be worked or performed. They range from red brick powder, bark, wheat, cornmeal, flour and even gun powder. It takes a lot of practice to draw these veves correctly and all your being must go into preparing these veves and must be treated with reverence. Bless be !

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