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Imbolc Ritual Today

Imbolc Ritual Today

spring is finally coming...

the days will be getting longer...

and many things will begin anew...

a time for omens of things to come...

So Mote it Be...

This whole week I had been looking forward to today, my intention for today was to go into this snow day spending all day getting caught up on my Wiccan studies. However as the snow storm stacked another foot of snow on top of the 3 I already had I realized that nothing was going to go as planned. Nothing new for me :))) I woke up to a stumbling block this morning that shook me a bit, but at the same time clarified things for me. Ok I know I'm being vague lol, but I can't put my entire personal life out there. ;) However I will try to explain the best I can. :) What I have noticed is that the more I get into Wicca the more signs and things that have meaning to me seem to just jump out at me from everywhere. It is something that I am truly loving. I appreciate the added guidance.

So I intended to attend the evening ritual tonight at Sacred Mists but after a morning shakeup, a stressful morning packed with work that took wayyy longer then it should I decided to stop the world at 3:00 and attend the afternoon ritual rather then waiting for the evening one. I just needed something calming to set my mood back into the positive. It definitely was a wise move for me. I settled into my chair and tried to relax and ignore the chaos going on about me in the house.

Our rituals at the Mists are always begun with a meditation, and funny enough these meditations always seem to have a meaning for me when I attend a ritual. Not sure if that is the best way to word it but more often then not after a ritual meditation I am left going wow, and today was no exception. It began normal, deep breathing to relax. As I concentrated on my breathing I could feel everything starting to fade away for the moment and I was more then happy to let it. Within the meditation we were brought to a clearing in a forest. A fox was there to greet us and lead us to a cottage with a fire outside. The fox has unbelievable meaning for me alone so I was baffled to say the least when he was a feature in today's meditation. Followed by being led to a cottage in a forest. This whole scene I have seen many times in my dreams and meditations. It is a place I visit quite frequently. So to be led there during a meditation at this ritual I was astounded to say the least. Next to the fire was a stump with a quill pen and paper on which you were to write what you wished to create. I don't think an alarm could have gone off next to me and brought me out of that meditation, it took me no time at all to write my desires and what I wished to achieve this year on the piece of paper and throw it onto the fire watching the sparkly smoke swirl up and carry my thoughts to the universe.

The ritual as always was amazing :)) I did not have the seed and pot to plant a new plant like I did last year but I intend to go get it as soon as I can get out of my driveway lol :)))) I'm surrounded by snow, I mean lots of snow, and the cold of winter but I know that spring is very near as well as the new beginnings that I desire.

I made the graphic above while meditating on my experience with the ritual this afternoon. I hope you will like it. Have a Blessed Imbolc

Love and Blessings
