Pagan Wiccan


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Circle Of Isis Ancient Egyptian Magic

Circle Of Isis Ancient Egyptian Magic For Modern Witches
The author shows how she, her coven, and her friends, have come to know the deities of ancient Egypt, and how these Gods and Goddesses have enriched their lives. Included are meditations and techniques to help the readers bring those deities into their own lives.

Also included are songs for the deities, rituals, information on hieroglyphs, two new forms of divination, names, incenses, oils, information and recipes for an ancient Egyptian feast, sources for statuary and other items, and even the best sites to visit on the World Wide Web. Instructions on the creation of a wand, nemyss, kilt, and sistrum are included.

This book does not pretend to recreate the religion of Ancient Egypt, but rather to bring knowledge and worship of its deities into modern Pagan practice. Readers will have the tools to continue learning and developing their own methods of honoring the Gods and Goddesses of Tamera, the Beloved Land of the ancient Egyptians.

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