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Belief In Reincarnation Has Its Roots

Belief In Reincarnation Has Its Roots In Ancient Culture

By Marissa Valentin

The belief in reincarnation is one that finds its roots in many different ancient cultures. Throughout history these cultures have borrowed different points from each other to form a variety of hybrid belief systems that focus on reincarnation. Probably more than any other aspect of faith, this point is one where people pick and choose what they want to believe in order to develop a system that fits within their world view and which works well for them.

At their core, all systems of reincarnation share a notion that the life one is currently living on earth may not be the first or last. While they may differ in the number of lives that one can live, there is generally a shared presupposition that one will continue to be reborn until some cosmic or spiritual quest is completed. Some New Age philosophies and even some sects of Hinduism suggest that we may be reborn as any number of things that don't necessarily have to be human (I.e. the sacred cows of India). Other ancient religions, like Buddhism will teach that humans are reincarnated as humans

The purposes of reincarnation are just as varied as its many backgrounds. In some religions, people are re-born in an effort to achieve perfection. Each life cycle is an opportunity to gain more wisdom and to increase your status. The lessons and character that you gain in your present life will then be carried on to the next. Other religions believe that each life cycle is another step in becoming one with the divine forces of the universe. The Buddhist notion of Nirvana is one example of this. As you seek enlightenment in each life, you begin to lose your sense of individuality and to see the true connection between your spirit and the universe as a whole.

Some of the New Age versions of reincarnation simply hold the idea that the spirit is eternal and that, though the body may die, the spirit will move on and find a new home. The soul will live on indefinitely, always manifesting itself in some form of the persons true self. There is no higher goal or sense of achievement other than to live each life to the fullest extent possible.

Even western religions that are based in and around the Christian tradition teach a form of reincarnation. The spirit is not re-born on earth as a carnal being, but they do teach that the soul is eternal and will exist in a state of eternal harmony with God. In this case the reincarnation only happens once, and most Christians would say that, upon death, they are really turning back into the true, unblemished manifestation of themselves. Though they would probably never use the word reincarnation, the phrase "born again" is an intricate part of their vocabulary. This isn't to say that it is the same belief as the Eastern variations of reincarnation, but it does give credence to the idea that new life after the one we are living now is essential to nearly every major faith system in the world.

In an effort to better understand the intricacies of each faith system's beliefs concerning reincarnation, a full understanding of the faith system as a whole must be obtained. Without a basic knowledge of what is to be achieved in life then it isn't possible to truly appreciate the teachings and devotion of a religions practitioners. We should all take the time to understand why people believe what they do before we mock what they believe. If we haven't taken the time to look at the world from their point of view then it isn't likely that you'll understand.

About Marissa Valentin:

Moonwhisper has been owner and webmaster of many psychic reading and paranormal

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