St. Mary's put together a Lenten reflection booklet which we handed out on Ash Wed. in order to have a daily reflection on the Mass readings for the day. Most of the reflections were written by students (a few by staff). Here is today's reflection:
February 24, 2013
Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18 * Philippians 3: 17- 4: 1 * Luke 9: 28b-36
The Gospel of today's liturgy, the Transfiguration, describes an experience of contemplation. The apostles are brought, by the Lord, to Mount Taber to see the glory of God. Contemplation is a gift; we do not achieve it on our own. I believe keeping holy the day of the Lord (Sunday) and living it as a day of holy leisure truly opens us up for contemplation. The philosopher Joseph Pieper wrote a short book titled, Leisure: The Basis of Culture. He argued that a healthy culture and environment, in which the human person lives and is formed, requires the understanding of leisure.
What is proper leisure? The highest form is contemplation: first entering into silence, then meditation and "in there" being in the conscious presence of God.
The heart of leisure is celebration. We say the liturgy is the source and summit of all our activities. As Catholics we have Sundays, feast days and holy days. Each of these are to be regarded as days of rest, not to be idle, slothful or lazy, but to allow us to worship and celebrate and be re-created. "On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation." (Gen 2:2-3)
Leisure is essential to a person's wholeness. It makes us better and improves communities. As a byproduct, it will make us better students and workers.
Some ideas for your leisure: Contemplation, prayer, worship, time spent with friends talking about great things, centered around a meal with good food and drink. Contemplating nature, listening to music, working the land or in a garden.
How do I live Sundays? Are they a day of leisure and rest? What am I doing on Sundays that I can avoid?
Suggested References: read John Paul II Dies Domini (On Keeping the Lord's Day Holy).
Apostles of the Interior Life Campus Minister at St. Mary's Catholic Center
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