Pagan Wiccan


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What Is Daoshadru

What Is Daoshadru
Daoshadru is a spiritual path of "Quantum Magick", not a religion. It is a way of integrating diverse ways of spirituality for those who simply can not follow a singular, exclusive or fundamentalist path. Within this method there are three "Schools": Internal, External and Eternal. Each school provides a range of techniques for healing, self-empowerment, divination, magick and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.


The "Internal School" is self relient with the practitioner's own mind, body and spirit as the source of power. It draws upon various forms of self-discipline such as Qi Gong, Tai Ji Chuan, Yoga and various forms of Meditation. Much of this school's practices and beliefs are from Daoism/Taoism, hence the first three leters in the name DAOshadru.


The "External School" is nature relient with the earth, sky, elements and animals as the source of power. It draws upon various forms of the Tribal Medicine Man (Mostly Cherokee native American) such as Ancestrialism, Totemism, Herbalism, Soul Retrieval, Vision Questing and various forms of Animism. Much of this school's practices and beliefs are from Shamanism, hence the second set of three leters in the name DaoSHAdru.


The "Eternal School" is faith relient with the belief in divine gods, goddesses and spirits and coreponding other-worldly realms as the source of power. It draws upon various forms of ritualism such as invocation, evocation, channeling and various magickal rites. Much of this school's practices and beliefs are from Celtic Druidism, hence the last three leters in the name DaoshaDRU. Everyone in this "Grove" (Temple) can share a belief in honoring "The Seven", which are actualy a set of generic dieties evolved eclecticly from global spirituality; Great Spirit, Earth Mother, Sky Father and The Spirits of the Four Winds.

Although it has components from three languages, Daoshadru can be roughly translated to mean "Way of Spiritual Passage".

Each individual member seeks out and chooses from the infinite diversity of earth's religious and cultural mythologies to find dieties to worship, serve and adore. In the end each grove member maintains personal autonomy yet still enjoys the benefits of belonging to a group within the unity of a temple

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