Pagan Wiccan


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Please Sir Am I Done Yet

Please Sir Am I Done Yet
By next Monday, I will have completed the six months of invoking my Holy Guardian Angel that I had originally set myself, as a "block" of magical work to do.

So am "I" done yet?

Yes and No.

Yes, I have had a roller coaster ride, from elation and euphoria, to darkness and misery, the classic initiation of the mystic. Also, not to mention some very strange, very real and very spooky material results! For me, the HGA has in a way disappeared, and yet is more present than ever. Crazy? No, not really. My Holy Guardian Angel is now ever present, but not as some separate entity or force, but as that silent witness that empowers me in all ways.

Secondly, No, this is not complete. However much work I have done, I am still in the constant process of initiation, that is called life. We never stop learning, we never stop feeling, we never stop growing, we are in motion, part of the cosmic mystery that is still unfolding. For me the HGA "model" is now folding itself back in, I think I will do one final major invocation at the end of the period, and then I will move on to another paradigm, knowing that my HGA is still always present, whatever magicians and occultists may argue it is.

See you at the bitter end...

Frater Pan
