I Believe Because It Is Absurd
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/ 8:14 PM /
CREDO QUIA ABSURDUM is a Latin phrase of uncertain origin. It means "I BELIEVE BECAUSE IT IS ABSURD" It is derived from a poorly remembered or misquoted passage in Tertullian's De Carne Christi defending the tenets of orthodox Christianity in the original Latin:"CRUCIFIXUS EST DEI FILIUS, NON PUDET, QUIA PUDENDUM EST;"ET MORTUUS EST DEI FILIUS, PRORSUS CREDIBILE EST, QUIA INEPTUM EST;"ET SEPULTUS RESURREXIT, CERTUM EST, QUIA IMPOSSIBILE.
"- (DE CARNE CHRISTI V, 4)"THE SON OF GOD WAS CRUCIFIED: THERE IS NO SHAME, BECAUSE IT IS SHAMEFUL."AND THE SON OF GOD DIED: IT IS WHOLLY CREDIBLE, BECAUSE IT IS UNSUITABLE."AND, BURIED, HE ROSE AGAIN: IT IS CERTAIN, BECAUSE IMPOSSIBLE."The importance of these ideas is paramount. The believer will deny logic, reason, evidence, critical thinking and science.
On the contrary she/he will follow the biggest nonsense as infallible dogma.He/she will burn the scientist in the spike and massacre the "infidels" in the name of absurdities. THAT IS IN FACT THE DANGER OF ANY FUNDAMENTALISM. THE TRUE-BELIEVER DOESN'T DISAGREE WITH THE "INFIDEL". HE HATES HIM/HER. (ABOUT UFOLOGY BECOMING RELIGION.
Reference: http://lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com