Image courtesy of Witchvox
Recently I wrote about my experience with what could be called religious discrimination. This post was first published on and I've had lots of people emailing me with their experiences. One fellow Pagan told me a rather shocking tale of his experiences in NYC and asked me to publish it to make other Wiccans and Pagans aware and so this is his story."Hi Louisa! Wonderful to get a response from a Witchvox user. I hope all is well with you.
Since I have found out about the situation at the Waterford Connecticut mall [ED: Pete is referring to the fact that a Christian minister took over the shopping mall and removed all Wiccan pendants that were on sale These pendants are now being sold there again Pete has since told me] I have appointed myself unofficial "Investigator of Religious Intolerance" (sort of) I regularly go to Barnes ">.
I have spoken to several wiccans about discrimination against members of the craft and unfortunately it seems to be increasing. I have had wiccans tell me that they are fearful to wear their pentagram in public, afraid that some crazy person will target them. Several people have told me that individuals have approached them and made hateful comments and in one case a young woman was spat upon. I didn't want believe this was happening at first, so I decided I would look into this.
I began to "lecture" about wicca in Barnes and Nobles to any who would listen to me. I would talk about the principles and values of wicca. If anyone asked me about what books were good I would give them a "talk" about how wicca is an awesome religion. Well, let me tell you, I have had many bizarre and frightening incidents occur to me since I began this. One day, I was speaking to an older gentleman in his 60s who seemed to be appreciating my Goddess-centered spin on history when he suddenly stopped talking and stared at me strangely. He said "If we find out you know anything specific we will kill you." I was stunned, I wanted to say: "Who's we?" Instead I said "You have a good night Sir." I thought that he was just an isolated case of a lunatic, so I waited a month and went back. I was not there fifteen minutes when a group of people approached me and crowded around me too closely.
They were asking me: What books do you recommend?' and "What practises do you do?" Their manner was threatening. I realized what they were doing and I began to turn it around on them. I asked one of them, a woman in her twenties, "What do YOU do?" and "Why not share with me some of YOUR practises?" They looked at me with silent contempt and left. This type of incident happened a number of times. It did not stop me however. I needed to know who is harassing wiccans. Since those incidents, I have been followed by these same people around the city. These are just a small sample of what I have encountered. Some of the events are too frightening and it would be inappropriate to relate.
In one instance, I met a young woman whom I had spoken to a few times before that was interested in wicca. She has a pure heart and is a good person. I began to talk to her about wiccan spellcrafting. There were some old guys in the New Age section browsing and one younger guy that I know to be well, evil. I had spoken to this guy before and I know that he is completely amoral. He hates witches. He thinks that witches are in his words "stupid." He interrupted our conversation and asked her why she would ever want to be wiccan. She asked him what he meant. He said to her that she should study something with more "strength". She asked "Like what?" He deliberately tried to be vague and wouldn't answer. She tried to talk to me but he kept on interrupting. I got the impression that he was deliberately trying to interfere. The young woman got agitated and left. He looked at me with a pleased expression.
I spoke to a magician friend of mine about all this and he said that you have to be careful because there are christian and other types of occult groups here in NYC that are "going after" wiccans and other magical folk. I asked him what he meant and he told me that several of his longtime friends have had to move out of NYC because of the harassment. I know that he is telling me the truth. I can only hope that this is a temporary development and that these are just foolish people doing stupid things.
I also dearly hope that this isn't the beginning of a fascist culture! I'll keep trying to protect those of the craft. Please remember, Witches heal, protect and serve. Please feel free to post this in your blog and on witchvox. The people of the craft should know. Blessed Be Pete."
Thanks for sharing that with us Pete. This is a very shocking story but at least by spreading awareness we may be able to improve the situation.
If anyone has any stories (good or bad!) that they would like to share please do so!
Blessed Be!
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