I get to play!
Reverence and Mirth, are a much more powerful combination for me, than Reverence alone.
I get to dress up and imagine I am somebody else; use tools and props, which I have enjoyed choosing or making; invent prayers, songs and ceremonies, and investigate their effectiveness.
I get to continually challenge myself to higher levels of mental and physical dexterity (e.g. meditation leads to clearer concentration. Breath exercises improve lung efficiency and energy utilization).
And so, I build on my creativity and self-confidence (self-empowerment). I reach for greater heights of self-understanding, and work towards a broader outlook on the human process - across borders and cultures.
To paraphrase a chap called Scott Sonnon - "You start getting old, when you stop having fun". My Spiritual practice is, amongst many other things - fun!
I wish you all an enjoyable and youthful Spiritual practice, whatever it may be.
- The Chanting HedgeWitch.
Reference: http://crafty-witch.blogspot.com