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Ufos Over Washington D.c

The Alien Demon Agenda Part 2



Tonight I am scheduled for a multi-hour interview to place another Holy Spirit influenced "take" on this "Luciferian Rebellion" paradigm. My intention was to wait until this interview was completed and then take that data and interlace it into the next several "Alien Demon Agenda" articles. I still have every intention of doing so, but sometimes I wake up and realize my writer's block has subsided and feel "driven" to move forward.

This is one such morning and I hope I do a good job.


Many "advanced" Bible scholars and even Rabbi's have determined supernatural information in Genesis. Pastor Chuck Missler has an extremely advanced study on Genesis and shows indisputable pointers to intentional "pauses" in the flow of the text that indicate God has intentionally left out "parts" of this historical account. (I hope I said that right because this is hard to explain)

In fact, after the fall of Adam, there is a high level of likeliness that "entropy" began. Entropy is the starting point of "decay" (in a sense). This is very complex science and my intention is to "plant seeds" of thought to help you begin to unravel the hidden "mysteries" that God has woven into the text.

A taste of these amazing and supernatural hidden riddles in Genesis can be found in one of the most boring chapters in all the Bible. Remember not one "jot" or "tittle" will be left unanswered. This means that even the PUNCTUATION has meaning. Think about that!

The "Genealogy" in Genesis 5 includes ten names. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. The Kenan name has some interpretational issues that can be cleared up through more advanced Bible study and some references in Leviticus. I can point you to this study should you elect to go there.


Now here is where you REALLY start to see the "fingerprint" of the Holy Spirit laced throughout this "extraterrestrial" text. These are the interpretations of the names in sequence.

ADAM = Man (is)

SETH = Appointed

ENOSH = Mortal

KENAN = Sorrow; (but)

MAHALALEL = The Blessed God

JARED = Shall come down

ENOCH = Teaching

METHUSALEH = His death shall bring

LAMECH = The despairing

NOAH = Comfort, Rest

When you take those meanings in order, and make a supernatural statement out of them you get this sentence.

"Man is appointed mortal with sorrow, but the blessed God shall come down, teaching "his death shall bring" the despairing comfort and rest."So here, even in the very first book of the Pentateuch, you see supernatural evidence of JESUS CHRIST as our savior. If this doesn't get your scriptural juices flowing then nothing will.


Here is Genesis 18:1-5

GEN 18:1-5

"18 Then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. 2 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, 3 and said, "My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. 4 Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 5 And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant."

"They said, "Do as you have said."

NKJVRemember the size of the audience of the Bible. The Bible's text had to "speak" to people who have lived over thousands of years of history. We have "no problem" suggesting the the visions of Ezekiel might represent "helicopters" of today, but what about the OPPOSITE effect. What about the fact that God had to write text that could be understood to relatively primitive civilizations? Have you considered that?

Also please don't forget that God has hidden "mysteries" throughout the Bible text. Some of them he uncovers (to those who have eyes to see, etc.) but some he intentionally keeps hidden away until the proper time. THINK. Why do you believe he "had" to keep certain things hidden? Could the information be simply too fabulous for us to accept? You BET!

Also please do not forget that in the "end times" knowledge increases. There is NO QUESTION the Bible is an understatement. It is laced with hidden mysteries and "intel" that only the most open minded people could perceive. ANY earthy hindrance to your interpretation can prevent even the most "Holy Spirit Filled" pastor to miss these things. This is why we are all so frustrated with our church leadership today.


How many of you are frustrated that you cannot "reach" your fellow Christians with the New World Order information? May I see a show of hands please? Wow... now that's A LOT! So we all collectively agree that WE have discovered information on world events that has a POWERFUL message BUT we cannot get that message across to our fellow Christians and church leadership. Now that's FRUSTRATING!

By now you should realize that, for the sake of simplicity and reaching a diverse audience over thousands of years, God has had to DUMB DOWN his text. So to be helpful he has used "terms" to describe certain entities and objects so our tiny little brains can grasp the concept. For example, any "entity" that has rebelled against God "cosmically" he has given the name of DEMON. These are also often referred to as "fallen angels".


What about THAT TERM? Angel? Bene Ha Elohim? That has got to be the MOST underestimated "term" YHWH has ever used. The term "Angel" is so "generic". It is like asking for a "Klennex" when you would be happy with any tissue.

If you do even a brief study on Angels, you will see a "multi-dimensional" dynamic. You will find that there are "angels" of all kinds. You will even discover eventually that there are "angels" that are NOT ANGELS. In fact the Bible is extremely clear that you might actually "entertain" angels that are basically just regular human looking folks like you and I.

The term "angel" is very generic. You can even argue that the term angel is used to describe many of God's "Bene Ha Elohim" that have stayed "loyal" to his team. You even have specialized inter-dimensional angels that travel across "time continuums" such as Gabriel and Michael.


So here as some things to think about regarding Genesis 18. I am not drawing conclusions I am trying to help you see the possibilities. Remember I could very well be WRONG. So you best put on your Berean "hats" and open your own Bibles to "see if it is so".

* Abraham is hanging out in the door of his tent on a hot day
* He senses a presence and looks up to see YHWH God and 3 "men"
* He goes to his knees and bows in front of "them"
* He offers them "food and drink" and suggests they are probably tired and could use a break
* They accept his offer and tell him to "have at it"
* He has his associate(s) prepare dinner for these "visitors"
* They eat and discuss various things, particularly the future birth of Isaac

Now here are some questions to ponder.

* YHWH God was present at this event along with the 3 "men", what "form" was YHWH God in at the time?
* Abraham "bows down" to the accompanying "men" and offers them food, why do you think he did that; after all nobody ever offered Gabriel and Michael food... did they?
* These "men" appears to be in need of refreshment, why do you think that could be true?
* Later two of these fellows go to Sodom to hang out with Lot, some nasty people in Soddom try to break into Lot's house and do bad things to these "angel-men". Why do you think these "angel-men" didn't just "vaporize" and escape into another dimension like Gabriel and Michael always did?
* Why do you think Lot had to offer up his concubine for "rape and death" to save these "angel-men"?



So in preparation for these next articles, I have been digging through some old and new material and taking notes. This means hours of study and lectures. The other day I was listening to a lecture / audio book on the Billy Meier Story. Billy Meier's information cannot be discredited because he has multiple witnesses, tons of video and photographs, and only one arm. This "one armed" poor country man in Switzerland could not have forged all this data. And to make matters worse, he has written letters to "heads of state" warning them of "forthcoming" wars and other events long before they occurred. They are referred to as the Billy Meier "prophecies".

About one hour into the "audio book" Mr. Meier was discussing how these visitors from Pleiades (or Pleiadeans), had told him about an ancient "hidden sealed scroll". Remember God confirms the significance of Pleiades and Orion in the THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT WILL ATTEMPT TO DO (through created earthquakes and the discovery of surprise archaeological findings)

Suddenly my entire house goes dark! A power outage occurs. All my computer systems drop dark. Silence.. even if for a few moments. It was pretty weird that right after the story of the "Talmud Emmanuel" my office / house / computer systems go completely silent and dark.

When the power came back up my main computer would not fully reboot. I have the fastest hard drive on the planet so this system comes back up extremely fast. After 4 attempts to bring it up, I realized the system was in a recovery state and got bored waiting for it.

I reached back and riffled through some
* Greys Types A, B and C - Militaristic, highly scientific, used for conquering planets, reproduced through genetics, used for genetically creating hybrid humans and other "entities", some 4-5 feet, some 8 feet, in 1993 it was estimated that 1 in 40 humans that walked among us then were genetically created by the Greys, today it is likely many times that number

* Humanoid Aliens, similar to human genetics, fair skinned, "benevolent", reportedly from same star system,


I call your attention to number 3 above. Those are the PLEIADIANS! The "Pleiadians" that were visiting Billy Meier report to the Greys. The Greys report to the Reptilian / Dracs. The Draconians / Reptilians are referred to as the "fallen angel" variety by the "experts", abductees, and witnesses of more than 50 years of study and testimony.



This discovery utterly "blew my mind" as if the above isn't weird enough. Evidently there is a little known group of "Aliens" of the "fallen angel" variety and also from the same "star system" (or close by) as the others. These are from the SIRIUS star system. Have you heard this part before? Do you know why the DOG STAR SIRIUS is so important to the Masonic Order?

According to "Masonic Lodge of Education" the dog star "Sirius" has the following important characteristics:

* First and most exalted object that appears in the Lodge
* Heavily used and very important
* (13 of these stars were on the first American flag, 13 is a Satanic number)
* Great antiquity, derived from older systems
* The star of Bethlehem
* Represents the sacred name of "their" god


Through all this forthcoming chaos and lies / deception many things are going to unfold. But remember, many of them will be hidden from our view. Most of us have heard of this "new age" god Maitreya. Evidently this Maitreya fellow has shown up all over the place for many years. Benjamin Creme is pushing his agenda and this "entity" is very well known.

This "Maitreya" entity evidently "walks through walls" and mysteriously materializes in front of your eyes. Now is it possible this is all a bunch of balderdash. Sure... I suppose. But all this information becomes hard to dismiss when there are thousands of different sources all reporting the same story. It's the same problem one has dismissing the "alien abduction" claims.

It the SAME PROBLEM anyone has dismissing the "New World Order" claims.

Could this Maitreya fellow be from "somewhere else"?


This is hard stuff to keep up with. Our Jesus army of intelligence is growing. I wish Tribulation-Now could be guaranteed to grow and continue to have electronic connectivity to millions of people with an Alex Jones "sized" staff that could MUSTER US and our prayer power as a formidable force against "them".

God is amazing... you never know what might happen. Although I think that "our" electronic intel will eventually be taken away some day. That's why I torture myself (drive myself) hard to get as much information out to you as possible so when the electronic intel is gone, we understand the nature of the threat and the hidden "cosmic" forces we are dealing with.

I know this "stuff" is extremely hard to accept. And is it important for your salvation - NO! But is it going to be important for OTHER PEOPLE'S SALVATION! YES! We must be able to speak intelligently to the lies that others will be told. This is not going to be easy and you will need the power of Jesus and the grace of the Holy Spirit to address this UFO business sooner than you think.

People are basically pretty intelligent these days. They know about 10,000 year old carvings. They know about dinosaurs. They know about UFOs. Our enemy has God's most precious creations fooled on a level that we could only imagine in a science fiction "dream".


Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Part 1-2) here:

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