Pagan Wiccan


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Have You Escaped From A Cult Or Religion

Have You Escaped From A Cult Or Religion
A close friend of mine was raised in a Christian, fundamentalist, non-denominational church located in the Midwest. The Church owned and operated schools that went from kindergarten through college, and the education the schools provided was strictly tailored to be in line with the Church's theology. For instance, she was taught nothing of evolution, but - as as woman - was taught how to be a pastor's good helpmeet and wife.

The church members were also encouraged to live within the confines of a church compound - that is, on private land that belonged to the church rather than to them. If someone got rebellious, they could be kicked off the land, even though the home they were in was built by them, because they themselves didn't own the land under the home.

She tells me that, although she was often pointed out to other young girls as a role model (i.e. "Why can't you be like Becky?") she was not really devout, but merely going through the motions of being devout. It finally came to a head, when at seventeen, she slipped out of her father's house at 2 or 3 in the morning and ran off down the road to find her own way in life.

She regards that as her escape from that cult or religion.

So, have you yourself ever had to escape a cult or religion? If so, what was the cult or religion like? And how did you escape it?
