Pagan Wiccan


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The Wonderful Tree House

The Wonderful Tree House

Harold Longman

pictures by Harry Devlin

Parent's Magazine Press, 1962

Full disclosure. I took my son to see How to Train Your Dragon last week, and he fell for it, hook, line and sinker. He's a sucker for any sort of enchanted animal and has swallowed the story whole, making the past week thoroughly dragon-filled. The moment we walked out of the theater, we headed over to the Recently, gifting
What kind of house

Should a tree house be

A castle, maybe,

Strong and tall

With towers and

A high stone wall?

Why not?

Or maybe a fairy tale house or an airplane or a nest or a fort? The possibilities are endless, though in the end, good old dad knows just what to do to make the house come alive. Because, after all, a tree house can be anything we want in our imaginations. My husband is dying to build a tree house with my son, but we have a few birthdays still to go before that happens. Makes me insane that he'll be in kindergarten next year. Where has the time gone?

As my son and I sat on the couch this morning, finishing up the last two chapters of How To Train Your Dragon, both admittedly weeping openly at the end... I made a pact that as long as my son will let me, I'll keep dishing out
