Pagan Wiccan


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Beach Magick Ostara By Edain Mccoy

Beach Magick Ostara By Edain Mccoy
If you end up on the beach this spring, you'll find you're in a

place where you have the magick of earth, water, and wind literally at

hand. Only a thunderstorm on land could off a better place to be for

spellcrafting. Try any of the following suggestions for making magick at

the beach.

Use a flat area of sand to draw a picture of something you want. You use

a stick, your finger, or even water-soluble paints. As you draw, infuse

your creation with all the energy of your need. Allow it to wear away on

its own as your desire manifests.

Honor the deities of the sea by tossing bread crumbs into any natural

body of water at dawn or sunset. Their blessing will be returned to you


Sitting at the exact spot where the world of water and the world of

earth meet places you symbolically between two worlds. To the ancient

Celts these were places with great magickal potential. As you straddle

these worlds, visualize your magickal wishes traveling through you to

and from these realms where desires must first manifest before they come

to you.

To ground yourself when you feel frazzled or flighty, burrow yourself

deep into the warm sand and bury your feet while taking deep, relaxing


Arrange small shells into the initials of someone in whom you have a

romantic interest in order to attract his or her attention. Allow the

formation to wear away on its own.

Toss smaller shells back into the sea as an offering to the Sea Goddess

Yemaya or the Sea God Neptune.

Sit at the shoreline and, with eyes closed, ask the sea deities to send

you a talisman of their power to carry with you. When you feel your

request has been granted, open your eyes. You may find an interesting

shell or piece of driftwood has appeared near you. Be sure to thank the

deities for their gift to you.

Ask the deities to assist you in finding a shell for your alter to

represent the element of water. You might even find one big enough to

blow into, like a horn, to use in ritual for calling the quarters or

announcing the beginning and ending of a ritual.

Comb beaches and lakeshores for small stones that have had a hole worn

through the center by the eroding action of water and sand. These are

gifts of the earth and water elements, and symbols of the Goddess. Wear

them on cords around your neck as amulets for fertility or protection.

At low tide, go to the water's edge and, with your forefinger, draw

a representation in the sand of something you desire. Pour your mental

energy into it and ask the sea spirits and deities to bless your

petition. Walk away without looking back and allow the tide to come in

and carry the wish to sea when it goes out again. Tides are caused by

the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon on the Earth. There are

two high and two low tides, occurring at equal intervals during each

lunar day, with is about 24 hours and 51 minutes. Several Internet

sites, including harbortides. com can help you pinpoint these for any

given area.

At low tide, sculpt in the damp sand a representation of something you

wish to remove from your life. As the tides come in and wash the

sculpture away, they can also take away what you choose to release from

your life.

At the midpoint in the tidal cycle, when the tide is neither fully in

nor out, tread cautiously to the shoreline and allow the wind, water,

and the pull of the moon and sun to balance your soul and mind and

purify your spirit.

Immerse yourself in water as an act of purification or to dedicate

yourself to your spiritual pursuits.

Immerse yourself in water while visualizing yourself gathering cleansing

energy from the water. As you slowly emerge back onto dry land,

visualize that you are carrying all those desirable things from the

unseen world into your own physical life.

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