Pagan Wiccan


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My Mind Week 1 Prayers

My Mind Week 1 Prayers For A Woman Soul Online Study
Welcome to those who are here today via my Proverbs 31 devotion, "Imprisoned by Shame". {CLICK HERE if you haven't yet read it and would like to!}

Hi Sweet Friends,

I'm so excited to start this "Prayers for a Woman's Soul" 8-week online study and prayer journey with you! I'm picturing your smiling faces over a steamy cup of something warm and wonderful (I'm a hot tea girl), sipping as you read and pray.

* As your prayer journey begins, you will read the chapter assigned to you. Then you will pray for that particular topic for the entire week. This is where your notebook will come in handy. Write down each week's topic, then zero in on specifics.

* Record what you sense God is impressing on your heart. This will become a treasured resource you can refer to later when the same issue comes up (and don't we know that always happens?!). What you've written down will enable you to persevere in prayer and belief later.

* Don't forget to use each week's personalized Scripture verses {"God's Word for Me" at the end of each chapter} as part of your prayer time.

* Each week we will focus in on one particular Scripture verse-it will become our go-to verse as we pray for each week's specific topic.

* We will meet here on my blog every Monday for assignments and direction, then we will do a mid-week follow up on Thursdays to discuss what we've learned and experienced so far! It's going to be wonderful to share our hearts and what we've learned together!

Though we are walking this book study/prayer walk together, you will be doing the chapter reading, and you will be doing the praying. I'll keep us all focused on the week's topic and will introduce a question or two to get our conversation going. I can't wait to read your comments, thoughts, and maybe even your prayers if you're willing to share!

Remember, to participate in this study you will need:

* A copy of the book (you can get it HERE or HERE and many other places...)

* A Bible

* A notebook or prayer journal

If you're new here and just finding out about the study and would like to join (and I'd love you to join us!), all you have to do is:

* Sign up in the RED BOX on the upper right corner of my blog. That's it! On Mondays you will receive your weekly assignment, verse and encouragement; on Thursdays we will do the mid-week follow up. Both will arrive via email after you sign up.
* Don't want to be behind on our study? You can read the Introduction and Chapter One (this week's assignment) for free by CLICKING HERE.


Read the Introduction-it will give you some insight into where I was when my prayer journey began-let me know if you can relate! I'd love for you to share where you are right now and what you are hoping to get out of this study and out of this special time of prayer. And then read Chapter One, "My Mind."

As you read the introduction and first chapter, highlight verses or sentences that stand out to you. Now take time to pray and ask God to help you as you begin this holy habit of praying for yourself. Remember, I will be praying for you throughout these 8 weeks.

Our online study will take place right here on my blog every Monday and Thursday. Optional: If you are on Facebook and would like more interaction, please join me on the "Prayers for a Woman's Soul" community FACEBOOK PAGE daily for a daily question and prayer. I'd love to hear from you there. :-)

Chapter 1 Excerpt from Prayers for a Woman's Soul

"(pg. 16) Though the attacks against our mind can be subtle, God grants discernment when we ask Him. He will reveal to us what we are not always capable of discerning apart from the Holy Spirit: erroneous, potentially destructive thoughts and mindsets."

This week as you pray for your mind, be aware that God will begin showing you thoughts and mindsets that need to change. Allowing God to transform our mind is a good thing, and the beginning of developing healthy, accurate, godly mindsets. This is God's will for us!

This week's verse:

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) (NASB)"

This week's questions:

* Do you recognize the enemy's assault on your mind this week?
* What specific thoughts and mindsets do you need help changing?

When you

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