Pagan Wiccan


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Saving The World No Sweat

Saving The World No Sweat
I feel really blessed. You see, lately I have discovered that in addition to my healing powers that I was given at birth, and the offshoot powers that come with that, the Gods and Goddesses have granted me an extra ability. As it was given to me freely without my knowledge, I still haven't learnt to control it fully yet, and indeed, if I had requested this ability, it may have made the last few weeks make more sense to me.

What is this mysterious ability? The Gift of The Gods that will enable me to save The World?

The Ability to raise my core temperature to epic feverish proportions and to sweat profusely in times of stress. At first look this seems like the idea power to bestow upon a teenage boy who doesn't like school, could you imagine it? "I'm getting stressed about double maths" - cue sweat and "Miss, I feel like I'm going to pass out Good grief, boy, you're sweating profusely and running a temperature, go to the nurse and we'll get one of your parents to collect you!"

Basically, I've spent the last three weeks, with fevers and a tickly cough in my throat, yet doctors couldn't find any cause for them in fact it was dubbed "a virus" at first in order to get rid of me without the need to give me any anti-biotics. But as my persistence grew, I unfortunately got to the stage that I dread. the threat of a needle being stuck inside my skin and precious fluids extracted. I think this was the Doctor's sneaky attempt to witness my new power and/or try to steal it's secrets for himself! Immediately I was flushed and sweating profusely, despite having, a few moments before, really good Blood Pressure. To say I went to pieces at his threat was an understatement - a grown man of nearly 39 reduced to near tears (I would've cried if there was any fluid left in my body - all my water content was leaving via my forehead), oh, he made promises of Valiums to calm me, but when I last was tricked into one, over 10 years ago, it took three members of the nursing staff to restrain me, while all the time I begged them not to do it (it must've looked a bit like the scene where the Hobbits cook Gollum's fish). So there you go a fear of needles that manifest into Hulk syndrome. If Valium was enough to calm someone down, then Dr Banner would never have to Hulk out, would he?

So there we have it, my new mystery power - I'm now a Fever Guardian. When my stress gets high, my blood boils without any pressure, my head becomes a lake, my palms a pair of Icelandic Hot Spring Pools. Just to clarify, in case any of you were bothered, but after me and my beautiful wife of many lives worked this out, that my fevers started when my daughter was allowed to leave the country with her mother for good, I didn't go to the b-word test appointment, there is no way that I will let this gift fall into the wrong hands - especially as I have no idea what the off-shoot powers will be.

How will this help me Save The World? Well if I can find a way to harness this energy that I'm obviously pulling in from somewhere, then it will help the Energy Crisis. The sweaty bi-product? I could bottle it for countries with no water supply, it already has electrolytes in it, so will be classed as a medicine!

Blessings and Namaste
