Pagan Wiccan


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Claude Second Book

Claude Second Book

Since there is no miraculous bestowal of

knowledge upon the spirits who pass to the otherplane, the inference from Claude's language was his spiritual

contact with the sources of advanced knowledge, and his

ability to echo some of their teachings, without being alive to

the full purport of that which he was transmitting.

This inference is wholly confirmed by the Second Book.

The expert in the psychic sciences recognizes in it, at once, a

marked advance upon the First. The First Book was the work

of a matriculated student in the great Cosmic University. The

hand of the graduate (the possessor, may we say, of a first

) may be traced in the Second. Claude is in nearer

"touch" with the actualities of the other sphere. He is keenly

anxious to explain its fundamental truths in terms of this life;

and as he is now in closer contact with, and possesses a more

incisive appreciation of, the conditions of the life beyond, he

performs his task well. The chapter on Prayer, particularly its

earlier portion, is a perfect gem.


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