Pagan Wiccan


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Self Dedication Witch Ritual

Self Dedication Witch Ritual
You should cast a circle outdoors, but newcomers to the path may decide to do this differently this time around and so cast the circle very simply. e.g: "mark out the circle on the ground with a stick, chalk, or string and place a candle at each quarter, saying earth air fire water." A pathway should be made North of the circle, of fallen leaves, parallel sticks, or parallel candles.

1) You may decorate the altar as you wish, and as you feel is personal to you.

2) "Lady Goddess of triple three, I stand here now to dedicate to thee. Mighty God of the waxing/waning year, dedication to you, is why I stand here. I ask for your blessings and seek the wisdom of this path and pray that my eyes now be opened."

3) Walk through the middle of the path afore-made with your eyes closed. Visualise things in nature and yourself becoming one with them. At the end of the path, when you are completely at one the God and Goddess stand. You may open your eyes.

4) Return to altar now and say: "Blessed be are my eyes: that I have seen this day (or night), that I have seen your grace, and that I have sen the way..." Anoint a little oil to eyelids.

5) "Blessed be are my ears: that I may hear your voices, that I may hear the voices of those who would teach and guide me on my way." Anoint oil to ears.

6) "Blessed be my mouth: that I may speak the ways of the Craft and my path...Discretely." Anoint oil to mouth.

7) "Blessed are my feet: that they have led me to you and to this path that I may now choose to follow." Anoint oil to feet.

"Blessed be my heart: that I may follow my intuition and my feelings that will guide me on my way and to allow me to experience your never-ending love and grace." Anoint oil to area of heart.

9) "Blessed be my loins: that bring forth life, the ultimate gift of your love and sacred union, which you have given to us to know and experience." Anoint oil to loins.

10) "Blessed be this body: that it may serve me long and well so that I may serve you and learn your multitude of lessons,

and someday be by your side.
" Light a candle.

11) Some may choose to recite the whole Wiccan Rede or if the do not follow the Wiccan tradition then their own rede of guidence.

12) "Hear I have dedicated myself to the five elements, of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, and to the God and the Goddess (you may say the names of your patrons if you have one) as I now tread the craft of the wise, as "(insert circle name here, if you have one yet, if not then say what you feel you would call yourself (witch, priestess, learner, pathfinder etc) ).

13) You may add whatever you want to the ritual for example burying a piece of your hair or clothing (natural fibre) in some soil to show you becoming one with earth or you may simply close the circle with thanks.

"Spoken words in steps 4 to 10 are from

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