Pagan Wiccan


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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Pagan Faith

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Pagan Faith
*To be included in the memories section*

So between reading the poll and the article about Deo and hearing so many things from various pagans who simply don't feel like they're getting all they can from their faith, I decided to sit down, relect, and analyze my own experience. I've thought of the times when I was ready to leave Wicca because I just didn't feel connected enough and I thought of the times when my faith was restored and what I did differently. What I came up with was an article of my own which doesn't really offer anything that you probably haven't heard of already (it deals with meditation, yoga, tai chi, walking meditation, prayer, and a weekly "sabbath" type of ritual) but I think what's made it effective for me is the way in which I've used these things, how I regarded them, and how often I've incorperated them into my life. Hopefully, if you're having a "dark night of the soul" as NIGHTSHADE OAK likes to say, it'll give you a fresh perspective (not that I'm really expecting anyone to take the time to read my long ass article but I figured I'd put it up for reference just in case) Blessed be.

P.S. If you just want to skim, I suggest scrolling down to the bolded words. Its basically the jist of it.


"Zen Paganism"


Call me a bad Pagan, or a fake Pagan if that's the way you see it, but in my experience as a person who decided to walk the Pagan path and as someone who blogs and has gotten to know many other Pagans, some of which have left their Pagan faith for another, I couldn't help but realize that, for some, Paganism feels incomplete. One only needs to visit their local book store to see where the gaps are. There are so many
Herein, is where the problem resides. Many people seem to think that the words Wiccan and witch are interchangeable. Those of us who know better, know that this isn't true. A Wiccan is a witch but not only a witch. A Wiccan is a member of a religion called Wicca. This is the same theme that is problematic in all Pagan paths. If you are a member of a Pagan religion and you want to get the most out of your beliefs, chances are that you will find yourself feeling helpless or exaspirated at one point or another. One day you may find yourself at a While I'm no authority on anything, I do believe that everyone has something to bring to the table. What I choose to bring to the table is simply some words on what has gotten me through these issues. In my own head, I think of it as Zen Paganism, although I'm by no means trying to push my own tradition. My goal is only to voice what has worked for me in hopes that maybe it will be useful to another person. This probably isn't going to sound all that different from anything you've heard before but the factor that makes it effective is dedication. Working these things into your daily life is what will make the difference. The first thing that's made a difference is, meditation, meditation, meditation.


If you want to feel a deeper connection to the gods, the human race, the universe, life itself, a good place to start is daily meditation. If you're a busy parent or you simply have a lot going on in your life and you have precious little time, you can still set aside 5 minutes everyday for meditation. Personally, I've found that the more you meditate, the more effective it is but even 5 minutes a day can be very effective. The great thing about meditation is that you can design it to address whatever situation or problem that you're currently facing.

If you simply want to feel calmer or more in tune with the world, you can simply sit in the lotus position and concentrate on your breath, bringing your mind back to your breathing when it wanders. However this isn't the only way to meditate. If you feel that you desperately need to connect to your patron god/dess and that you just don't seem to be feeling them in your life, then this quiet time can be used to meet with this god and ask him/her questions or seek their advice and guidance. You can start by simply breathing deeply and steadily and once you're relaxed enough, you can envision yourself actually sitting with your god and having a conversation. On this plane, you can see them, feel their love, even hug them. Don't look at it as simple visualization or pretending. If you look at it as a sincere meeting with the god that you need, then the meeting will have more power and make more of a difference in your life. If you have a problem weighing on your mind or a big decision to make, use that quiet time to hone into your feelings. If you're still and quiet enough, the answer will come to you. You're inner voice will make itself known to you. If you feel like you can't trust your inner voice, focus on the question in meditation for several days. If the same answer comes to you day after day after day, you'll know what course you should take. Also, your mind will be clear and less emotional. The war between your heart and your mind won't cause as much stress because you will know what to do.


What is considered simple exercises and ways to lose weight today, are actually ancient methods of moving meditation. Even walking can be a form of moving meditation. When time permits, make an effort to do a short routine of poses or take a walk by yourself. These things are useful anywhere but if you can get out in nature, it'd be even better. You might want to look up what the various positions mean and make that a focus of concentration. For example, in yoga, mountain pose is supposed to induce feelings of stability, a firm resolve, being grounded, calm, and confident. Keep this in mind and summon up these feelings as you go through the various positions. Even if you don't want to go through the trouble of doing the research, the power of the various poses will have an effect. You can't help but feel a sense of calm wash over you, a feeling of interconnectedness, and you'll enjoy the pleasure of a natural high as your endorphin levels rise. If you're outside walking in solitude, concentrate on the feeling of the sun shining on your skin. Feel its warm, nurturing energy. Look around you and appreciate the magick of it all. Look at the trees and flowers. Don't simply regard them as just another tree or flower. Really look at it. See it for the miracle it is and then look at the miracle of human life. See the fact that you are magick in motion.


Praying every day or every night is an amazing thing. Not only does it keep you in constant touch with your patron god/dess but it helps you to feel like it's a real relationship, which it is. And it's a relationship that's not just accessible in the form of a formal ritual, its there for you to enjoy at anytime and anywhere. Go to your patron god/dess with your problems. Know that you can rely on them to help you with anything. And if you don't have a problem, then become grateful and thank them regularly for the good things in your life. The concept of gratefulness is very important. Many witches have an attitude of being soooo capable that they feel like the weight of the world is constantly on their shoulders. Its empowering to be someone who can affect change through a spell and you should feel empowered but its also important to feel humble. Its easier to live life on life's terms if you're humble and at the end of the day we're powerful, but we're powerful practitioners. We all have a little bit of the gods in us but we don't make the seasons change, or cause a tree to grow, so it pays to be grateful and to enjoy the fact that we don't have to do it all. Prayer and meditation are also excellent ways to practice directing energy as well. Whether you're conscious of it or not, that's exactly what it is and the more you do it, the easier it'll be to do during spell work.


Other religions have an official day of worship. If you feel like this is something that would make you feel like you're being spiritual minded or if you simply think it's a good idea and one that can serve to remind you of your connections to the gods and your place in the universe, then a day of religious observance or at least a weekly ritual of religious observance would be a great idea. You can design the ritual yourself and involve the elements that you think are most important. You can make it as elaborate or as simple as you want according to how much time and energy you have. The point is, that in having this and other elements of REGULAR practice, you're fully incorporating and weaving your religion into your life. After a while, it just becomes so natural and such a part of your regular routine, that you're completely and thoroughly living a magickal life and in doing so there is little place for doubt or feeling unhappy in your faith.

In conclusion, it bears repeating that these are things that have only helped to strengthen my pagan faith and enrich my life. I hope that by making my experiences available to you, that they can help you and serve you in the same way that they've helped me. So the next time you're beside yourself wondering how you can get more from your current path, please stop and think about creative ways to bridge the gap. If you seek hard enough, there's almost always a solution. Brightest blessings fellow Pagans. Merry Part.

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