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Rosicrucian And Golden Dawn Grades And Mysteries

Rosicrucian And Golden Dawn Grades And Mysteries
When the teacher is confused, there is no doubt that the student will equally be confused. Even more dangerous is a teacher who, in the process of setting themselves up in guru fashion, becomes lost in the world of delusion and thus, the fruits of the student become that of delusion or, at the very least, disappointment. The Golden Dawn tradition has been crafted, by the Cipher Manuscripts, the Z documents of the Rosicrucian Inner Order and the traditional practices of the early Temples. They received their primary direction from teachers such as S.L. Macgregor Mathers, William Wynn Westcott and, of course, earlier and more ancient sources, such as the German Rosicrucian Adepts.

Later, a portion of Golden Dawn material was put up for publication to the outer world by Aleister Crowley in his infamous Equinox series. Following this, Regardie also published a four-volume set based on his experience in one of the Stella Matutina Temples, an offshoot of the Golden Dawn. Much of the information that was published, especially in the lower grades of the Outer Order, was already commonly available to the student of the Mysteries, even at the time when the Golden Dawn was at its heyday, in the early 1890's. It doesn't even take a great researcher to be able to uncover the Hebrew alphabet, for example, or some of the early forms of meditation, such as the fourfold breath, and other aspects of the earlier grades. Geomancy, for example, was widely used by people outside the Golden Dawn. It should be remembered that the Golden Dawn was a synthesis of ancient, medieval and modern knowledge. It is this knowledge, this basis, that provides firm footing for the aspirant who wishes to advance in the grades and later receive invitation into the Second, or Inner Order. The Second, or Rosicrucian Order is an Inner Order often referred to as the R.R. et A.C., wherein even greater knowledge is revealed. The student will do well to remember that the climb upward to the summit of a spiritual mountain begins at the base, or, as the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' Therefore, the outer Order grade material and its knowledge, initiations and advancements are absolutely critical before advancement or study in the Inner Order.

Here is where the axes begin to grind. Crowley also published some Inner Order material. Fortunately, neither Crowley nor Regardie were members of the Second Order for long enough to accumulate the vast storehouse of knowledge within the Second Order. As one Adept in another Order pointed out to me in a conversation, 'I have a whole basement full of unpublished papers that still need a thorough going-through.' In addition, it must also be remembered that the Second Order, like the study of the Kabbalah itself, developed a very powerful and strong oral tradition that continues to grow to this day.

But back to the ax-grinding. Several years ago, in the late 1990's, a few individuals decided, on their own, to overhaul the entire Golden Dawn tradition. Not only did they overhaul the entire tradition by placing the bulk of Inner Order material into Outer Order grades (a very dangerous thing to do), they re-designed the whole Second Order, based primarily on some French Martinist papers. So, let's stand back and look at the picture that they have created. They took the published Inner Order material of the Second Order, threw it into a bowl with the Outer Order material and put a blender to it. Then they changed all of the mystical passwords and titles that are associated with each of the grades of the Golden Dawn. That left them with a problem, in that they no longer had a Second Order because all of the material was now in the Outer, so now they had to create a new Second Order curriculum. Yet, at the same time, they claim to be doing the traditional Golden Dawn work. They claim to be following the tradition set forth by S.L. Macgregor Mathers, William Wynn Westcott and others. Now, I don't think that it takes a person with a Ph.D. in logic to see the fallacy and danger to the new student or aspirant in this kind of thinking or modality.

Now, to make things even more complicated and frightening to the student of the Mysteries, they claim to have a Third Order that, from all impressions, you can enter when you are ready. Let's quote S.L. Macgregor Mathers and see what Mathers says about the Third Order: 'I do not even know them by their earthly names. I only know them by certain mottos. I have but rarely seen them in the physical body; and on such occasions, the rendezvous was made astrally, at the time astrally appointed by them. For my part, I believe them to be human, and residing upon the earth, but possessing terrible superhuman powers.'

Mathers makes it very clear that if these beings of the Third Order exist, they remain on the earthly plane, yet in the ether at the same time. Not all of Malkuth is visible to the naked eye. (Malkuth is the lowest sephiroth on the Tree of Life.) So, the truth of the matter is, to be blunt about it, that we don't really know very much about these Third Order brethren at all. Those claiming that the Secret Chiefs are simply physical beings living in a physical dimension and that they have met with these physical beings or being, such as Lux E Tenebris, would do well to provide photos.

The essential message of this blog is this: if a person is really going to do Golden Dawn studies and is really going to participate in the creation of the pentagram within, they must learn the rudimentary knowledge found in the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn, which goes from 0=0 to 4=7. Then they should receive an initiation into Portal, which is the second degree, and a grade attributed to Spirit. This formulates the pentagram the doorway to the perfected man found in 5=6. It doesn't mean that you become perfect after you have finished with your Golden Dawn studies. It does, however, mean that you have been challenged by each element, as well as having learned to integrate that element in a unique and powerful way with your Sphere of Sensation. From a Western Mysteries perspective and a traditional Golden Dawn point of view, this becomes essential to unlocking the doorway into the Second or Inner Order. Then, after entering the Second or Inner Order, the student of the Mysteries will soon discover that there is a lifetime of work and of study. There is more to learn and know and do than one could manage in a lifetime. Even the published Inner Order material is expounded upon and expressed in far more depth through our unpublished documents and the oral tradition, which continues to grow and to expand. We believe that it is absolutely critical for someone who truly wants to do the Great Work that they begin at the beginning line that was established by the forefathers of our Order. Our Order continues the tradition of classical Golden Dawn studies, along with several other Orders, groups and independent Temples.

Your Brother in the Great Work,

Frater PDR

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