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Which Magic Spell To Choose

Which Magic Spell To Choose
Acolyte, Master or Sorcerer - which Magic Spell do you use when you need to cast a spell? It all depends on the result you want and how experienced you are at casting MAGIC SPELLS.

Acolyte, Master or Sorcerer are the three main levels, then there are also in between ones, like Advanced Acolyte and Advanced Master spells - so which is the best for your situation? The first thing you will notice - of course, is that the higher level spells are more expensive. That should be no surprise.

But there is of course more to it than money. Acolyte spells are quick, easy to do with a minimum amount of preparation and some very basic equipment and materials.

Take for instance a Business venture success spell, which in Acolyte form requires nothing more than a candle of a specific color, incense and incense burner, a small brass bell and a green felt-tipped pen. Time-wise perhaps twenty minutes. The same spell in Advanced Master category will require acquiring some more specific equipment and materials, and a bit of preparation.

You don't need any prior spell casting experience, but you will have to practice casting a Magic circle couple of times at least, before you try to cast the spell itself. You might also be given a low level spell to practice on. The better the quality of your equipment and Magic substances, the better the chance of a success.

You can't cast a Sorcerer' spell using dried out herbs you bought from your local 7/11. You will need fresh herbs, preferably organically grown.

You might need a quill or dip-in type of pen and a Dragons Blood magic ink (easily obtainable from magic suppliers), where for the Acolyte level of the same "magic spell", you used a red or green felt-tipped pen. For a court appearance relating to a traffic offense such as speeding or light jumping, an Acolyte spell is probably what you need.

Where you were caught driving intoxicated and are at risk of losing your license, a Master level spell would be more appropriate. If you have been accused of a serious crime and are out on bail, or where you are entering into a million dollar legal compensation claim, you should consider a Sorcerer's level spell, even if it takes you a few days to gather the required equipment and do a bit of practicing.

This post via the: Magic Spells blog where you can find information and spells for protection, love, healing and money.

Which Magic Spell to choose?
