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Samhain Sabbat Ritual

Samhain Sabbat Ritual
Traditional Sabbat rituals are preformed on the night of October 31 at the witching hour of midnight. Sabbat celebrations often last until the rising of the Sun on November 1.




"I conjure you now o' circle o power, I call your magick to grow and tower. A sacred place between the worlds of time and space." Sabbat" moon of enchantment, Guide us well and shine your light Of Hecate's blessings upon this pagan rite. Let the wisdom of the Crone Goddess flow through us. Let her magick weave us a web of dreams to follow our hearts. Let her strength, stability fill us, nourish us, heal us, And sustain us, and let the Divine energies of the Horned God, Who begins tonight as the Dark Lord, the Lord of shadows, Strengthen us and bless us with power and balance. Let the ancient ways dwell with in our hearts."

* Return the Athalme and bowl of saltwater to the alter. The Circle has been cast and consecrated. Ring the alter bell 3 times.

"Hail to the four Elements, Ancient and Wise. Welcome Lord of Shadows and Lady of Darkness We honor thee on this night, and open our hearts to your magick. We now become as one, with our beloved Goddess and God. In perfect love and perfect trust. As we willed it, it is so, So mote it be."

* Take the Sage incense and smudge yourself.

"In this night of Shadows, when the old ones in their darkest aspects reign supreme We gather in this circle and open our bodies, our minds, and our spirits to the witching hour. The Season of the Witch now casts it's spell upon us, drawing us into it's mysteries, It's ancient magick that will forever endure."

* Light the skull/ghost candles, raise your arms to a prayer position.

"We light this candle of death in honor of those "whose physical bodies Have returned to the dark womb of our sacred mother earth. Tonight from their graves they rise. Tonight their spirits shall roam unchained Through this world of flesh and blood Until the rising of the newborn sun. Thin grows the veil that separates The worlds of the living and the dead. Tonight the doors to the ghostly realms beyond stand open. Behold the spirits, phantoms, ghosts, and pale specters That go by upon the wind. We call to you now o spirit of Our Circle is open to you should you choose to come. We invite you to join us as we celebrate this sacred rite. Come loved ones, come, and be here with us now."

* Take the Athalme in your power hand and the apple in your other. With the tip of the blade, draw a sacred symbol of the pentagram in the air above the apple.

"We call upon thee, Lord of Shadows and Lady of Darkness. To bless this apple to be the food of the dead. Let any and all visitors from the other-world of spirit Find sustenance in this fruit As they pass from this world. So mote it be."

* Return apple to alter

"And just as life itself is a never ending cycle of birth, death and rebirth, The wheel of the year has once again turned, Bringing us an ending and a new beginning."

* Light the cauldron. Take the strips of paper on which are written the 'sacrifices' and cast them into the fire.

"Air and Fire, Water and Earth, Cauldron of Death that brings re-birth. Into thy flames we cast our tokens, To attain our goals unspoken. As our faults and weakness vanish, All our negative traits be banished. Burn and Blaze, Burn and Blaze," Magickal" power we do raise. Ancient ways and Gods we praise, Into the future we now gaze."

* After scrying into the flames, bring the Sabbat ritual to a close.

"O Lady of Darkness and Lord of Shadow, We offer thee pure love and thanks O Ancient ones we bid thee "Farewell Blessed be, so mote it be."

* With Athalme in power hand, face each of the 4 directions and say:

"Return now in peace to thy place in nature. Blessed be."


"This Circle is now open but unbroken, Merry we meet, Merry we part, and Merry we shall meet again. Happy Halloween and a joyous New Year to One and All As we will it, it is so, So mote it be!"
