Recently I have found that I am using colour magick more and more in all my workings. In most of the items that I make for Kitchen Witch I find I am corresponding the colour of the materials used to the intent.
Here is a guide that I use:
BLACK - protection, ward negativity, remove hexes, spirit contact, truth, remove discord or confusion and binding for spellwork.
DARK BLUE - the Goddess, water elemental, truth, dreams, protection, change, meditation, healing.
LIGHT BLUE - psychic awareness, intuition, opportunity, understanding, safe journey, patience, tranquility, ward depression, healing and health.
BROWN - endurance, houses ">GREEN - earth elemental, nature magicks, luck, fertility, healing, balance, courage, work, prosperity, changing directions or attitudes.
INDIGO - meditation, spirit communication, karma workings, neutralize baneful magick, ward slander.
LILAC - spiritual development, psychic growth, divination, Otherworld.
ORANGE - the God, strength, healing, attracting things, vitality, adaptability, luck, encouragement, clearing the mind, justice, career goals, legal matters, selling, action, ambition, general success.
PINK - honour, morality, friendships, emotional love, social ability, good will, caring, healing emotions, peace, affection, nurturing, romance and partnerships.
PURPLE - power, spirit, spiritual development, intuition, ambition, healing, wisdom, progress, business, spirit communication, protection, occultism, self assurance.
RED - fire elemental, strength, power, energy, health, vigour, enthusiasm, courage, passion, sexuality, vibrancy, survival, driving force.
WHITE - purity, protection, truth, meditation, peace, sincerity, justice and to ward doubt
YELLOW - air elemental, divination, clairvoyance, mental alertness, intellect, memory, prosperity, learning, changes, harmony, creativity, self promotion.
Sometimes I look up the list, some I remember, mostly I go by instinct and then when I check I realize my instinct is bang on the mark! This is just my idea of a list of correspondences, others may use different colours - it is a personal thing, go with what feels right for you.
My list is adapted from a very useful book called Grimoire for the Green Witch by Ann Moura.
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