U S To Open Military Option
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/ 9:38 PM /
US Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday warned that "all options" are on the table if Iran continues to defy UN-led efforts to end Teheran's nuclear ambitions, leaving the door open to military action.
Lets take an honest look at what is going on here, for decades the domination of the middle east has been in the works, the prime opponent in the new world order is religious fanatics, those who base their entire lives on some archaic text, rarely if ever connected to any present day reality with a burning desire to convert and spread their "truth" to the unbelievers.
What is the end result of not nipping all of this in the bud? A continued spreading of this backwards mono and polytheistic religions, those who would behead scientists and close schools, those who would be more than happy to cover every inch of a women's body in public while smashing radios and TVs to quell education and free expression, throwing the entire world back into the dark ages of which we are only now truly emerging.
The western worlds government is secular with a populace that spans a multitude of beliefs, the fractured christian church, broken into many thousands of rather weak and strange denominations has more or less merged with modern society, becoming a shadow of what it once was in power, and in substance, really nothing more than a "be happy" temple sitting on the street corner. The evangelical power base in America is being manipulated by government to support a secularization of the middle east through war, obviously they have chose this over trying to use reason to herd popular support, polarizing people on religious grounds is truly tapping into deep and old entrenched systems of control and manipulation.
If the west does not move forward in crushing the middle east then we are left with one scenario, a middle east that grows in power, with Islamic government fueled by oil trade to China and elsewhere, creating an Islamic Nuclear powered Union, and even the dim can understand what that means. The chess game of revolving CIA implanted governments in Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan etc. is a less than perfect mechanism of control, with an Islamic populace, eventually the people overthrow this proxy.
The big picture is that someone always comes out on top, its just like mafia, except on a grand scale, the world will rest under one government, its inevitable, it's the unalienable path of nature and evolution of civilizations, resisting that is like biting on a rock.
I believe this is not a neo-conservative worldview, it is a realistic one, if the world does not move forward it moves backward, with 300 Mosques in Britain and Islam spreading like fire in Europe, if the west does not ignite the fire now, we will be overrun in a few decades.
I do not want to live under any religious government, a secular government means a religion is not shoved down the throats of the people, we really don't need some archaic text dictating our moral compass, human beings are capable of knowing right from wrong, someone without an ancient book under their arm to dictate behavior does in most cases behave better than those who do. The concept, the idea, the control mechanism of threatening people with eternal damnation and the fiery pits of hell is a crude and primitive method to extract obedience to government through its mouthpiece, its propaganda arm, the preachers on the pulpit "belief system" snake oil salesmen of the varied religions, 501-C3 tax exempt churches remain tax exempt as long as they spoon feed the sheep the latest talking points and tell them exactly what to think. This whole system is on its way out, though it will be used as one mechanism to manipulate the populations until its already hollow doctrines erode to Nil, as science and education fill the gap.
It may seem quite insane to use war as unpleasant as it is to bring a world government into view, this is the most effective tool by far, using destruction, before something can be built something first has to be destroyed. I do believe it is the sanest option when the big picture is viewed with plain reason, I guess its a simple question, in 2300 AD. do we want captain Kirk flying around in the solar system or Shiek allah abu baba adid and the 40 birka chicks?, oh wait, I forgot they will smash all the university's in 2050 so we can all stay in 500 AD forever, ahh and all the birka chicks will be dumb and silent smashing rice in the corner of their mud huts. It all comes down to what kind of world do we want for our posterity, we should all seriously consider the big picture, the future starts now, the past is as gone as death, it all may have well never existed if we wish it, what kind of world do you want?, yes it matters.-Citizen
Tags: watch online exorcism re emergence of armstrongism is lucifer the god faith justifie gove cultural revolution ideology happy august 1