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Sweeten Em Up With A Honey Jar

Sweeten Em Up With A Honey Jar
Sweeteners are used in hoodoo to help "sweeten" someone's disposition to you, make you appear favorable in their eyes and make you attractive to them. The type of sweetener isn't as important as the application ther. The most common type of spell is either a honey jar spell or a sugar box spell, but rootworkers in the past have even used corn syrup, maple syrup or molasses in their work.

Honey Jar Spells

The typical honey jar spell is a very gentle but effective working to get someone to think favorably toward you. Basically it consists of taking someone's personal concerns, putting them in a honey jar along with any herbs or items to influence what you desire, capping off the jar and then (optionally) burning candles on top of the jar to bring light to the situation.

Finding honey in an actual glass jar with a metal lid is almost impossible now a days. I've found the best solution is to buy the honey in the typical plastic container and transfer it to a glass mason jar for spell work. Below are a few sample honey jar spells for you to try out.

Honey Jar to Attract a Man's Affections

On a Monday, take a strand of your hair, and a strand of hair from the man you want to get, tie them around a Queen Elizabeth Root that has been dressed with Love me Now! Oil (available from Take a red offertory candle (6" tall) dress it with Love me Now! Oil stroking the oil toward you. Melt the butt of the candle a little bit and quickly stick it to the top of the honey jar. Now light the candle and allow it to burn all the way down bringing light (and heat) to your honey jar spell. You can interpret the way the candle burns and the way the wax melts for further signs into your working. Burn 7 red candles total on top of the jar - 1 per day.

After that, you can then burn candles to keep "working that jar" until you have his affections. Once you have him as a lover, you can bury the honey jar in your backyard to keep him in your home.

Honey Jar to Win a Court Case

Obtain either a photo of the judge that will be ruling your case or a business card that he has personally handed to you. On the back of it write the judge's name 7 times. Turn it 90 degrees clockwise and write your name across his 7 times. Around this block of text write "Rule in my favor" in one continual line (never lifting your pen from the paper) forming an unbroken circle around your crossed names. Dress the photo with a 5-spot pattern (like the 5 on the side of a die) with Court Case Oil. Fold the photo in half toward you, turn it 1/4 turn clockwise and fold it in half again, and repeat that action one more time.

Obtain a honey jar, and push the dressed photo (or business card) into the honey. When you withdraw your honey covered finger state "As this honey tastes sweet to me, so shall you find me sweet and rule in my favor!" Add in a piece of Little John to Chew (Court Case Root), some Sage and a pinch of tobacco. Cap off the honey jar and pray hard over it for the judge to rule in your favor. Call out to him, to his spirit, and claim by the righteous name of God that you be vindicated in court and that the judge's gavel will fall in favor of your case.

Dress a brown offertory candle with Court Case Oil and affix it to the top of the honey jar. Allow that to burn all the way down, letting the wax drip all over the jar. Interpret the behavior of the flame and the wax as signs for how your work is going. Burn a total of 7 candles on that jar to start. You can burn more of varying colors to affect the court and the judge as needed.

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