Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

White Magic Vs Black Magic Which One Is Best

White Magic Vs Black Magic Which One Is Best
Surprisingly, magic actually can't be recognized as excellent or bad. The factor is different individuals have different methods of using magic and it's the way that individuals use magic that creates it excellent or bad. To distinguish magic that's used for excellent from magic that's used to damage, the conditions white magic and dark magic began to be used. As you can comprehend, white magic is applicable to valuable magic. Black magic, however, is the type of magic that some individuals exercise that is damaging to individuals.

Essentially, when you look at magic, it's a type of power that's sent out into the galaxy. When you throw a magic for example, you're delivering power out for your particular wish to come real. Power is neither excellent nor bad but if it's instructed toward damaging others, it becomes bad. But experts and FAMOUS ASTROLOGER IN JAIPUR of dark magic do so at their own risk because the law of magic can be summarized in eight words, a ye harm none, do what ye will. It can be taken like the law of karma where when you do something bad, it will gradually discover its way returning to you.

If you take for example of BLACK MAGIC FOR LOVE PROBLEM, these are basically very beneficial desires. The real power of magic will continue to work for you with the best throw love means by changing you or your topic into someone who is more start to more love. If at first the limitations to love were successful, you or your topic can have an opportunity at love because the challenges like shyness, pessimism and so on are taken out. If you have a concentrate for the love magic and you want that particular individual to drop madly in love with you, the best traditions will help you become more eye-catching to that particular individual.

With a different type of power with magic on your part, there is actually no need to be hoping ill on anyone else. You can keep on using white-colored magic to create yourself better. Why spend your efforts launching a magic of struggling on another individual when you have the power to create yourself better. If you are having issues with your overall look for example, you can throw a magic for becoming more eye-catching. With means used for excellent, you won't be splitting the primary law of magic and won't have to cope with karma later on.


Mercer County

Mercer County


In the olden days when boneset tea and potions made from catnip, pennyroyal, the green cones of the cucumber, roasted onions, white walnutbark, Indian turnip root, etc. were the only medications known to the pioneers, superstitions ran high.

As a cure for mumps, the patient was required to rub his swollen jaws on the hog trough. Whooping cough victims were sometimes shaken in the hopper of a flour mill. A buckwheat cake was applied to the head for headaches. A toothpick made from the middle toe-nail of an owl was used to prevent cavities.

Everything from planting to harvest, from the cradle to the grave, was thought to be affected by the moon. Omens and bad luck ran hand-in-hand in the frontier household, where each day a battle was waged against cold and hunger and discomfort and very real danger and discouragement. So it was across the length and breadth of Mercer County.

Hells Hollow settlers were no exception, nor have old-timers who yet live in the shrouded shadows of Yankee Ridge been able to shake the superstitions of by-gone days.

Thunder storms have always seemed to worsen along the ridges above the rock- strewn ravine. It seemed in the days before yesterday that winds shook the giant oaks, poplars, chestnuts and maples and whipped and howled along the hollow.

Early settlers there never really felt safe from the red men. When "fire-water"
was brought into the picture, there was always trouble! With the murder of one of the savages, however, a hex was apparently put on the place forever.

As late as 1969, a howling storm hit the ridge in the vicinity of Hells Half Acre. All became deadly calm, then a mighty force descended to uproot and twist giant oaks as though they were mere saplings.

Again those who did not sleep in the nearby burial grounds visioned the ghost of the murdered red man, his moaning seemed to echo in the hollow below.

The wailing voices of the night were the same as those which fanned the flames of their little one-roomer which had once perched above Hells Hollow.

Had the little church disbanded because of the hex? Superstitions were linked to the old mill where the over-shot wheel suddenly stopped - to turn never more.

Too, there was the old hewn log cabin a short distance from the ruins of a stone fort, said to have sheltered slaves on their way to freedom in Canada.

One night, after it had carefully been raised to a conveyance for transportation to the grounds of the Mercer County Historical Society, Yankee Joe's log cabin gave a low groan and settled into a heap of rubble. Not a shade of its formerly sturdy timbers, erected in 1798, remained intact.

Once again, the evil spirit - that is said to rise to full stature in Hells Half Acre on any stormy night - had overstepped the bounds of its awesome domain.

Just as the reader must accept the account of linsey-woolsey and buckskin wearing apparel, of venison and wild turkey and pone of flails and candle molds
- so must one believe that ghosts of the past really haunted old timers and return to interfere, even to this day, with many a well-laid plan.

Yes, there is a Hells Half Acre and a Hells Hollow within a half hour's walk of the Mercer County courthouse.

If one will climb the narrow stairs to the portico, high above the rotunda and look westward, in mind's eye one may see the smoke from the red man's campfire.


Create Your Samhain Spell Visualization

Create Your Samhain Spell Visualization
In my last three posts, I went through the steps involved to create your own Wiccan magick spell for Samhain. You found the heart of your desire, wrote a memorable affirmation and researched the appropriate correspondences. Now, you will create a compelling visualization.


Take the appropriate correspondences you selected; in our example, that would be lavender oil or flowers, sage incense, blossoms or leaves and a turquoise stone. Place them on a 9" x 9" square cloth. You could use orange or black to represent Samhain or gold to represent your wish of a job promotion.

Take these items, your Book of Shadows, (or paper), and a pen and find a quiet space to contemplate your intent. If you wish, you can light the incense and play some music. Hold the cloth with the flowers and stones and recite your affirmation a few times and start to visualize your desire.


In our example, you would picture yourself in the present enjoying your new promotion. Imagine that you are watching a movie and you are the star. See yourself smiling and interacting with your fellow employees. Hear their voices as they speak to you. What does your new office look like? Is there a congratulatory bouquet of flowers on your desk? What is its fragrance? What are you wearing? Feel the fine fabric of your new clothes, or the comfort and style of your new shoes.


Be sure that the images are large, bright and colourful. Continue in this manner until you have a complete picture of your successful promotion. Feel happy, feel proud and feel joyous.

Now, write the highlights of this experience in your Book of Shadows. Write it in the present tense and include all the important sights, sounds, smells, feelings and colourful pictures. When you read this aloud during ritual, you should be able to transport yourself into that space as though it were reality.

In my next post, we will combine all these elements to create your personalized Samhain spell.

Blessed be!

(c) 2012, Holly Zurich. All rights reserved.

(c)2012 Simple Wiccan Magick Spells. All Rights Reserved..

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Corn Moon

Corn Moon
In late August, we celebrate the beginning of the Corn Moon. This moon phase is also known as the Barley Moon, and carries on the associations of grain and rebirth that we saw back at Lammastide. August was originally known as Sextilis by the ancient Romans, but was later renamed for Augustus (Octavian) Caesar.


* Colors: Yellow, red, orange
* Gemstones: Tigers eye, carnelian, garnet, red agate
* Trees: Cedar and hazel
* Gods: Vulcan, Mars, Nemesis, Hecate, Hathor, Thoth
* Herbs: Rosemary, basil, rue, chamomile
* Element: Fire

Harness some of the Corn Moon's fiery energy for your ritual and spell work. This is a good time to focus on your spiritual and physical health. It's the time to harvest what you can now to put aside for later use. What sacrifices can you make today that will benefit you further down the road?

ALSO KNOWN AS: Barley Moon

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Online Magic Tip 4 Don't

Online Magic Tip 4 Dont Get Too Attached To Your Tools
Learning how to use magical tools such as the Wand, Athame, Firebowl, Chalice, and Plate is such a wondrous process. For some of our students, using magical tools is their favorite part of the Basic Magic course (now available online). Magical tools enhance our energies. Magical tools can direct, focus, and increase our energies.

Every practicing magician should have his or own set of magical tools. And, the more you use your tools in your practice the more they become "keyed" or personalized to your energies... making them even more effective.

So magical tools are wondrous, but... don't get too attached to them!

"Why?" you ask. Because you may find yourself in a situation where you need to perform a magical ritual in which you normally use one or more magical tools. What do you do?

Luckily, in most cases you can still perform the magical ritual, either by using your body as an energy conduit or by finding a substitute for your magical tool. For instance, the night time blessing ritual normally calls for a "keyed" Chalice, meaning a Chalice that has been personalized to your own energies using the Firebowl. If you need to do the night time blessing ritual-to settle a fussy child for the night, for instance-but you don't have your own Chalice handy, you can do an emergency "quick key." Simply flow water blue energy through a handy water goblet for a few minutes, which temporarily keys the goblet so you can do the ritual.

So use your magical tools-key them, charge them, personalize them... just don't get too attached to them. Practice doing magic rituals with and without your tools so that you don't find yourself in a bind when you need your magical tools but don't have them handy!

Learn more about magical tools with our no-cost online tutorial.

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Different Healing Work

Different Healing Work
Tonight, I am mostly recovered from my cold but tired from a lack of sleep last night. I really didn't want to work but given that I felt pressure to from who knows where and that it will be unlikely that I will be able to help over the next few days, I gave it a shot.

I sought to aid the anyeursim person with his short-term memory. Some odd things happened.

First of all, I didn't need the Manifestation Meditation to do it. A simple call to my Greater Neschemah was all. Then, I was told I could not aid with the memory issue. Instead, I was show was looked like a ghostly white spiral cloud emanating from the person's head. I moved all around it trying to figure out what it was.

I now believe that was a visual representation of a mentality or spirit that was not focused on this plane. With that realization, a team of people surrounded the man. They seemed to be performing surgery. I asked what was happening.

I was told that I was, "the Will of God." Well, before you get around to think that I think I am the Almighty, allow me to translate. It was much more along the lines that I have the authority to do what? I don't know, create a healing space that draws other healers?

My only analogy comes from I time when I was Praemonstrator of a GD lodge. Something occurred initiatory with a member. That member acknowledged my position and its so-called authority but wasn't exactly a friend. I'm sure this person would not have been comfortable with me doing anything occult in his/her direction. However, I deemed it necessary. I wasn't curious or invading privacy. I was observing the impact of magick.

When I went to this person, I encountered a guardian. It stopped me as it should. Then in no uncertain terms I declared my position and what I was doing. I was immediately allowed to pass.

I think this is similar but different.

The result of this 'surgery' was that the ghostly white light stopped spiraling upwards. Instead, it came out of each side of the head in focused beams. I believe this may allow the person to be more aware of immediate surroundings, time and place.

This fits with my concept that all time happens at once. However, if you had to visualize it, individual time is vertical and interacting time is horizontal. Someday, I will post on that.

The other odd thing about the healing was that I could not see the surgery. It was just one big bright white light emitting from the head. The surgeons knew what they were doing though. I left them alone. I did nothing.

I also worked on the pre-diabetic.

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Dvar Torah For Sukkot Water And Wine Compared

Dvar Torah For Sukkot Water And Wine Compared

Water and Wine

D'var Torah for Sukkot - Water and Wine Compared


Wine libations ("nisuch ha'yayin") accompanied most individual and public sacrifices, that were offered on a daily basis in the Beit HaMikdash (see Bamidbar 15:3-5). On Sukkot, water libations ("nisuch ha'mayim") were also brought.

According to the Gemara (Sukkah 34a) and the Rambam (Hilchot Temidin u'Mussafin 10:6), the mitzvah of "nisuch ha'mayim" is a "Halacha Le'Moshe Mi'Sinai", i.e. a law taught orally to Moshe on Har Sinai, which cannot be derived from the Written Torah. However, Rabbi Akiva (Zevachim 110b) disagrees, holding that the libation of water on Sukkot is of Biblical origin. He learns this out from the verse in our parsha, which teaches the obligation to accompany the "tamid "offering of the sixth day of Sukkot with libations. The verse (Bamidbar 29:31) speaks of two separate libations ("u'nesacheha "= and its libations - plural): wine and water.

Others hold that this mitzva is derived from three extra letters that appear in the chapter in our parsha, detailing the requirements for the "musaf" offerings of Sukkot (Ch. 29). Each day of Sukkot is the subject of a separate paragraph, with each paragraph concluding with the words: "Besides the "tamid" burnt-offering, its flour offering ("u'minchatah") and its libation ("ve'niskah")." The last word, "ve'niskah", is identical in every paragraph, "EXCEPT in the paragraph for the SECOND day, where it is changed to "ve'niskeiheM" (with an additional "mem - "and "THEIR" libations, in v. 19), in the "tamid" offering for the SIXTH day, which as we have seen states "u'nesache(Y)ha "(with an additional "yud"), and in connection with the "musaf "offerings of the SEVENTH day, where it is stated: "ke'mishpataM" (with an additional "mem"). "Thus, the extra letters are "mem"," yud "and" mem", which spell the word "M"aYiM "(water), and this is a Scriptural allusion to the water libation services performed on Sukkot" (Ta'anit 2b).

The Maharsha adds an insightful comment that on the second and sixth days of Sukkot, the allusion is to be found in words connected to "nisuch" (the libations themselves) - "ve'niskeihem" and" u'nesache(y)ha". By contrast, on the seventh day the allusion to water is found in the word: "ke'mishpatam", "because on Sukkot, the world is judged for water, and the seventh day (= Hoshana Rabba) is the completion of the world's judgment"!

The Mishna describes the water libation which was performed with the morning "tamid" during the seven days of Sukkot (Sukka 48a-b): "There were two silver bowls on the southwestern corner of the Altar... and the bowls had spouts that were perforated, resembling two thin nostrils. One of the holes was thicker and one was thinner, so that both would drain out at the same time." According to Rashi, both libations - wine and water - were poured into their respective bowls simultaneously. The libations flowed through the spouts, landed on top of the Altar, and ran into a hole in the top of the Altar, leading into a very deep cavity beneath the Altar called the "shittin". The wine was poured into the bowl with the wider hole, while, at the same time, the water was poured into the bowl with the narrower hole. Since water flows more quickly than wine, it was necessary to decrease the size of the water hole so that both bowls would empty simultaneously!

Why was it so important for the libations to be poured simultaneously? Rav Menachem Makover, in his eye-opening book, "Otzar Torat HaKorbanot - Ma'aseh u'Machshava", points out the fact that, in Jewish mystical thought, wine symbolizes "din", according to which attribute God judges us strictly on our merits, while water represents the attribute of "chessed", with which God tempers His judgment with His boundless kindness. Through this synthesis of wine and water, he suggests, we hope and pray that the blessing of water will influence the world of vegetation throughout the winter period.


"Is the master not a Cohen?" Rabba bar Avuha asks (Bava Metzia 114b), questioning how Eliyahu HaNavi could be standing in a cemetery. Rashi explains that Rabba asked this, in accordance with the view that Eliyahu was Pinchas the Cohen. The Torah, at the beginning of our parsha, describes Pinchas as one who acted zealously for God (25:11). Since Eliyahu describes himself as acting zealously for God (I Kings 19:10), he is assumed to be Pinchas.

Rabbi Shaul Farber once described this phenomenon of how Eliyahu keeps popping up throughout Jewish history (the two spies sent out by Joshua are identified as Pinchas and Calev, Eliyahu appears at every Brit, at every Seder, and of course as heralding the Mashiach) as the "law of conservation of Biblical persons"!

Eliyahu's life (and, indeed, death) is characterized by fire and fieriness. He decrees famine on the people, and ignores the difficulties created thereby until Hashem expressly commands him to do so; causes fire to come down from Heaven at Mount Carmel, when confronting the prophets of the Baal; later, after Ahaziah, king of Yehuda, sends a message to the priests of Ba'al Zevuv in Ekron, outside of the kingdom of Israel, to know if he will recover, Eliyahu interecepts his messengers and returns them back to Ahaziah with a message that begins with a blunt, impertinent question, in typical Eliyahu fashion: "Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Ba'al Zevub, the god of Ekron?" (Melachim II, 1:6). Ahaziah sends out three groups of soldiers to arrest Eliyahu. The first two are destroyed by fire which Eliyahu calls down from heaven. Finally, Eliyahu is lifted up to Heaven in a whirlwind: "And it was, as they proceeded - walking and talking - that there appeared a chariot of fire, with horses of fire, and they parted them from one another, and Eliyahu went up in a whirlwind to heaven" (2:11-12).

By contrast, Elisha adopts a far more mellow and tolerant approach to people, symbolized by water. Many of the miracles that he performs are connected directly to the supply of food and water. He assists those whom he meets, even when they could manage without a miracle being performed. The people contact him over big and small things, whereas Eliyahu tended to seclude himself, requiring others to find him. At Mount Chorev, Hashem indicates his rejection of Eliyahu's hard-line approach: "but God was not in the wind... nor in the earthquake... nor in the fire; [rather, in the] still small voice" (Melachim I, 19:11-12).

The world needs a mixture of strict justice and kindness to survive, wine and water, Eliyahu and Elisha. With this synthesis, we can stride towards the Messianic ideal of inter-generational harmony, of which Eliyahu the prophet is, interestingly, the harbinger: "Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord, that he may turn the heart of the fathers back through the children, and the heart of the children back through their fathers" (Malachi 3:23-24).

Chag sameach!

- Simon

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Learn Potions

Learn Potions

The art of healing oils, potions and candles link to many past practices. Of the many beliefs that support the development of these arts, they all have an underlying basis...a respect for the planet earth. In fact, for most magick to work, there must be an understanding of the planet that nourishes us.

We will discuss items relating to making oils and potions. Keep in mind that the power of the oils are given their strength through the thoughts and beliefs during the creation period. A successful potion is part mind and part matter.


Essential Oils

These "essential oils" aren't really mixtures of anything. Many of these are found as commercial chemical mixtures which are much more available and less expensive then the true thing. A true essential oil, or essence, is drawn from the purest substance. An example of this is usually the essence of a flower like a rose. The natural materials from the flower and plant can make a very aromatic and powerful oil. Depending on your use, a synthetic essential oil may or may not work. For magickal purposes (those for the focusing of internal powers onto external bodies), a synthetic with the correct scent may be just the trick. For healing purposes (those for internal growth), a pure essence must be used. To make a real oil, it is expensive and laborious. I have found a way to get the true scent of the oil at a much lower cost and the only expense is time. Go to the Making of Oils section for an explanation.


Mixtures of substances can produce effects of personal growth among many other outward potent products. Unlike the essential oils, these need the concentration of the creator and some form of ritual to produce the desired effect.

Astrology Oils

Many people are into finding out how to make these oils. With the assistance of these oils, a person can achieve a closer affinity to their birth path for better understanding.


Basil is used for more then cooking in Italian food. Peace, Happiness, and the Conscious Mind are some of the magickal attributes of this herb. Keep this scent close to keep a clear mind for tasks. The smell will keep you focused for the more important tasks in your day. Note: In making an oil of this herb, do not take it internally.

Black Pepper
For a charge in physical strength, this is a great herb. Other influenced include Courage and Protection. If you are trying to keep other people's influences from ruining your day, this should help. You many take this internally.

This herb is used as a helper to complete mixtures that involve money. Although it is an herb which is hard to find, it can be worth the search. It is also one of the elements that vibrates well with the Zodiac sign of Gemini.

This herb is great for gathering magickal energy. This oils is also great for the Conscious mind. As an addition to a mixture, this substance will add thickness to your oil. The tincture of benzoin is a great way to make your essential oils last.

Bay is another cooking item with great potential. The specialty of this herb is Psychic capabilities and Purification. Use dried leaves and smell them crumpled in your hand or smoke then in an incense.

This is an easy-to-get herb. You will find it in many herbal teas found at your local supermarket...and for good reason. This is the herb of Peace and Meditation. Take this herb and you will achieve a deeper peace of mind.

This flower is so common in most areas that it is a great oil to practice with making essential oils. Smell the flowers fresh or in an oil for General Health, Love and some Magickal and Physical boosts.

The dried inner bark of this herb helps you most with overall Prosperity. It is one of the more assessable items that is part of one of the mixtures for Lucky Life Oil.

This narcissus flower is one of the strongest helpers for Love. The fresh flowers have the most powerful effect. This is one of a spiritual, deep love.

This herb has many religious connotations. The incense of this essential oil has a profound religious effect. Burn this incense for a heightened spiritual understanding and for meditation. Use this also for any oil that needs a power boost in a spiritual content. Not for internal use!

One of the most versatile herbs, garlic has its focus around Health, Purification and Protection. Add it to any relevant dish and take the oils that come in vitamins. One bad side effect... bad for social situations.

Magick is the best use of this herb. Taken in slight doses it is the best practices due to its power. It also has influences in Sex, Love and slightly Money. Again, small doses are best.

Another common element, jasmine is responsible for Psychic dreams, Love, Sex and is overall good for relationships that need help in intimacy. Fresh flowers and the essential oil are best.

There are many uses for this citrus. Basically, use the peels for soaking in your oils of Health and Healing. You can also use it for Physical purposes.
Purification is the main attribute for lemon grass, lemon balm, and other

This is a very powerful and readily available scent. Money, Sex and other Earth bound influences. This is a great essential oil to be used with Protection Oil and Seduction Oil. One word of warning. This neutralizes many spiritual situations. It is tied closely to the earth.

Another common flower, this is a great one for Love. Beauty and oils for almost every ritual for peace should have this essential oil or flower petals involved.
It also enhances intimate sexuality.

If we had more of this in our diets and rituals, we would benefit from in increase in Memory. It also has great influence over the mind. Keep it in moderation for it can upset the stomach if too much is used. It may better be used in its natural form for smell to enhance mind capacities.

This is an expensive herb that when cooking will have a profound color and taste in its host. It is very powerful for Magick. It should be used with only one or two other herbs in a mixture. Only a little of this herb will do the trick.

Great for Wisdom, this herb is commonly used with others in Italian seasonings.
It has an underlying subconscious tone that can help you get in touch with unknown forces in your life.

Common and good for additions to mixtures to give an essence of Healing, Spirituality and Healing. Adds a sweet undertone.

Magickal energy and overall mid-level purposes in this herbs strengths. Use this to add a balancing effect in your mixtures. A safe element for almost anything.
Not too strong on its own.


The recipes given here are given by Ray T. Malbrough - Charms, Spells &
Formulas. I have had great success with these mixtures, now I share them with you. I have found that some herbs vibrate better with me. Please use the above section to help you find your best combinations. The lower section will help you in the mixing process.

Money Drawing Oil
Mix equal parts of the following - frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. Add a touch of bayberry to liven it up.

Happy Heart Oil
Use wisteria flowers in oil.

Protection Oil
Equal parts of sandalwood, patchouli and gardenia petals. Use blessed salt to enhance in oil.

Love Drawing Oil
Equal parts of jasmine, red rose or lavender. Orris root for a kick OR two parts red rose petals with one part cinnamon.

Dream Oil
Grated lemon peel or lemon flowers with frankincense and myrrh. If you can't find it, add five-fingers grass to each bottle.


There are may ways to make these oils. If you can find a true natural oil in your area, get it. Try to find someone reputable. You may have to pay a little more for a true essential oil, but its worth it.

Alternatively, if you have the time, you may be able to make your own acceptable oils. Compression and distillation is the way to get the most true essential oil, but time ban be for budgeted friend. The basic tools of a Mortar and Pestle can grind down your herbs and flowers and then soaking them in your favorite oil. I have used extra virgin olive oil in many of my mixtures, but sometime the oil itself is too pungent and it hides the aromas of the herbs. Grape seed oil is better due to the lack of odor. There are other oils so choose your own, but try to keep your base as pure as possible.

I usually let the ground items sit in the mortar with the oil for a few days and then put the whole lot in a bottle. After about two weeks, the aromas start to come out beautifully. Keep in mind that when I am going through the whole process, grinding to soaking and straining, I keep my thoughts on what I am trying to accomplish with this mixture. The better the concentration, the better the result.


Candles are used in every religion in the world. From Pagans to Christians, for good and evil, candles are an essential part of rituals. I've added the candles and colors section to this oils page because they go so well together. Candle burning is an art that will enhance any part of your spirituality.

Use colored candles and oils together to bring love, money, health and many other things. A few suggested rules about candle burning:

- Try to find candles that will burn out in a few hours. This will help you prevent an out of control fire if you have to leave. Candle burning almost always requires letting the candle(s) burn all the way down to nothing for full effect.

- Make a "candle burning place" that will be the place you will always burn your candles and keep you oils nearby. Some call it an altar, some call it the kitchen. Choose a place that doesn't have a lot of traffic and a place that you feel safe and can call your own, at least temporarily.

- Be careful of karma when wishing things and using rituals like candle burning.
The best course of action is to meditate on what you really want and think about all the consequences involved. For example, wishing another person to love you when they are involved with someone else can bring bad tidings and ruin your karma for many things. Remember, for ever action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, try and do good and good will come back to you. If you must cast a bad spell, because someone really deserves it and was malicious towards you, then there are certain rules.

- When candle burning, use a black and white candle in addition to the color(s)
that you are using to balance the forces and help implement your desires. Try to let the back and white burn all the way also, but it is not totally necessary.

- Start with little wishes and then go bigger as you get better with your mediation and candle burning. I personally start with an empty stomach to allow for more mental power and then "bless" the candles with oil with a stroke from the middle up and then a stroke from the middle down on each candle before lighting them. Then I stare into the flame and meditate on my desires. Sometimes I meditate the whole burning time and sometimes only for a few minutes.

- Keep in mind that the following definitions of the colors are based upon what I have practiced with and have had personal success. I used the teachings form the book "Charms, Spells and Formulas" by Ray T. Malbrough. Available from Llewellyn.


Represents purity and spiritual well being. Helps break curses and bad conditions in a persons life.

Represents the darker side of life; evil, loss, mourning and confusion.

Power, physical strength, passionate love, good health.

Overcomes evil, represents honor, love, friendship and overall good things to happen.

Helps one come to terms with a new situation. Encourages new growth and helps one concentrate. Stimulation.

Instills and enhances charm. A persuasive color and enhances attraction.

Greenish Yellow
Quarrels, jealousy and anger. Can be used for sickness of mind or body.

Like the color of money, it is the color for these types of rituals. This is the color for material well-being.

Light Blue
This is the color of peace and general happiness. Also used to set a patient mind and understanding.

Dark Blue
This is the darker side of the light shade of this color. A more depressed mood and moodiness that is quick to change. Very subduing.

A color of many meanings. The overall power color for magick, psychic and worldly issues. Great for willpower. Also a color of royalty and amibition.

Steals energy and causes hesitation and doubt.

Neutrality, stalemate and cancellation.

Tags: devil devil manga volume 15 information  dont need no stinkin  to heal the hurt  holy apostle onesimus  periodic table s block p block d block  recipes for love spell

Pink Candle Free Love Spell

Pink Candle Free Love Spell
This simple free love spell is so easy anyone can cast it!. You only need two things, and if you don't already have them in your house you can easily get them at any store. This spell will give you a boost in confidence and is sure to raise your level of attractiveness to the opposite sex.

You only need -

1 pink candle and a bottle of 100% virgin olive-

Pink Candle For Simple Free love spell

What you do: Put the candle on your altar - a table or any flat surface will work if you don't have an altar. Coat your hand in olive oil and brush your fingers on the middle of the candle going up, then going down. You are purifying the candle with the olive oil, so be sure to visualize the love and energy you want to charge the candle with. Imagine this flowing from your fingers into the candle with each pass. Do this until you feel the candle is pure and charged with your desire. When you are done, carve what you want or the name of your lover into the candle.

Next light the candle. Focus on the flame, watch it dance and jump with the energy you charged it with. Pass the love you desire and want into the flame and let it be sent out into the universe. Make sure you are comfortable and do this until the flame is completely out. The spell is working and gaining strength with every second you are concentrating on it. What you put into this is what you get out! When the candle is done, the spell is done so make sure you put your full energy into it.

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Magic Wands

Magic Wands
Cliched as it may sound, the wand is one of the most popular magical tools in Wicca, as well as in some Ceremonial Magic traditions. It has a number of magical purposes. A wand is used for the directing of energy during a ritual. Because it's a phallic symbol it is used to represent male energy, power, and virility. Representative of the element of Air (although in a few traditions it symbolizes Fire), the wand can be used to consecrate a sacred space, or invoke deity.

A wand is a thin, straight, hand-held stick of wood, stone, ivory, or metal. Generally, in modern language, wands are ceremonial and/or have associations with magic but there have been other uses, all stemming from the original meaning as a synonym of rod and virge, both of which had a similar development.

The Great Book of Saint Cyprian gives step-by-step instructions on how to make a magic wand.

In Pharaonic Egypt, toilette articles, weapons against possible enemies, amulets against serpents, were also left in the tomb, together with magic Texts and a magic wand which enabled the ka (soul) to use them. The rod of Moses was a hazel wand (Genesis 30:37) as depicted in catacomb frescoes of the third and fourth centuries.

In classical Greco-Roman mythology, the god Hermes/Mercury has a special wand called a caduceus.

Six to eight foot long staves with metal tips adorning them are carried traditionally in Freemasonry during rituals of the Craft. Ceremonial uses may have several wands for different purposes, such as the Fire Wand and the Lotus Wand in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In Zoroastrianism, there is a similar ritual implement called a barsom. In wicca and Ceremonial magic, practitioners use several magical tools including wands for the channeling of energy-they serve a similar purpose to the athame although the two have their distinct uses. While an athame is generally used to command, a wand is seen as more gentle and is used to invite or encourage. Though traditionally made of wood, they can also consist of metal or crystal. Practitioners usually prune a branch from an Oak, Hazel, or other tree, or may even buy wood from a hardware store, and then carve it and add decorations to personalize it; however, one can also purchase ready-made wands. In Wicca the wand usually represents the element air, or sometimes fire, although contemporary wand makers also create wands for the elements of earth and water as well. The wand is most often used by modern Pagans, witches, Shamans and others in rituals, healing and spell casting.

There is some scholarly opinion that the magic wand may have its roots as a symbol of the phallus. It may also have originated as the drumming stick of a shaman, especially in Central Asia and Siberia, as when using it to bang on his drum or point, to perform religious, healing, and magical ceremonies.

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The Call Of The 13 Shamans

The Call Of The 13 Shamans

Tuvan shaman Nikolay Oorzhak

At the end of July, the festival "The Call of 13 Shamans" took place in Tuva (southern Siberia). The creator and main organizer of the forum festival is Tuvan shaman Nikolay Oorzhak. By means of his songs, he called shamans from all over the world to the sacred land of Tuva. On the sacred mountain tops of Tannu Tuva, thirteen shamans of thirteen countries from all over the world conducted rituals, prayed and meditated with the intention of creating universal harmony on the Earth, and to reveal to the world the predictions about the future of the Earth.

Despite the social upheavals of different periods, the shamanic tradition in Tuva has never been interrupted, and is currently undergoing a revival. In a bewildering urban landscape where long traditions of nomadic lifestyles are things of the past, the ancient beliefs of Tengrism (modern term for a Central Asian religion characterized by features of shamanism, animism, totemism, polytheism and ancestor worship) serve to fill a spiritual void. Read more.


Chant Course3

Chant Course3

The previous two courses teach the full minimum necessary to work solo
magick. The remaining two days will concentrate on group ritual. In
Day Three, we will discuss the basic techniques.

To explain the outline, relate the outline of the three Essentials of
Eastern magick - mandalla, mantra, and mudra.

A. Mantra - Music and Chanting

Discuss the three types of mantra most often used in Neopagan
ritual: memorized chants (for creating and focusing the Group
), impromptu chanting (for advanced meditation and growing
), and plainsong (for worship).

1. Memorized Chants

Teach them the chants listed below. Then run quickly (for
familiarization purposes only
) through "We Wander Now", "Hoof
and Horn
", "Burn Bright", "Circle 'Round the Fire", and any
others that I can remember on the spot.

a. "We All Come from the Goddess"

We ALL - COME from the GODdess
FLOWing TO the O-CEAN (repeat)

b. "I Circle Around"

WEARing my LONG tail FEAthers AS I GLIDE...
WEARing my LONG tail FEAthers AS I GLIDE... (repeat)

c. "Air I Am"

(evenly spaced, every syllable emphasized)

Air I am,
Fire I am,
Water, Earth and Spirit I am... (repeat)

d. "The Goddess Chant"

iSIS, aSTARte, diANna, HECaTE,
deMEter, KALi - inNAna (repeat)

2. Impromptu Chanting

Discuss the uses of impromptu chanting: ecstatic magick
(where one can't count on elaborate chants) and for deep
probing rituals, where they are used for free association.
As an example, demonstrate the three-word style that Starhawk
teaches in SPIRAL DANCE. Emphasize the use of beat and tempo
as unifying factors.

3. Plainsong

For contrast, sing the NROOGD classic, "O Earth Mother" to
demonstrate that not all ritual music needs to be in the form
of basic chants.

B. Mudra - Movement and Dance

1. Ritual Dance

(This section has not yet been finalized. Current plans
focus on simple circle-dance steps, the famed "spiral dance",
and then brief discussion of free-form dance and ecstatic

2. Theater Techniques

Remind people that one of the purposes of ritual is to catch
and hold the attention of Child Self, and point out that the
language that Child Self speaks best is melodrama. Instruct
them that gestures and actions in the Circle should speak
loud enough that words are not necessary. Then, since they
undoubtedly won't get the point, do two exercises to rub
their noses in it.

a. Banishing Exercise

Set up a circle, then pick out someone who seems to know
a bit about magick. Get him to go to one of the
quarters and ground and center. Then have him visualize
a threat approaching from his quarter, and tell him to
do a banishing. (He will inevitably do something
traditional, elaborate, and sterile.
) Relax him, then
ask the class how THEY would have reacted, if THEY were
attacking the circle, to what he had done. Pick an
absolute novice, put him in the same place, ground and
center, pump them up with melodrama and heroics, then
describe a different menace and instruct them to scare
it off, turn it away (don't use the word "banish"). See
if the gestures aren't more dramatic.

b. Charging Exercise

Pick a couple who seem to know a bit about magick (if
), and have them ground, center, and use the
wand and chalice for a symbolic Great Rite. (See if
they do anything more sexual than just stick the wand
into the cup - I doubt it.
) Relax them, then point out
to the class that the energies to be raised in this
exercise are to be earthy and sexual, EXACTLY like the
"rush" or thrill of heavy flirtation. Then pick the
most COMPATIBLE-looking couple (if possible) and repeat
the exercise (and see if they don't make it more

Tags: what is civilization are  ufo and the old  the art of hypnotism  candle magic rituals  married and seeking woman seeking same  chaos magick  crosses

The Times Of The Signs

The Times Of The Signs

Understanding the Times of the Signs

From time to time, it is good to take a step back from all the minutiae and historical details and current events relative to Bible prophecy, and reconsider the awesomeness of Big Picture overall.

For two millennia, the faithful have kept watch, looking hopefully for signs that indicated that they might be among the generation whose time would see the coming of the Lord.

For the generation actually living in the times of the signs, there are so many signs to juggle that they almost become routine. There is yet another old saying to the effect that "familiarity breeds contempt."

"Contempt" is too strong a word to apply here, except in the sense that when the miraculous becomes commonplace, it becomes somewhat less awe-inspiring, somehow.

We are living eyewitnesses to events for which the ancient prophets had no words, but somehow managed to describe in symbols decipherable only to one generation, somewhere in time.

The prophet Daniel was so confused by what he had witnessed, and so unsure of how to describe it adequately, that he actually complained to God's Messenger about it:

"And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?"

Just try and see it from Daniel's perspective. He had just absorbed a vision of Israel's future, divided into seventy weeks of years.

God revealed to Daniel the rise and fall of four successive world empires; Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Much of Daniel's vision would have been somewhat familiar; the mechanics of government and technology of war didn't change that much from the 5th century BC to the 1st century AD.

But Daniel's vision took a hard right turn following the 'cutting off of the Messiah' (Daniel 9:26) and jumped from the middle of the 1st century to somewhere in the 21st century.

Daniel was transported from the destruction of Rome by Titus in 70 AD to the confirmation of the seven year treaty by the antichrist and the start of the Tribulation Period - Daniel's 70th Week.

Daniel had seen things that staggered him so much he didn't know where to begin.

Consider the angel's reply carefully:

"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." (Daniel 12:8-9)

There is a principle in Scripture that dictates that God does not repeat Himself unnecessarily. If God tells you something twice, it's because it is so important that He really, really wants you to get it.

That is the case here. Earlier, Daniel had voiced a similar complaint, and the angel had already told him:

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end," but in more detail, adding that, 'in the time of the end', "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12:4)

As I said, this is something important enough for God to tell us twice. The events that so perplexed the prophets, even Daniel, who was so in tune with the Mind of God that he could divine dreams, would remain a mystery to every generation except the one that would see its fulfillment.

Every generation since Christ has watched for the signs of the times pointing to His return.

The Church at Thessalonika, for example, was so convinced that the Lord had come and they'd been left behind that Paul wrote his 2nd Epistle to the Thessalonians specifically to reassure them. (2nd Thessalonians 2:1)

But the angel told Daniel that the Signs of the Times would only be understandable during the Times of the Signs.


There is a world of difference between 'knowledge' and 'wisdom'. One can have great wisdom without much knowledge. Some of the wisest men I ever knew had little or no education.

And it is equally true that one can have a tremendous amount of knowledge and be utterly devoid of wisdom. The
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10)

That is the whole purpose of the Proverbs; "To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding." (Proverbs 1:2)

Daniel had wisdom, but the kaleidoscope of images from our time imparted no useful knowledge, so he therefore had no understanding of what he had just witnessed.

As I said, sometimes it is good to step back and take in the Big Picture in order to fully understand where waiting for signs of the times ended and living in the signs of the times begins.

It began when, for the first time since the times of Daniel, there is, in this generation, a political and national entity called "Israel" composed of Daniel's people and living in Daniel's city. (Daniel 9:24)

From the day that Israel was reborn (shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. (Isaiah 66:8) on 14 May 1948, the countdown clock began ticking down.

One needn't turn to Matthew 24's 'fig tree' analogy to make that point. The point makes itself. Virtually every major component of Bible Prophecy's Big Picture traces its genesis to the same point in modern history.

The same 1948 restoration of Israel is also the seminal event responsible for the current war on Islamic terrorism.

Daniel's antichrist is a prince of the people who destroyed Rome and burned the Temple. (Daniel 9:27).

Those 'people' were the legions of the Roman Empire. In 1948, the modern version of the Roman Empire, the EU, was born out of the Benelux Treaty.

The current East/West geopolitical alignment in the Middle East is a direct result of the US/Soviet Cold War which officially kicked off with the 1948 Berlin Airlift.

The first Constitution for a global government, the Universal Declaration of Rights and Freedoms was ratified by the UN Member States in 1948.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Treaty establishing global economic policy rules (and ultimately evolving into the World Trade Organization) was signed and ratified by the UN in 1948.

The World Council of Churches was established under UN auspices in Amsterdam in August, 1948.

China and Taiwan were divided by the 1947-1948 Communist takeover of the mainland, giving birth to the inscrutable People's Republic of China.

Muslim Pakistan broke from newly independent India in 1948, creating the Islamic republic that ultimately gave the world the first Islamic Bomb, the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

All that is history, and therefore, common knowledge. But devoid of 'wisdom' (i.e., that it is evidence of the soon fulfillment God's Plan for the Ages) the world can't understand the Big Picture for what it is.

What they see instead is chaos and terror and war and upheaval and, more than anything, fear. That's why so many people mutter "I don't know what this world is coming to," but flee the moment you start to tell them.

It is discouraging to wear the label of 'prophecy nut'.

(But Noah preached for 120 years without a convert - now that is discouraging.)

So I think it is good to step back once in a while and drink in the awesomeness of the events to which we are now almost daily witnesses.

Our individual setbacks pale in comparison to the awesomeness of witnessing of the Hand of God directly interacting in our world to fulfill His Word in our generation.

If that isn't encouraging, I don't know what is.

Paul tells us of a special crown, the 'crown of righteousness' that is reserved in heaven, "not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing." (2nd Timothy 4:8)

Titus 2:13 says that, believers with understanding aren't quaking in fear "at looking at the things that are coming upon the earth," but that, instead, they are;

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13)

Looking at the signs of the times is terrifying. Understanding the times of the signs means a 'crown of righteousness' and represents our 'blessed hope'- the soon Rapture of the Church.

Still, is natural to feel a sense of fear. After all, we all want to go to heaven, but none of us is eager to hasten the process by dying. Being afraid once in a while is not evidence of a lack of faith.

Paul explains that we are dual-natured creatures, part carnal and part spiritual, so it is not disloyal (or schizophrenic) to be afraid with the natural part and overjoyed at its spiritual implications.

That is what 'understanding' is all about.

"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." (1st Peter 1:7)

Maranatha! ("the Lord cometh")


Tips 6 Ways To Have

Tips 6 Ways To Have A Horrible Relationship With God
For those of us who are conscious of our relationship with God, dig in and check this out...


By Jarrid Wilson

1. ONLY VIEWING GOD AS YOUR TICKET OUT OF HELL. This one will hit home with a lot of people. And while this may come off extremely judgmental, my point is to help encourage you into a deeper relationship with your Creator. God is more than than a get out of hell free card, and our relationship with him should reflect something much deeper than that. Heaven isn't a place for people who fear hell, but instead a place for people who passionately love God. Don't make your relationship with God transactional. He's worth more than anything your mind can fathom. He's not here just to be personal fire proof. 2. ONLY PRAY WHEN YOU NEED SOMETHING. Have you noticed that everyone seems to pray when things get tough? The real question is whether or not you are going to extend your prayer life beyond the hard-times. God is looking for a relationship with you, and only by communicating with him will you be able to deepen and nourish it. 3. ONLY READ YOUR BIBLE DURING A CHURCH SERVICE. If you want a relationship with God, then I suggest you read the Word in which he breathed into life. Read a devotional, join a bible study, or even read the bible from beginning to end. Regardless of how you read your Bible, God is looking for you to open up His Word and digest the wisdom he has prepared for you. There is no such thing as a Christian who doesn't follow God's Word. 4. ONLY WORSHIP DURING A CHURCH SERVICE. Worshipping during church service is great, but worshipping outside of that element is even greater. Find ways to worship God throughout your everyday life, and make a priority out of giving praise to the one who created you. Worshipping God can be done through many different forms, so find a way to praise God that reflects who God created you to be. 5. ONLY GIVE BACK WHEN YOU GET SOMETHING IN RETURN. True giving is found when you expect nothing in return. Whether you are giving to a charity, a church, or even a missions trip, if you are only doing it because it's tax-refundable, you might want to question whether or not your heart is in the right place. 6. ONLY CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTIAN WHEN IT BENEFITS YOU. Anyone can claim to be a Christian when things are easy. The real question is whether or not you will represent your faith in times of trial and tribulation. People all around the world are being martyred for their faith, and the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not your love for God is worth giving everything up for. - Written ByJarrid Wilson

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Epiphany Customs And Traditions Abound In Greece

Epiphany Customs And Traditions Abound In Greece
Stella Tsolakidou January 5, 2013Greek Reporter

Customs and traditions dating back to ancient times will come once again to life on Jan. 6 during the "Thania" (also Epiphany or Fota) celebration taking place across Greece. Religious sentiment meets exhilaration and joy for the day commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, according to the Orthodox Church, and the banishing of the mischievous "Kalikantzaroi" (goblins) back to the hollow earth for another year round, according to popular belief.

In all Greek cities and villages the priests bless the waters with the Holy Cross on that day, while many brave swimmers jump into the icy sea or river waters despite the cold weather to catch the Cross and get the priest's blessing for the year. However, the benediction of the waters is not the only tradition coming alive in modern day Greece.

ne of the main traditions of the Epiphany holiday is the "Kalanda" (carols) sung by children on Epiphany's Eve over sweets or a small amount of money. From the numerous versions of the Kalanda only those sung on Patmos island retain their original and fully oriented religious character. These Kalanda begin with the creation of the world, the creation of waters by God, and finally end with the day of Jesus Christ's Baptism in the Jordan river by John the Baptist.

Across Thessalia, on Epiphany's Eve the "Rougkatsia" (also "Rougkatsaria") are the main attraction of the holiday with groups of 10 to 15 persons dressed up in costumes, wandering from house to house singing the celebrating carols and hoping for a small amount of money in return. Every group must definitely feature a groom and bride (a young man dressed as a woman), priest, grandfather, doctor and the "arkoudiarides" (owners of bears that made the animals dance for the public's entertainment in Greek rural areas since 1970).

People in Kastoria and Kozani have a similar tradition called the "Ragkoutsaria". People put on their symbolic and scary painted masks in order to exorcise the evil spirits from the city. The masked men beg from passersby for their rewards for casting the evil spirits away. The same custom is also found in villages near the city of Drama, northeastern Greece. (see video)

There it is called the "rokatzaria" and people wear scary masks and make deafening noises with the bells they are carrying while walking around. In other villages near Drama and Kavala, the traditions of "arapides" (black men) revives with men wearing sheepskin and dozens of bells. It is said that the arapides were warriors that took part in Alexander the Great's wars and helped him scare away the Indian elephants in battle with the thundering sounds they made.

Another version of the ragkoutsaria are the Pontian "Momogeroi", a traditional celebration taking place the week before the new year. Each participant is dressed up with a certain costume typical of the Pontian culture and way of life.

In the peninsula of Halkidiki, northern Greece, the Fotarades custom is praised each year. The "king" is dressed in the "talagani" (the traditional cape worn by shepherds) and many bells and leads the dance, while the "fotarades" are bearing their swords made of wood to deter anyone from attempting to steal the sausage placed in the middle of the circle. On Epihany's Eve, young men sing the Kalanda and get meat, sausages and money in return, while on Jan. 7 (celebration of John the Baptist) they dance traditional dances in the village's square.

On the eve of Epiphany Day in New Karvali, east of Kavala, the "Sagias" custom is revived every year which has its roots in Cappadocia. Participants gather around a bonfire and celebrate the day by dancing and singing.

On the eve of the Epiphany Day in Ermioni, Argolida, residents decorate boats with palm trees, oranges and myrtle. In the morning and after the blessing of the waters, young lads who are ready to be drafted into the army wander about the town wearing traditional costumes and singing the naval song "gialo - gialo."

On the island of Lefkada, a strange custom involving oranges is revived. Oranges are tied to believers who then have to dip into the waters. When they do a couple of laps, they apparently take the oranges home and leave the fruit near an icon. This is considered a blessing on the island.

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La Runa Laguz

La Runa Laguz
La runa Laguz, tambi'en conocida como runa Lagus, lagu o L"org tiene un significado claramente asociado al agua, a la fuente y a todo lo fluido o que fluye.


El agua es por s'i misma un s'imbolo de vida, pues en ella se origina la existencia, pero tambi'en es un s'imbolo de profundidad, peligro e incluso muerte. As'i, la runa Laguz ES LA UNI'oN ENTRE LA VIDA Y LA MUERTE. Desde la antig"uedad se rociaba al ni~no reci'en nacido con agua para darle la fuerza vital e insertarlo en el clan, pr'actica arquet'ipica y por lo tanto presente en tradiciones de todos los tiempos y latitudes.

El agua, y con ella Laguz, REPRESENTA EL PASAJE SIMB'oLICO AL NACIMIENTO Y AL FINAL DE LA VIDA. Nos anuncia que el ego se vincula debidamente con el Ser, de modo que significa lo que los alquimistas llamaron conjuntio, o el "sagrado matrimonio". Es el cruce de las aguas primordiales que garantizan la vida y el crecimiento org'anico, pero tambi'en el pasaje al reino de los muertos, la uni'on simb'olica entre los opuestos. Es una corriente emocional o intuitiva.

Significado adivinatorio

La runa Laguz es la fuerza vital b'asica, como las fuerzas de la naturaleza. ES INICIACI'oN A LA VIDA, crecimiento y fertilidad en el 'ambito f'isico y espiritual. Puede aparecer cuando est'a activo un poder inadvertido, invisible que nutre, da forma y conecta. Asociada con el agua, fuente de fertilidad, por extensi'on evoca la fluidez de las cosas, las emociones, las relaciones y su fluir. Como las profundidades de las aguas, indica un tiempo en que se requiere de profundidad y sensibilidad, o anuncia un per'iodo de elevado nivel intuitivo e imaginativo. Simboliza las profundidades del inconsciente, los sue~nos y los sentimientos profundos. Puede se~nalar un tiempo de limpieza, reorganizaci'on y evaluaci'on.

La runa Laguz debe asociarse con la fluidez del agua en algo que se relaciona al 'ambito de la consulta. Indica una profunda conexi'on intuitiva o el flujo de las emociones, en funci'on del tema que del cual se indaga. En especial, bien aspectada anuncia la satisfacci'on de las necesidades emocionales. Adem'as, indica que la parte intuitiva de tu naturaleza est'a activada y, acompa~nada de Perth, se~nala un buen tiempo para trabajo interior, espiritual, de autoconocimiento y profundizaci'on. El 'exito radica ahora en contactar tu saber intuitivo, para armonizar tus propios ritmos.

En el plano intelectual, alude un ciclo de flujos y corrientes creativas. Habla de las virtudes intangibles como la habilidad musical, capacidad de actuar o danzar, la escultura, la pintura y exquisitos trabajos manuales. En las relaciones, la runa Laguz indica la presencia de una mujer muy importante en la vida del consultante (si 'este es hombre) Si quien consulta es una mujer, ella internamente sabr'a c'omo actuar, pues la gu'ia su intuici'on.


La runa Laguzte anima a que te sumerjas en la experiencia de vivir, sin evaluar o entender intelectualmente, pues te gu'ia tu intuici'on. Por el profundo conocimiento que implica su asociaci'on con las aguas, la runa Laguz ACONSEJA QUE TE APRESTES A CAMBIAR, a fluir con el devenir de las cosas. El 'exito radica en que te conectes a tu conocimiento intuitivo y te ajustes a tus propios ritmos.

Junto a runas negativas, aconseja purificar tus deseos y motivaciones en la b'usqueda de la armon'ia que necesitas en este per'iodo. Depura y reorienta tus impulsos para reordenar tu mundo interno y externo. Reconsidera tus proyectos haz las modificaciones pertinentes. Ad'aptate, fluye.

Deja que las fuerzas invisibles act'uen, que las cosas discurran. No trates de dirigirlo todo de manera racional, pues tu intuici'on te ayuda a vencer los obst'aculos. EL 'eXITO VENDR'a SI UTILIZAS TU IMAGINACI'oN. Del mismo modo tus capacidades ps'iquicas te llevar'an al encuentro de las respuestas necesarias para tu progreso.


La runa Laguz invertida nos brinda una ADVERTENCIA CONTRA LA FANTAS'iA DESMEDIDA Y EL ENGA~nO. La runa Laguz invertida, suele indicar un desenga~no por usar la sabidur'ia instintiva de manera err'onea, ya sea porque te aprovechaste de ese don con fines mezquinos o porque desestimaste tus intuiciones. Como resultado de esto, tu poder intuitivo puede haber disminuido, te sientes desequilibrado o desenfocado.

Al aparecer la runa Laguz invertida ES CONVENIENTE QUE EVITES IR M'aS ALL'a DE TUS FUERZAS. Tampoco act'ues por impulso, ya que los temores, las programaciones inconscientes y condicionamientos negativos te impiden avanzar. En el amor nos habla de problemas de dif'icil soluci'on. Aparecen traiciones por parte de amigos, socios, pareja o compa~neros, seg'un el 'ambito de la consulta. Enga~nos o autoenga~no.


La Runa Laguz est'a ligada a las fuerzas femeninas, lunares y acu'aticas. Se vincula con las ondinas y ninfas, seres sobrenaturales de espectacular belleza capaces de cautivar, someter y arrastras a los hombres hacia las profundidades de las aguas. No olvidemos que las aguas (r'ios, lagos o mares) eran un medio de intercambio, comercio y guerra de suma importancia en el mundo antiguo y en el n'ordico en especial. El viaje por agua era una necesidad y un peligro, por lo tanto un reto.

Desde r'ios y mares, las hermosas doncellas acu'aticas, hipnotizaban a los marinos con su dulce y m'agico canto. Conocedoras del breve destino de los mortales, "hijos de la tierra", y de sus debilidades (deseos, orgullo, competitividad) los tentaban, los retaban, llev'andolos inexorablemente a su fin y cerrando el c'irculo de sus vidas en las profundidades de las aguas.

En todas las mitolog'ias, en toda expresi'on de folklore, encontramos, bajo distintos nombres, esp'iritus del agua. Son la fuerza primordial de la Naturaleza con forma humana o semihumana, como las sirenas propias de la mitolog'ia mediterr'anea. En cada tradici'on, toda fuente, r'io, lago o mar es habitado por diosas o hadas. Los griegos las llamaron nereidas, n'ayades y sirenas (madres de h'eroes, pero tambi'en la perdici'on de los m'as duchos navegantes)

Para el folklore Germano-Escandinavo fueron primero las ninfas, nixen, divinidades o demonios que habitaban las profundidades de las aguas adoptando aspecto de mujer. Ten'ian el don de la profec'ia y atra'ian a los mortales hacia sus palacios de cristal, en donde los d'ias parec'ian segundos. Las ondinas, eran esp'iritus de doncellas que hab'ian muerto tr'agicamente y estaban condenadas a vagar entre brumas fluviales y provocar la muerte a su paso. Algunos afortunados caballeros germanos pudieron contar la aventura, no as'i los escandinavos: para quienes el abrazo de una ninfa era, simplemente, mortal.

Estos esp'iritus del agua son tan ambivalentes como el elemento al que representan: fuente de vida, pero tambi'en de muerte; son divinidades cautivadoras y sensuales; pero, a la vez, encarnan el aspecto terrible de la Naturaleza que el hombre no controla y que le arrastra. Producen en los mortales fascinaci'on y miedo. Atra'idos por los hechizos del agua y del amor, pagan con su vida la seducci'on del deseo fuera de control.
