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In The Beginning Part Two

In The Beginning Part Two
Previously, I discussed Adam and Eve, the Creation of The World, The Great Flood, where the flood-waters really came from, the blood sacrifice, and touched on the "Fall of Lucifer." Today, I'll be covering several different topics, but all spring off from Creation, and all have one thing at the center of it all: It comes from God.

The Fall of Lucifer. So many people ask what had truly happened, who Lucifer is, what he did to get thrown out of heaven. Using studies, and our main source book, The Bible, I will try to tell of what had happened in Heaven between Lucifer and God, and when this all took place.

Several theories have popped up surrounding talk of when The Fall of Lucifer took place. Let me give you an idea of what the Bible tells us. Before the six days, there was only God - the Trinity, Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When he created the Universe, he also created angels. Genesis tells us that after Earth and Man was created, the "Host of Heaven" celebrated. The Host of Heaven are the Angels.

Now, Lucifer was given the right of head Angel, the highest "rank" of them all. He was the brother of the Archangels Michael (Protector of Israel, will throw Lucifer in the lake of burning sulfur in the end) and Gabriel (who appeared to Zachariah and to Mary, to tell her she would be the mother of the Messiah). God gave all of the angels free-will. "Ezekiel 28:12-19" describes Lucifer's position on Heaven, verse 14 says, "You were annointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones." Verse 15 continues, "You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you." (NIV) Lucifer was also described in Ezekiel as the Musician, the leader of worship. He was the most beautiful angels of them all. His name, Lucifer, means light-bearer. Something that he ultimately became the opposite of.

When God told the Angels to love and protects as he loves us, Lucifer had become too self-centered and he grew jealous of humans. He believed that he was more powerful than God, and could gather a Legion to overthrow him. Since before this time, Angels had never been told a lie. So when Lucifer went around to Angels and spread lies, getting them to join his cause, they believed him. When Lucifer had amassed an army, we are told that he went to the throne of God and tried to overthrow him - and the first war broke out. We do not know how long it lasted, but not very long, since soon after he fell, he deceived Adam and Eve.

When his efforts to become ruler of the Universe backfired, Michael and Gabriel were left in Heaven while Lucifer and his followers - became Fallen Angels. Lucifer still wanted - and to this day, to control the Universe. So when he deceived Eve in the garden and was handed the Covenant between God and Man (Adam and God), he "gained" his title - Ruler of the Earth, Prince of the Air, Prince of Darkness. We are told that even the weather was given to Lucifer, however, that does not mean God can't intervene in the weather - it is his world. He fell sometime after Adam and Eve were created. Wanting revenge on God, he began his reign of darkness, initiating this by deceiving Adam and Eve - and he has plauged us ever since, and he is known by many different names - Satan, The Devil, Prince of Darkness, Prince of the Air, etc. Fear not, for one day he will be thrown by his brother Michael into the lake of burning sulfur - after the 1,000 year Reign of Jesus on Earth, which I will cover at a later date.

For verses that talk about the Fall of Lucifer, see "Ezekiel 28:11-15", "Isaiah 14:12-15", "Matthew 25:41", and several other scripture references. The covenant that Lucifer gained by deceitfulness, thankfully, has been gained back. But there was a road to travel before that happened.

God's Eternal Law stated that for our sins to be payed in full, a man of pure blood had to die for us. However, all of our blood was defiled. Not just because of sin, but because of Lucifer. Who were the "Nephilim"? Many people have asked this question, the Bible provides the answer. "Genesis 6:4" says, (pre-flood) "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the daughters of the human beings and had children by them." The answer, folks, is that the sons of God - were the Fallen. THE FALLEN ANGELS. Ever hear of Goliath, who was killed by the future King David? He was one of the Nephilim. The giants, or Nephilim, were the offspring of the Fallen and human females. After this, God stopped Angels from pro-creating, for there have been the same number of Full-Blooded Angels since the creation of the Universe, none have been created. God knew how many there would need to be.

When The Nephilim were conceived, it royally messed up our bloodline, and it hasn't been the same since. No human could ever die to pay for our sins - now there was no fixing of our bloodline. HOWEVER. When Jesus came, he was a being of pure blood. When he was pierced, water and blood came out - something that does not happen to humans. His blood was pure, as was the water that flowed. When he died, he did several things for us: there would no longer need to be blood animal sacrifices, he became the final sacrifice for us. He also gained back the Covenant Lucifer had taken in Eden - and allowed Men to finally go straight to heaven, instead of waiting. I will get into this place of waiting that all the saved who died went to before Jesus came - tomorrow night.

Jesus also literally died for our PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE sins. When he was being whipped, he probably thought of every single face, every person he was saving. For if at any one moment Jesus said, STOP, and stopped his death, which was willed on his own, we would not be saved. But no, Jesus went all the way, paid our sins in FULL. He died for every sin that ever had been and ever will be committed - the sins you and I committed today, the sins we will commit tomorrow, and so on. He died for those, so that we did not have to pay the penalty of Hell. So when you hear that Jesus died for our sins, yes, he truly did. "Every sin of humanity" was placed on Jesus at that moment, and God had to turn away, recall that Jesus said, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me"?"

When he said this, all of the sins of humanity were placed on him. He endured our punishment, and we are told that the Earth rumbled, there was an earthquake, and the sky went black. When all of the Suffering for our sins had been completed, Jesus said, "Tetelistai." Meaning, "It is finished." He gave up his life on his own, he was not murdered.

Back to Adam - the Bible told us thousands of years ago BEFORE science made the discovery that human skin was and is made of DUST. "Genesis 2:7" says, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Of course, what people have a hard time with is that they say The Bible is false because it says that God made Adam out of a "handful of dust." Not true. God used dust and water to create clay, molded man, and breathed life into him. We are not just composed of dust, but science has recently, in the last few years, proved that the Human body is partially made of dust. I ask this: How is it that when Moses, who was not scientific, wrote this, could have known the composition of the human body thousands of years before science proved it? It is because God conveyed this to Moses, just as he did with the entirety of the Bible. (Also see "Job 10:9" and "Romans 9:20-21")

Tomorrow, I will be covering what happened during those three days Jesus was in the Earth. Let me give you a brief look, however, at what Jesus said. In "Matthew 12:40", he tells the Pharisees, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given to you except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the" heart of the Earth"." I will expound on that tomorrow. In a few days, I will be touching on the prophecies that were fulfilled through Jesus Christ, and the evidence of his resurrection.

I thank you for reading, and if you are not saved, I ask you to look over the proof of God all around us - and make the decision for yourself. Have a relationship with our creator, and accept the gift of salvation that Jesus paved the way for. Feel free to leave comments. Take Care, and God Bless, "Troy Hillman "

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