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Flash Game Review: Cat God Vs. Sun King

Flash Game Review Cat God Vs Sun King
Developer: Nerdook

Genre: Defense

Kongregate Rating: 4.14/5

Flash Mush Rating: 7.5/10

Time for another game by the legendary developer, Nerdook. Cat God vs. Sun King is an interesting game that is mainly defense based but retains all of the great features Nerdook utilizes in all his games as well as throws in a meme to keep the internet savy happy.

The plot line of Cat God vs. Sun King is that the Sun King wants to build a huge temple in order for the people to worship him instead of the Cat God aka Nyan Cat. Of course the Cat God doesn't want this to happy so he uses his powers to throw fireballs, create skeleton armies, curse people, and all sorts of nasty things. You play as the Cat God who is defending himself from the tower being built, if they succeed in building it all the way (10 levels) then you lose. At your disposal are six different spells you can cast and you can pick and choose which ones you want to bring into battle. The enemies are various. You have the basic slaves, but then you have slave drivers which can speed up slave's building, priests which can heal, soldiers which can defend against skeletal attacks, and so on. Quite detailed actually.

Of course were Cat God vs. Sun King shines is in the areas where all Nerdook games shine. That great style of graphics, variety in the spells as well as upgrades and achievements. Playing a Nerdook game you're guarantied to have those. However the game still has some faults which unfortunately I can say has becoming a current trend with Nerdook's latest games. Cat God vs. Sun King is very short and very easy. Which equals little to no replay value. Nerdook does sort of counter this with a survival mode but that also doesn't really curb my appetite.

Overall though Cat God vs. Sun King is a great defense online flash game made by the great flash developer Nerdook and you should all give it a try nonetheless.

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