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Juno Regina Day Queenship Rite

Juno Regina Day Queenship Rite
COLORS: "Purple and gold"


ALTAR: "Upon cloth of purple and gold set two purple candles in gold holders, a woman's crown, peacock feathers, and eight golden stars."

OFFERINGS: "Take on a leadership position, if you are female. Follow a woman's lead, if male."

DAILY MEAL: "Whatever the women in the House want, if they can agree".


"Great Queen of Heaven,"Ruler of all the Gods,"Lady clothed in light,"You name, Juno, once meant"The indwelling spirit of inspiration"That lives in every woman."And in every woman is the inner Queen"That you embody and enspirit,"The feminine hand of authority"That is Mother, and yet not mother,"That is Virgin, and yet not virgin,"That is both power and compassion,"Both beauty and strength."Queen of heaven, we celebrate your Queenship"As it gives us our inspiration;"Have mercy on us as we go through our days,"And judge us lightly in the end".

Chant:"Juno Regina Domina"

One who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual takes the crown in their hands and walks around the circle. If any woman feels moved to take on a leadership position, she can on this day step forward and kneel. The crown is placed on her head, and this is a symbol that she is asking to take on more responsibility. This offer cannot be refused, although the House Mama or Papa has discretion as to her future duties.

Found in: Pagan Book of Hours

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