Pagan Wiccan


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Seven Tips On Spotting A Witch

Seven Tips On Spotting A Witch
Witches have had a bad reputation in history. They have been scorned by most religious groups and are often portrayed as toothless crones. However, these stereotypes are not true today and most witches or wiccans appear as normal members of society. It can be difficult to know how to spot a witch, but there are a few things that you can look for.

how to identify a witch -

First, you probably won't be able to tell by her appearance. Modern day witches look just like everyone else and usually hold normal jobs. While their belief system is different, they are normal, functioning members of society most of the time.

Second, listen to her talk about her thoughts on the female divinity of God. In conversations dealing with God or creators, pay attention to the way that she refers to God. Witches often believe in a female divine being and will refer to that being as Lady rather than Lord.

Third, observe if she has a respect for nature. The wiccan practice today focuses on the power of the eath. Witches feel a strong connection with nature and the earth. Although not every environmental activist is going to be a witch, a constant referring to nature can be an indicator.

Fourth, see if she wears a pentacle. Many religious people wear signs of their faith and wiccans are no exception to this rule. A pentacle is a five cornered star that is enclosed in a circle. This may be fairly large or very small and most people just think of it as a decoration or a piece of jewelry. However, this is usually a sign that the wearer is a practicing witch.

Fifth, see if she regularly lights white candles. White candles are a symbol of purity and witches use them to focus their energy as well as get rid of mental clutter. In her personal space and sometimes even at her job, she may have a white candle present to light during times of stress.

Sixth, see if she uses incense. Many belief systems use incense for varying reasons, so this may not be a good indicator whether or not she is a wich. However, patchouli is a common incense that witches use. It will generally be in a central location in their home and is burned regularly to clear the energy of a space.

Seventh and finally, see if she has a cat or another pet. Most witches have a close tie to animals and a cat is usually the animal of choice.

Be aware that these seven signs aren't always clear indicators that someone is a witch, even the more obvious ones like a pentacle. Of course the best way to find out for sure is to ask a person. However, since many witches prefer to practice their religion in private, they may not be willing to answer that question. These seven signs can help you on how to spot a witch without having a conversation that may be awkward or even offensive to tha person.

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