How To Cooperate With
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/ 9:05 PM /
I've found that we can learn so much about the Lord by examining His many names found in the Bible. Each one reveals a unique aspect of His character along with a very specific promise for our lives.
When we get to know God-"really know Him"-it fills us with hope and confidence because we realize He's greater than any situation we will ever encounter. Understanding God's character and incredible love for us allows us to relax and trust Him in every area of our lives.
The Bible says He is "Jehovah Jireh", which means "Your Provider" (Gen. 22:14). He's "Jehovah Rapha", "Your Healer" (Ex. 15:26), and "Jehovah Shalom", "Your Peace" (Judg. 6:24).
The Lord is also referred to as "Jehovah M'Kaddesh", which means "The Lord who sanctifies us" (Lev. 20:8). This literally means He is the God who changes us. It's so encouraging to know we don't have to change ourselves, because when we try to change on our own, it only produces frustration and struggle.
Philippians 2:12-13 "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but so much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For God is the One working in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure"
You see, when you begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you. Now you have great things on the "inside", but they need to be "worked out" to the "outside". We need to learn how to think right, talk right, and treat other people the way we should. And we can only do it through God's strength and help.
As the Holy Spirit begins to bring conviction in different areas of our lives, we become aware of things that need to change. When this happens, the Lord doesn't want us to feel guilty and condemned. He simply wants us to have the attitude that says, "God, I know that You're right and I'm wrong, and I want to change in this area. I trust You to help me change."
The truth is you can actually enjoy your life while God is changing you. You don't have to feel bad because you're not perfect or even worry about trying to change yourself.
I'll be honest: it took me a while to learn this lesson. I remember when the Holy Spirit began convicting me about talking too much. Instead of asking the Lord to change me and relying on His grace and strength, I took matters into my own hands. I decided I was going to fix it. So I went home and didn't say anything at all. As a result, I ended up feeling depressed, and everyone kept asking me what was wrong. Needless to say, it was a frustrating experience!
First Thessalonians 5:24 says, "Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it."
I love this! Out of His great love, God not only shows us what needs to change, but this verse says He will also "do it". As we draw closer to the Lord through reading His Word and talking to Him in prayer, He literally transforms us from the inside out and makes us more like Him. Our part is to cooperate with God and do the things He puts in our hearts to do.
For example, years ago when the Lord was teaching me about walking in excellence and integrity, I began feeling convicted about little things like putting my grocery cart away in the store parking lot. During those times, I had a choice. I could either leave the cart out in the middle of nowhere or I could obey God and go the extra mile to put it where it belonged.
The Lord also constantly dealt with me about how I treated my husband, Dave.
I remember wanting to start an argument one day and the Holy Spirit whispering, "You don't need to say anything." Sometimes it meant letting Dave think he was right... even if I knew he wasn't. I can still feel the pain of trying to keep my mouth shut!
These may seem like small things, but every time you obey God and do what's right-even when it hurts-you grow spiritually and become more like Jesus. And as you represent the character of Christ to the world, people will want what you have and be drawn to you to know more about God.
Friend, the Lord has an amazing plan for your life. He not only desires for you to be with Him in Heaven, but it's also His will for you to have a great life here on Earth! I encourage you to seek God and spend time in His Word. Ask Him to change you and help you become everything He has created you to be.
As you do, the Lord will be faithful to transform you into His image... and help you experience a greater, more fulfilling life than you ever imagined.
"Ladies, join Joyce for the Love Life Women's Conference Sept. 17-19 in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information, go to "
JOYCE MEYER" is a "New York Times" best-selling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc. She has authored more than 100
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Oped Remember This While Pesach Cleaning
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/ 7:01 PM /
On the day of bedikas chametz, a girl living in Yerushalyim went to the home of Rabbi Michel Horowtiz with a question the for the Rav. When she went inside, she was surprised to see that thre was none of the typical pre-pesach hustle and bustle taking place in the Rav's house. There was chametz on the table, and it was obvious that no effort had been made to put it out of sight.
Seeing the girl's surprise, the Rav said, "I want you to know that all of the preparations and exertion that take place in a Jewish home before Pesach have great spiritual significance. But that is only on condition that the preparations do not bring a person to anger. The moment a drop of anger enters the heart of the family members, the lofty significance of these preparations disappears and becomes like the dust of the earth.
"My rebbetzin is ill, and if I insist that she follow ever possible stringency in her Pesach preparation, it will result in anger entering our home. It might also cause the rebbetzin's health to deteriorate. I therefore prefer to keep the basic halachah, without the many accompanying stringencies. When the time for the bedukas chametz comes, I will take a broom and thoroughly clean away the chametz."
All this is only in order to avoid brining into the house the worst "chametz" of all, which is anger. The girl heard what the Rav said, and the impression of those words remained with her for the rest of her days.
Our Torah is a "Torah of life" and its teaching are relevant to every step of a person's life. One who merits contact with a great tzaddik is privy to his insights and wisdom, and will soon realize what an elevated level this tzaddik has attained, for his every action is weighted and considered, to assure the correct outcome. - "Artsroll's Aleinu L'shabei'ach Vol. 3 "Parsha Tzav" Page 90"
Angel Wars Explained
Posted by
/ 11:42 PM /
The Bible doesn't go into much detail about the actual battle itself as it concentrates more on the solution than the problem, but there are key verses scattered around that give us just enough to see that this battle took place, AND IT IS STILL TAKING PLACE TODAY.
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back - REVELATION 12:7.
Heaven = "ouranos" (not Kosmos) = All three Heavens!
If it only said "Kosmos" it would only apply to the Universe.
"The realm of the 3rd Heaven is above the "curtains" of the 2nd Heaven; the Universe. "
This scripture points out quite clearly that there was a war in Heaven between the Michael and his Angels against Satan and his Angels. Satan and his Angels lost and were hurled to the earth. After this the Heavens rejoiced that Satan was cast down, but the Earth would be filled with trouble because the Devil is filled with fury (Angry Rage) because he knows that his time is short. READ MORE
"Was this Battle (between Righteousness and Wickedness) for Souls "
The Christian Bible's Book of Revelation describes a "war in heaven" between angels led by the archangel Michael versus those led by "the dragon", identified with "the devil and Satan", who are defeated and thrown down to the earth. Revelation's "war in heaven" has been compared to the idea of fallen angels and possible parallels have been proposed in the Old Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls.
- WATCH VIDEO - Steven Quayle knows his stuff! However, unfortunately, he does not give actual proof."*THIS SITE SAYS THE VERY SAME THING WITH (SOME" -> "TOTAL") PROOF.
"Steve is on Coast to Coast again. I really feel this guy is full of it. He talks a big game and has NOTHING to back up anything. I think he is out to sell his
"He traced the root of this battle to be a "supernatural, evil hierarchy" using misguided humans to corrupt God's works here on Earth. These human agents of Satan, he said, believe they will be given greater power by yielding their free will to dark forces. However, Quayle warned, "that power, they yield to, will ultimately consume and destroy them." He pointed to transhumanism as a key aspect of this agenda. "The goal is not to help humanity be all we can be," he lamented. Instead, Quayle contended that the aim is to create a race of quasi-gods which will supplant the human race as we know it. "If anything, the old style human beings will be an irritation, or reminder, of what the transhumanists once were," he surmised."
"@0:14: "The security guards were in disbelief of what they witnessed on camera, so they ran towards the being as quickly as they could to see it for themselves.
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That Which Restrains
Posted by
/ 8:09 PM /
MAKING SENSE OF "HOLY WATCHERS"Greetings in the Name of Yahushua Jesus Christ, our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and God of "gods". Amen.
It is most important that I start this article with arguably the MOST important piece of wisdom in the entire Holy Bible. The reason this is so important is because of the confusion caused by the masses misled about the requirements to make it into Heaven.
JOHN 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. "
It is most unfortunate, indeed very sad, that so many millions of people across the world believe they are going to "make it" into Heaven, but don't understand the requirements. And while there are some complexities in completely grasping all the requirements, it is best to take the "narrow path" and shoot for excellence. A person who reads John chapters one and two will be convinced all who believe in Jesus will be saved. Okay perhaps. But there are many other scriptures that suggest the bar is raised much higher. Indeed you have the scriptures where Jesus says
MATT 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' 23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' "
Then you have the question asked in 1 Peter where one must re-think their position
1 PETER 4:18
Now "If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
And this is just the "tip of the ice berg" when it comes to being "found worthy to escape these things". It seems that being "saved by grace" is only part of the equation. Before we proceed, let's look at some more guidance from the King.
JOHN 14:23-24
"Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me."
Hmmm. Wow. So it appears a "wise virgin" (see Matt. 25), would try and follow the instructions of the King, would they not? And this can be quite a challenge. Which ones do you follow? All of them? How do you achieve excellence? Do you go "back to the Law" and give up on "grace" and become "Jewish" in your belief systems and practices? NO. For if you forsake the atonement of the King, and submit yourself unto the "Law" again, you are subject to one of the most scary set of verses in the Bible.
HEB 10:26-30
"For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?"
Be careful with your understanding of these scriptures. Here you see instruction being given to believers who were considering being "Jewish" in their Christianity and going "back under the Law". The guidance here is that if you "turn away" from the "atonement" of Christ Jesus, you are no longer under grace. This means you are in "big trouble" if you mess up just a little bit. Amen?
The point here is this. After Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our sins
Now every day is the Sabbath! Get it? No you don't have to ride the "Sabbath Elevators" like the Orthodox Jews do in Israel. And you don't have to quit your job to prevent working on Saturday. But the expectation is that every single day of your life you are living "sin free" and "holy" and you are following the commandments of Jesus our King.
Here is a web site that attempts to capture all of the instruction given to us by Yahushua Jesus.
The Commandments Of Jesus: The Complete List
Most of the long term readers of Tribulation-Now know about Colleen Thomas. For the record, I feel great sadness for Colleen. Indeed I feel great sadness for all those who do not truly understand the guidance of the King of Kings. As stated in the past, it is my belief that there is much to be learned by studying the understanding of "the enemy". And the Pleiadians are our ENEMY! The Pleiadians, take their marching orders from the Greys (Zeta Reticulans and others). The Greys take their marching orders from the Draconians (Reptilians). There is a "Hellish" pecking order in the cosmos. It is a type of "caste" government system. And the penalty of disobedience is death period.
Here is an example of the depths of demonic New Age confusion out there. This is a quote from Colleen's "My Space" page "about her".
"Since being touched by the Holy Spirit on Jan 31st of this year my mind has expanded into new wisdom that is of the mind of God. Everything I turn my attention to I understand in a new paradigm of correct physics and cosmology. The Bible is poorly understood. Ancient mythologies like the Bible are works of physics and cosmology. I now know the mathmatical code God used to make all that is and can conceptualize human experience in both its spiritual and physical contexts from it. I have been given the shorthand of creation, the shorthand of nature and the divine. Ask me anything you ever wanted most to understand, I can give you an answer that will move you where you desire to be spiritually or intellectually. There are many more besides me with the Holy Spirit here on Earth right now, we are called the Light workers, I am only just becoming aware of them myself."
I can assure you she was NOT touched by the Holy Spirit of YHWH, the Great El Elyon and Most High. Indeed we Christians, the true "Sons of God", will ultimately be "transformed" into our "first estate" unto Jesus Christ in the Heavens (if we "make the cut"), but we are NOT Pleiadian "Light Workers". Yes it is pretty clear in the scripture that when we "knew Jesus before the foundations of the world" we were a type of "Holy Light Being" of sorts, but NOT like these New Agers are suggesting. See: "Bodies of Light and Adam's Photons" here:
At this point it's reasonable to repeat myself from past articles since this subject matter can be quite confusing. There was a time in the "not too distant" past, that I believed all UFO's were demonic. This is a common belief of the "Christian Symposium" types. Again I recommend you be careful when you
I warn you if Jesus had to tell "Peter" to "get thee behind me Satan" then you can BET in every "symposium" you have some form of "the devil" present. Amen? And Peter didn't realize he was being influenced by Satan at the time Jesus said that to him. And don't even get me going on the "Infiltration of the Churches". To get a taste of how thorough our churches have been infiltrated, read the book "He Came to Set the Captives Free" by Rebecca Brown, M.D. And I assure you the information in that book is the "tip of the ice berg" once again. You would also need to study "Svali's" testimonies and many other "mind control" and Illuminati defectors (turned Christian) to get even a vague idea of how many "Brotherhood of Satan" freaks sit on the Board of Directors of our churches and volunteer as "Youth Group" pastors.
That being said, I postulate it is more than likely, we are experiencing a complex "Good Cop / Bad Cop" scenario unfolding in the cosmos and upon the earth. It is my strong belief, after many years of deep research into all things "UFO" and cosmic, that we are about to see a UFO war unfold before our eyes. The cosmic forces of the Dracos star system (see "flying fiery serpents" in Isaiah and "Carmanians" in 2 Esdras 15:30) will execute a war here in our atmosphere against the inhabitance of the earth. This will likely include "cosmic" UFO "like" forces that are stationed here on earth. The "earth bound" UFOs will surely fight with the "cosmic Pleiadian" and "Draconian" forces in such a manner as to convince the confused New Age "Light Workers" that their "saviors" have arrived.
To set your frame of reference somewhat, it's important you get your arms around just "how long" these UFO objects have been patrolling the earth's atmosphere. Never mind the evidence that goes back thousands of years. Never mind the ancient writing in virtually all civilizations. Let's just examine some recent data associated with videos intercepted from the Space Shuttle missions.
Here is a lengthy video about Martyn Stubbs. Evidently this guy was the manager of a pretty big cable television company in Canada. He used satellite systems to intercept almost all of the Space Shuttle videos. In fact he captured hundreds of hours of NASA video that includes footage of UFO objects patrolling earth's atmosphere and much more.
"The Smoking Gun":
Just this morning I was watching the video evidence of UFO "like" cosmic activity around the globe. It seems there is such activity associated with virtually every major global event. You have the" Foo Fighters" from World War II. "Now "you have strange UFO activity around the Fukushima Nuclear disaster as well. This is not just a couple of UFO's passing by folks, this is HUGE activity with all sorts of "cosmic light" disturbances and strange events. Extremely weird.
Here is another video which captures the events associated with Fukushima. There are several "objects" in the sky "watching" the cosmic "plasma light" disturbances taking place near the Nuclear power plants.
It is also important to note that hundreds of UFO's were seen evacuating the Bikini Islands during the atomic bomb tests at the point of detonation.
And what about all the military personnel in the Disclosure Project testifying of videos and events with UFO objects zooming beside ICBMs in flight and shooting "lasers" at the warheads and then zooming back out of the picture? This stuff happened so fast that they didn't even notice it at first. They had to put the videos into slow motion to see these "objects" at all.
Who are they?
In Daniel 4:17 you have a mysterious verse. These are my all time favorite Bible verses. Verses like this are those which 98% of all "so called" Bible teachers run from.
Daniel 4:17
"This matter [is] by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men."
If you read the "lost
As I have said in previous articles, it seems to me the "Sons of Arcturus" (Job 38:32) are "Sons of God messengers "assigned the duty of "Holy Watchers". They are "angels" that have taken on "host bodies" and use "technologies" to move about "the Heavens".
Not all of them are "fallen-angels". Get it?
Once you get your "frame of reference" right on these matters, the Bible comes ALIVE! And it is really really awesome!
Why would a Pleiadian UFO disable nuclear weapons? Can you think of a reason? There is no question "they" are the enemies of Jesus Christ. Amen? Once you do your homework and understand who these "cosmic visitors" are and what they intend to do with "mankind", you get a pretty good idea why God has to cut the Great Tribulation short to save the "flesh" of mankind. Pretty creepy stuff.
Who benefits?
What is "their" motivation?
In light of this interesting data of late, let's take a look at one of THE most mysterious scriptures in the entire Bible. Chuck Missler and Hal Lindsey say this is the Holy Spirit. I agree to some extent, but I believe there is more than meets the "eye" here. Or maybe it does meet the eye when you watch the NASA footage Amen?
2 THESS 2:6-7
"6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness "(ALIEN FALLEN ANGEL-DEMONS INFECTING THE DNA OF MANKIND)" is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. "
When God says in Job, "can you guide the Sons of Arcturus", what do you believe he meant? Is it even remotely possible God guides His "Sons" (holy messengers, holy watchers) with His "Holy Spirit"?
I think He does.
Quid Bono? Who Benefits?
and most of all
(Post Script: The darn spell check is not working so "get over it" and pray you are found worthy to "escape all these things which come upon the earth" Luke 21:36)
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Pre Order Special Samhain Anthology 15 Off
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Thank you so much to Angelique Mroczka of PAGAN WRITERS PRESS and to your editors, illustrators, fellow contributors and everyone who worked hard to bring this anthology to life!
"Known in the Pagan Community as the "Green Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her writing talents to bring you PAGAN BY DESIGN BLOG and MESSAGE BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and links shown here must be included."
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New Age Cargo Cults
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/ 8:06 AM /
"This is part three of a three part article on New Age Cargo Cults and the use of Critical Thinking. Part 3 deals exclusively with critical thinking skills that can help occultists keep their rational balance dealing with an irrational process."
The first consideration is that all premises and assumptions should be carefully examined in an objective and careful manner. Does the claim make sense, and does it seem rational and readily accessible to the seeker? Are the tenets verifiable by independent experimentation or actual spiritual experiences? Are there requirements that force the adherents to suspend judgment or accept doctrines and practices purely on faith? Does the organization seem more interested in getting their fees and donations up front than allowing their beliefs and practices to be tested in an objective manner, thereby determining their authenticity?
There are also some important tests and considerations that the student can apply to any occult or spiritual belief system. I have found that the best mechanism for determining the truthfulness of spiritual claims is to apply some of the skeptical tests that have been promoted by the philosophic movement of atheism. The author Michael Shermer has written a book "Why People Believe Weird Things," and also published a website called "How Thinking Goes Wrong - Twenty-five Fallacies That Lead Us to Believe Weird Things." You can find the website here.
While I am not an advocate of atheism by any stretch of the imagination (as Michael Shermer has abundantly declared himself to be), ironically, some of his written arguments are actually quite important for the measuring of objective truth and authenticating spiritual beliefs. I feel that we can examine some of them here to help us define a methodology for examining spiritual claims in an objective fashion, and so allow us to make judgments about the veracity of any given spiritual system. Therefore, I have included twelve of the most pertinent ones below.
The first thing that we need to keep in mind is that all spiritual experiences are necessarily subjective, but this fact should not in any way discount them as being invalid or merely the products of the imagination. The way in which subjective spiritual experiences are validated is through the process of peer review and experimental corroboration. While it may at times be difficult to corroborate a person or group's spiritual claims, we can also use some rational tests as well, and this is where Michael Shermer's writings come in handy. We should also keep in mind that occultists and spiritual teachers often use the "what if" metaphorical approach to creating concepts and building explanations for experiences that are, by definition, inexplicable. When I use the word "inexplicable," what I mean is that certain concepts can't be reduced to rational thought.
The second thing that we need to consider is that the spiritual realm of consciousness cannot be apprehended by the senses alone, nor can it be encapsulated by the mind as rational theories or models. Spiritual consciousness and its associated subtle phenomena can only be apprehended and realized when an individual is within the proper altered state of consciousness. Spiritual truths must always be determined by the methods that were used to establish the associated state of consciousness Not to do this is to take a spiritual truth or perspective out of its spiritual context. We can then say with a certain degree of confidence that spiritual claims which are able to be measured by the senses or by rational examination can be determined to be true or false. Other claims or experiences have to corroborated by performing the corresponding technique or practice. If a shaman claims to be able to physically transform himself into a wolf, then he would be subjected to same rigorous requirement of proof that any scientist would undergo making the same claim. Where problems arise in spiritual discourse and the testimony of spiritual experiences is where metaphors become confused for literal things or are taken out of their spiritual context.
We should also be aware that when occult tenets or beliefs bracket both the spiritual and physical worlds, then at least the aspect or part that affects the physical world should be able to be proven in an empirical manner. If a group believes in physical reincarnation, then the physical aspect of being reborn should have physical evidence that can be examined, tested and either verified or refuted. In such a situation, merely examining something as being logical or rational is not sufficient to verify it as truth, since what is being proposed should be able to be proven as a fact using the traditional scientific method.
Shermer's document begins with an examination of "Hume's Maxim," which I am also quoting here for our examination. David Hume was a Scottish philosopher who lived during the middle of the 17th century. He states in his writings:
"That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish."
What Hume means by this statement is that a testimony or subjective experience should be able to be examined in the light of natural phenomena or judged as unsubstantiated fancy, and that the greater miracle should be rejected for the lesser, more rational, explanation. Of course, this logical analysis would be used to examine any spiritual claim that involved some kind of physical phenomenon. Yet it could also be used indirectly to determine truth in regards to spiritual tenets or doctrines as well. The important consideration is that any claim should have within it the means or mechanism through which it can be examined and potentially corroborated or refuted. Unsubstantiated claims must always be treated with a certain degree of skepticism. If the entire set of doctrines or tenets of a spiritual tradition are unsubstantiated, then the seeker should be extremely cautious of that tradition.
The following twelve points should help anyone critically analyze claims made within a spiritual community, group or promoted within some New Age or occult tradition. It is important to understand that metaphors which describe spiritual experiences are not to be confused as claims for objective truth; just as poetry or fictional stories are to be enjoyed for their own sake, and one need not take them literally.
1. Anecdotes are not scientific: The recounting of experiences, although interesting and perhaps even insightful, does not make them a fact. All statements and claims must be supported by corroborative evidence, usually from other independent sources, in order for anecdotal evidence to be accepted as truth. Just because someone says it's so doesn't necessarily mean that it must be so.
2. Using scientific language does not make something scientific: The use of jargon or the clothing of claims in scientific language does not make those claims scientific. What makes something scientific is the precise manner that the premise is stated and thoroughly tested by evidence. One example that comes to mind is Creationism, which appears to be scientific because it is written using scientific terminology. However, Creationism has not presented any corroborative evidence that would make it in fact a scientific theory and not a theological premise dressed up in scientific clothing.
3. Using bold statements to make a claim does not make that claim true: Someone can claim to have discovered the greatest new idea since the discovery of fire or the wheel, but that does not make it so. Rather, all claims need to be backed up by supporting evidence instead of emotionally charged exclamations.
4. Heretical claims are not a sign of truth: A claim that is ridiculed or violently opposed does not mean that the claim is necessarily valid. Many scientific theories have been proposed without any ridicule or opposition, but they have been verified or falsified based on the supporting evidence. Often heretical thoughts or claims are a sign of poor science or political grandstanding rather than radical or revolutionary thought.
5. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim: Those who are making the claim must supply the evidence to support that claim, not those to whom the claim represents a contradiction of established fact. For instance, those who claim that the holocaust did not occur must supply the proof for their claim. It is not up to those historians who have already presented the mountain of evidence that the holocaust did indeed occur to disprove the claim that it didn't. Similarly, the proponents of the theory of evolution do not need to prove that the theory of Creationism is false. It is the task of the proponents of Creationism to validate their counter-theory using corroborative evidence and prove that evolution is false.
6. Rumors do not equate reality: If we hear a claim reported from unsubstantiated sources, then it must be considered an unsubstantiated rumor and not a fact. This is how urban myths are created and spread by gossip and opinion. All claims must be properly substantiated or they remain untrustworthy sources of information, and can even be disguised misinformation. The internet has seen to it that urban myths not only continue to tenaciously exist; but that they spawn other spurious beliefs and seem to have an independent life and volition.
7. The unexplained is not inexplicable: Just because something occurs that can't be explained due to insufficient data or lacking objective proof does not mean that it is an unresolvable mystery, evidence of paranormal activity or proof of the supernatural. It is important to accept some things as unexplainable phenomena, perhaps requiring further experimentation and more data to ultimately explain it. This is so, despite the fact that human nature dislikes not having a neat and useful explanation for everything. We also need to be careful when labeling something as paranormal or supernatural. Operationally, all things that occur in the higher strata of consciousness have this quality of being paranormal, but they often do not produce physical phenomena that could be measured or recorded except as anecdotal subjective accounts or narratives. Occultists also use the word "mystery" or "inexplicable" to represent the fact that spiritual experiences can't be communicated in a rational and objective fashion.
8. The failure to prove a claim is rationalized or ignored: Often this represents an excuse for why the claim can't be proven or shown to be true under all circumstances and situations. A psychic or prophet might complain that he or she is unable to envision or profess because the time of day isn't right, it's the wrong phase of the moon, there are bad vibes, or the setting isn't auspicious. Also, failures may be altered through data tampering or even entirely omitted, ensuring that the claim is always shown to be true. In science, negative results are considered as important as positive ones, since it indicates that either the claim is wrong or that
9. After-the-fact reasoning is used to explain nearly everything: This is a fancy term for superstition. A bowler has a victorious night bowling, and attributes it to his lucky bowling shoes. A gambler can have a lucky key ring, and a baseball player, a lucky mitt. This also produces such beliefs as the wearing of lucky charms, keeping a rabbit's foot in one's pocket, wearing a St. Christopher medal, avoiding the number 13, avoiding black cats, the evil eye, not stepping on a crack on the sidewalk or walking under a ladder, etc. We can look at such beliefs and easily see their foolishness, but it's human nature to ascribe the cause of an event or situation after it has already occurred. Ask someone to determine the cause of an event before it happens, and they will seldom predict such an outcome better than chance.
10. Coincidence is happenstance: Often times what seems like a miraculous coincidence is actually within the realm of probability. We color these relationships as meaningful to us when they are just happenstance. We seek meaningful relationships between events even when none exist. Synchronicity is an often ill used term, invented by C. G. Jung to describe the quality of meaningfulness and connectivity that one feels when two un For instance, a man meets a woman friend at a concert in an arena, and amongst several thousand attendees her seat ends up being right next to his, even though the occurrence was accidental and unplanned. They might consider such an occurrence auspicious, perhaps indicating that they should get to know each other or to become lovers, since this "sign" has indicated a connection between them. Actually, the event is within the realm of probability, even though it seems singularly auspicious and meaningful to them.
11. Contrasting representativeness determines the difference between typical or unusual occurrences: We must always understand the context in which an unusual event or claim occurs. We should analyze it for the representativeness of its class of phenomena, and establish a comparative baseline for usual or explainable phenomena. If the unusual occurrence fits with the usual or explainable phenomenon that acts as a baseline, then that unusual event is actually part of the class of explainable phenomena.
A good example is a reputed haunted house, which seems to abound in strange sounds and paranormal events. These seem less remarkable when compared to the base line of usual sounds that an old house might make, such as the groaning of out of square joints, the knocking or rattling of old plumbing, the scratching sounds of mice burrowing in the walls, the settling of old foundations, etc.
12. Miscellaneous Points: Other mistakes that can skew or cause us to make false judgments or claims are listed as the following points below. A lack of evidence does not prove or disprove a claim; it makes it unverifiable or unknown. A case in point is the proof that God exists because there is no evidence to prove that he does not exist, or, that God does not exist because there is no evidence to prove that he does exist.
Hasty generalizations: usually scientists err on the degree of caution before making a generalization about a given claim or phenomena; but the average individual seems to have no problem in making judgments even on the slimmest of evidence. This is also called prejudice. For instance, a few Muslims are found to be terrorists; therefore, all Muslims must be potential terrorists.
An over reliance on authorities: If someone has a PhD next to their name, they have become an unquestioned authority even in areas beyond their specialization. Talk radio and cable news are full of so-called experts who offer their opinions as facts, even if there is no independent supporting evidence or sources. It used to be that a news item could be reasonably verified if there were at least three independent sources to corroborate it. Unfortunately, this is no longer true, since getting the scoop is now more important in the internet age than producing news that has a certain degree of factual integrity.
Circular reasoning or tautology: This is where a conclusion or claim is merely a restatement of one of the premises. For instance: God exists because the Bible proves it, and the Bible is true because it is the inspired word of God.
If we avoid the above mistakes in logic and seek to verify spiritual claims in a rational and objective fashion, then we can avoid falling for spurious teachings and being duped or coerced into believing and accepting things as fact when they are actually false, unsupported or unverifiable suppositions. Any legitimate esoteric or spiritual tradition offers the mechanism for verifying their tenets or doctrines and never requires anyone to merely believe and accept them as unqualified facts. Also, any legitimate esoteric or spiritual tradition allows for an open examination of its beliefs and practices, and uses a form of peer review to ascertain if subjective spiritual experiences are valid or not.
We would be well advised to shun any group or organization that resists an honest examination of their beliefs and doctrines. We should be wary of any organization that forces its members to accept unqualified doctrines and unsubstantiated truths in order to effortlessly acquire godlike abilities or powers for money. We should be dubious of anyone who claims to have achieved godlike powers or abilities with little or no effort, and we should be very cautious of any teacher or spiritual leader who refuses to be accountable for their actions. Through a sober consideration of all claims, creeds and tenets, we can avoid the pitfalls of cults and the interference of false prophets and teachers, and thereby not lend support to the ever burgeoning growth of various New Age or Occult cargo cults.
While we can discuss the spiritual ramifications of spiritual matters to our hearts content, when it comes to the physical world, science is more able to determine the nature and even origin of life than any form of occultism. So for this reason I have dropped any occult theory or system that attempts to explain physical reality.
I have to admit that I am biased in favor of occult beliefs because I am a practicing occultist and ritual magician. My occult studies and magickal practices are therefore confined to the domain of spirit and mind, which seems to be the most fertile area for my work. I talk about magical powers and dealing with angels, daemons, gods, goddesses, etc. However, I am referring entirely to the domain of spirit. Where things happen in the material world through the art of my magick, I would say that it was my magick that caused it; but I wouldn't attempt to prove such an hypothesis in a scientific manner. I highly recommend that other occultists follow my example.
What I do is to keep those things that are spiritual in the context of the spiritual world, and I don't attempt to make elaborate models and theories to determine what is happening. I consider these phenomena to be metaphysical occurrences. They involve spiritual revelations, but they are not something that I can empirically prove. I don't need to. Instead, I leave the ultimate judgment of my work to my peers who are qualified to work the same rituals and see what the results produce. But from a scientific point of view, my results are subjective and anecdotal, which means that they could not be used as any kind of logical or rational proof.
For this reason, I prefer to call my magickal practice an art and not a science. It may have rules and structures, but it can't stand up to an empirical analysis, so it should not be confused with other things that can be proven in this manner. I have so much respect for science and what it has discovered that I am unwilling to dispute it. I will allow scientists to find out the truth about the physical world, but I will work on what I consider to be spiritual truths that are within the provenance of my understanding.
Frater Barrabbas
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Is Socialisms True Fathersatan
Posted by
/ 11:07 AM /
By Kelly O'Connell
The bible of modern community activists-Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals-contains a surprising yet highly illustrative dedication, a paean to Satan. And as unorthodox as this move might seem, it is actually a Marxist trope to dedicate oneself to the Devil. In fact, many early socialists did this before Alinsky was born. And the depth of seriousness and feeling is not to be doubted. Satan is highly regarded by some socialists. For example, Time magazine reports one socialist exclaiming:"I thank Satan," exclaimed the Socialist delegate, "that I have lived to see the day when the great popular masses united. I beg Satan to give me six months more, so that I shall see the Front in operation." The author of this sardonic invocation was bent, shriveled old Comrade Corradetti, a devout diabolist from Benevento; he was addressing the 26th National Congress of the Italian Socialist Party in Rome's new Cinema Astoria.
Could Karl Marx and other foundational socialists, like Proudhon and Bakunin, have had a soft-spot for Lucifer? Would it even make sense to suggest anti-religious, godless persons could still salute Satan? This article is a brief investigation into whether socialism has any claim to fame as an ideology of not just atheists, but even diabolically minded people.
The history of socialism is rooted in the aftermath of the French Revolution, yet has precedents in ideas developed in the medieval Church. Moreover, the earliest socialists tended to cluster around Paris and London. Socialism combines a rejection of some of the excesses of the Industrial Revolution, along with certain ideas taken from a humanistic reading of the Bible, yet demands a wholesale rejection of a literal reading of Holy Writ.
The earliest socialists were radicals who sought to overturn the established order. The essential idea motivating socialism was a rejection of private property. This is perhaps the greatest claim in the history of leftism, the idea that private property is taken from the poor, by definition. Or, quoting Pierre-Joseph Proudhon-"Property is Theft." New World Encyclopedia describes the rise of early socialism,
The term "socialism" was first used in the context of early nineteenth-century western European social critics as mass society was beginning to develop with the modern bureaucratic state and the mass production of goods through industrialization. The ideas were rooted in doctrines and social experiments associated with British and French thinkers. These theorists advocated reforms such as the equal distribution of wealth and the transformation of society into small communities in which private property was to be abolished.
Highly influential political scientist Eric Voegelin describes the medieval foundations of early socialism. He states that Joachim of Flora, a rogue priest, created the archetype society which all future socialist writers would cite. Joachim broke history into three parts-the times of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Joachim's influence on socialism cannot be overestimated. Marx ended his revolution with benevolent Anarchy, where the State fades away and all people live in harmony, sharing everything and fighting over nothing, in a communist paradise. This is an exact humanistic replica of Joachim's paradise on earth created after the Church fades away and all humans interact directly with God.
Such writers as Frenchman Saint-Simon and his lieutenant-the deranged August Comte-moved this dream from being a religious paradise to wholly secular, devoted to science. Marx, highly influenced by these French socialists, accepted their take on Joachim's Kingdom of God on earth, and made his third-period into an anti-religious, godless heaven. And from there comes the inevitable anti-Christian maneuver to salute Satan for rejecting God and founding his own kingdom upon the embers of the Garden of Eden.
It might seem absurd to the average person that the founders of socialism and Marxism-which ostentatiously discarded religion, in the most dramatic manner possible, would invoke Satan. After all, the idea of a devil is hardly intelligible without an accompanying God to animate the story.
Yet, seen from another angle, Satan is a perfect symbol of the mission of socialism, Marxism and Fascism-to remake the world of mankind without any reference to God. Further, in reading Saul Alinsky's dedication to his book, we are not observing a bizarre anomaly, but instead a well-established early socialist fixture-the rebellion of creation against God.
A. Socialist Satan-Boosters
A few highly influential early socialist writers shall suffice in understanding the stunning pro-Satan tissue from which socialism arose.
1. Mikhail Bakunin: We Must Awaken the Devil
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin (1814-1876), founder of Russian Nihilism, was born in Tvar, 150 miles northwest of Moscow. He joined the army, then left to pursue a degree in philosophy. He described Marx's beloved Hegelian political theory as the "Algebra of Revolution." Bakunin hated religion, saying "Socialists recognize each other by the words, 'In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done'...". He was determined to change the world through radical politics. Says one writer,
Bakunin was a highly prolific theorist and feared agitator who spent his life running from the authorities. He was prosecuted in absentia and sentenced to Siberian hard labor. Bakunin was deported from France to Russia and made a surprise confession to Tsar Nicholas I. Bakunin admitted, "There was in my character a radical defect; Love for the fantastic, for out-of-the-way, unheard of adventure, for undertakings which open up an infinite horizon and whose end no man can foresee."
Bakunin's Confession was no exaggeration, he really did have a colossal problem with authority figures-starting with God. Examine the following quotes he delivers on the topic:
The idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it is the most decisive negation of human liberty and necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind both in theory and practice...Unless, then, we desire the enslavement and degradation of mankind...we may not, must not make the slightest concession to God. He who desires to worship God must harbour no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity. (Federalism, Socialism, and Anti-Theologism)
From his book God and the State, we have the following anti-religious gems:
Jehovah, of all the gods adored by men, was certainly the most jealous, the most vain, the most ferocious, the most unjust, the most bloodthirsty, the most despotic, and the most hostile to human dignity and liberty.
The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipation, the revolution. Socialists recognize each other by the words "In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done." Satan [is] the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.
And Bakunin also wrote this:
In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify. The passion of destruction is a creative passion.
2. Pierre Joseph Proudhon: Come, Satan, Come...
Considered the "Father of Anarchism," Proudhon was a French thinker who lived from 1809-1865. Born to humble circumstances, Proudhon became a well-known French social theorist by the 1840s. Anarchy is technically the absence of law, but also the idealized final phase of Marxism. Proudhon taught "anarchy is order" and borrowed J.J. Rousseau's belief that man in his natural state is good, but institutions are bad. One writer describes him,
Proudhon was the leading left intellectual in France or for that matter, all of Europe, far surpassing Marx's notoriety or Bakunin's. He was among the inventors of socialism, along with Marx, Bakunin, Engles, etc. Of these, Proudhon had the profoundest effect upon the workers' movement in the 19th century.
And like many post-French Revolutionary Parisians, Proudhon was of a decidedly anti-clerical bent. He vigorously opposed the Church, and even went so far as to write panegyrics to Satan. The following quotes are from his writings, which begins with this horrific broadside launched against God:
And for my part I say: The first duty of man, on becoming intelligent and free, is to continually hunt the idea of God out of his mind and conscience. For God, if he exists, is essentially hostile to our nature, and we do not depend at all upon his authority. We arrive at knowledge in spite of him, at comfort in spite of him, at society in spite of him; every step we take in advance is a victory in which we crush Divinity. I shall purify myself, idealize my being, and become the chief of creation, the equal of God. By what right should God still say to me: Be holy, for I am holy? Lying spirit, I will answer him, imbecile God, your reign is over; look to the beasts for other victims. For God is stupidity and cowardice; God is hypocrisy and falsehood; God is tyranny and misery; God is evil.
Proudhon was not content to simply anathematize God, but also heaped up praise for Satan:
Come, Satan, come, thou the calumniated of priests and of kings! Let me embrace thee, let me press thee to my bosom! Long is it that I have known thee, and long hast thou known me! Thy works, O blessed one of my heart! not always are they beautiful and good; but they alone give a meaning to the universe, and save it from absurdity. What would man be without thee? A beast.
While some explain the preceding passage as a simple literary allusion used to make a point, one could fairly answer that it simply does not matter whether Proudhon was a biblical literalist, or symbolist. Because he clearly rejects God's essence and embraces that of Satan. In doing so, he discards what is arguably the best to embrace the spirit of rebellion, chaos, ultra-humanism, and revolution. Now who will defend his philosophy, even there is no real worship there?
The anti-religious and devil saluting done by Karl Marx has been noted previously in the essay Socialism's God-Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane...or Possessed? Many instances are cited in this article. But a few examples of his notorious statements are needed to prove the point. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand's Marx and Satan is a book claiming Marx was an unambiguous follower of the devil. After a nominally Christian childhood, Karl Marx spent formative years of his life writing anti-God screeds, including encomiums dedicated to the devil. In a poem called "The Player," Marx wrote:
The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain,
Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword? The prince of darkness sold it to me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.
Karl's father knew of his son's fixation on Satan and it worried him. His father wrote in a letter: "Only if your heart remains pure and beats humanly and ifnot+no demon is able to alienate your heart from better feelings, only then will I be happy." Marx was close friends with Satan-praising people. Karl admitted in his writings his goal was power, not helping people. Fifth. Marx and all the other socialists admitted to hating God and religion. Finally, virtually all of Marxism is the total opposite of the Bible.
Says one writer, "Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto that his aim was the abolition not only of all religions, but also of all morals, which would make everything permissible."
Consider the craziness of Marx's comments, in his poem "The Pale Maiden":
Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell.
A. Fascinatingly, Marxism, socialism, Fascism, communism and all leftist ideologies completely reject all Ten Commandments, as listed in Exodus 20. Consider:
1."You shall have no other gods before Me."
Since Marxism rejects religion and God Himself, everything therefore comes before God.
2."You shall not make yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything in heaven or earth."
Communist countries are famous for creating huge personality cults which included ever-present pictures and posters of the current leader, a godlike-man.
3."You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain."As seen in this article, communists specialized in insulting God and religion.
4."Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
There were no holy days in communist countries, and the people were routinely overworked, often to death. Further, real churches were destroyed, so none worshiped God there Sundays.
5."Honor your father and your mother."
Families had no rights under the communist law and the State took the role of Fathers. Further, families were turned against one another by the need to gain by informing on each other.
6."You shall not murder."
At least 150 million innocent people were murdered last century by communist regimes.
7."You shall not commit adultery."
The right to reproduce was owned by the State, which could dissolve marriage at will. Further, Marxist ethics are non-existent. So all things were acceptable.
8."You shall not steal."
The entire economic system of Marxism and socialism is based upon theft.
9."You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
One of the accepted ways of getting ahead in Marxist countries was lying about your neighbors to the authorities.
10."You shall not covet your neighbor's things."
Socialism is based upon coveting other people's stuff and nothing else.
Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals, contains this bizarre dedication:
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins-or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom-Lucifer.
But now we can see that instead of this sentiment being a strange anomaly, it actually fits into exactly the history of socialism. This in turn can only mean that Marxism fits within an atheistic and even satanic view of the world. We can illustrate this by quoting Christ's description of Satan in John 8:44:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
In John 10:10, Christ also said of Satan, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
If stealing, killing and destroying represents Satan on earth, then socialism must be devilish because that is all Marxists seem to understand once they get in power. Satan must have loved the old USSR, but he's currently making a move to establish Russia in America.
Kelly O'Connell
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Kelly O'Connell hosts American Anthem on CFP Radio Sundays at 4 pm (EST).
Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master's degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech ">
Kelly can be reached at:
Hutton And The Writing Of Witchcraft History
Posted by
/ 9:11 AM /
No - this article is not about UFOs or Fox Mulder! It is instead about the recent article written by Ronald Hutton in the latest issue of "The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies." That article is entitled "Writing the History of Witchcraft: A Personal View," and you can find it here. The reason why I chose the above famous picture for my article is because it has more to do with me and my recent support of Ben Whitmore's book "Trials of the Moon," and the fact that Ronald Hutton has written a professional and fair critique of that work. This is despite the fact that Ben Whitmore had attempted to paint a picture of Hutton as a cynical and calculating academic, whether that was his intention or not. His book has basically sought to question Hutton's methodologies as an academic in such a fashion that one could only consider him to be a poor scholar at best, a mendacious and manipulative fixture of the bureaucracy of academia at worst. However, Hutton's defense of himself, and his approach to this study and his motives, have now been eloquently revealed, much to the shame of Whitmore's book. A useful quote from Hutton's article shows that he was sincerely motivated from an objective interest in the subject matter, which, I might add, had also personally affected him. Thus I feel that he has been wrongfully maligned, much to my personal embarrassment.
"Triumph [of the Moon] was therefore written not to demolish a belief system but to fill a vacuum created by the collapse of one. Both in professional terms and those of my standing among Pagans, it would have been far better for me had I been able to rescue the old orthodoxy instead. To prove the existence of an early modern Pagan witch religion, after all, would have been a sensational coup among historians, while to prove its endurance to the present day would have endeared me to all modern Pagan witches. I simply found the task impossible, and indeed it became more so as my research for the book went on"."
I guess it comes down to taking Ronald Hutton at his word, and there seems little reason not give him the benefit of the doubt, considering his stature as an academic and his apparent sympathy to the pagan cause. Others may quickly disagree with me, but I have always found it prudent to trust someone and respect their opinion until such a time that it is proven to be motivated by selfishness, delusion or deceit.
In regards to Ben Whitmore's book, it's easy to cherry pick someone thesis and find supposed holes in the research and the logic underpinning a theory, since looking at something in that microscopic way keeps one from seeing the context and the larger picture. Mr. Whitmore made a lot of suppositions as to Hutton's motives and the scope of his contacts, even asking if he had ever read any of Carlo Ginzburg's writings, when in fact, they know each other and have met. It would seem obvious that Hutton knows about and has read Ginzburg's work, and the reverse is also likely true. There appears to be a lot of agreement between these two scholars, because otherwise, I am sure that Hutton would have gotten an earful from him when he attended a conference recently celebrating Ginzburg's work. As I was saying, it's easy to pick holes in someone else's work, but to do it while promoting an alternative theory, or coming up with an explanation that doesn't personally attack the integrity of one's intellectual opponent is at the very least a basic requirement in academic circles. I was remiss in not considering what Whitmore was saying personally about Hutton in his book, and that taken collectively, they were quite damning.
Perhaps the most telling thing that Hutton said in his article is that he has always felt that there were loose ends in his book, and that his word was not the final word in the history of British Witchcraft. What he has written over the last thirty years needs to be seen in the context of a scholar who is evolving his theories and refining his opinions. We also need to keep in mind that academics are constantly examined, critiqued and even challenged by their peers. Even the most critically acclaimed theory will eventually be altered or even discarded by later scholars. Since Hutton has written his books and also circulated his papers, he has been intensely scrutinized by his peers, some of whom have devoted their lives to areas of study that he has only limited or rudimentary knowledge. None of these academics have disputed Hutton's theories or called on him to verify his sources, which would certainly have happened if he had supposedly "baked" his results. I think that we really need to take Whitmore's claims with a great deal of skepticism, and ponder why such claims are even required. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in the unenviable situation of disbelieving and seeing some kind of conspiracy in nearly every academic discipline, not just in the study of the history of modern witchcraft and paganism.
One thing that Hutton said in his article, which really reaffirmed some of my thoughts in the area of pagan survivals, was included in a statement where he talked about how he differed from other scholars in his approach, and that this was written into a paper that he delivered to an academic conference on Modern Paganism, at Newcastle University in 1994.
"It took direct issue with the view, often heard from colleagues in the university system, that there were no direct links at all. I identified four: ritual magic (again); cunning craft; folk rites, both ad-hoc and seasonally repeated; and (above all) the general love affair of Christian culture with the art and literature of the ancient world."
Perhaps the only area of quibbling would be the possible survival of shamanic elements from the past, as shown by Emma Wilby in her recent writings (most notably, on the Witch Trials of Isobel Gowdie). Hutton doesn't quite agree with this perspective, yet other scholars might find it a definite possibility. Even so, this could be an area where further research and analysis might reveal some new possibilities. It is interesting to note that Hutton had helped Wilby with her first book, even encouraging a publisher for it. He had this to say about Wilby's notion of shamanic survivals: "Certainly I think some of her suggestions more speculative than others, and (as she knows) I worry a bit about her selective use of widely scattered examples of what can be called shamanism taken from other parts of the world. This, however, does nothing to diminish my enthusiasm for her work"."
Hutton's studies has shown that modern witchcraft and paganism were not invented out of whole cloth by some untutored and eccentric individuals who were part of a fringe movement within society. If anything, a lot of pagan beliefs have been encapsulated and carried into the modern age through the folklore, magic, myths, art and literature of our popular culture. Those who sought to preserve and eulogize the various cultural remains of antiquity were nominally Christian, although greatly sympathetic to pagan themes and practices. I have often stated that modern Wicca and Paganism seem more to be the product of the British middle class than something that was actually antique or even atavistic. To inflate Hutton's work as stating that ancient paganism had completely died out and disappeared, leaving no cultural traces whatsoever is to miss the overall point of his book, "Triumph of the Moon."
Reading through the section of Hutton's article where he deals particularly with Ben Whitmore's book "Trials" shows the true nature of an unequal battle, where every instance of disagreement and protest in Whitemore's book is shown to be hollow, inconsistent, erroneous and obviously extremely biased against anything that Hutton might have said in any of his books or papers. Hutton graciously but throughly demolishes Whitmore's book, painting a picture of him as some kind of sectarian hack who doesn't have the breadth or the depth to really logically dispute his theories. While it is not true that Whitmore is a sectarian hack, I did feel quite deflated by what Hutton had to say. Indeed, I had to pick myself up off the metaphorical floor and dust my clothes off, because, I, too, had felt that Whitmore's book was compelling and insightful. I have now realized that the truth is actually far more complicated, and that academic disciplines are rigorously enforced and maintained for a reason. They can be wrong, perhaps even promote falsehoods, but not for very long, since the inexorable powers of change, new technologies and new discoveries are constantly modifying the collective knowledge of humanity. It also seems obvious that there certainly isn't any kind of unified conspiracy within academic organizations.
After such a profound drubbing, there doesn't seem to be much more to do except ponder why I so eagerly jumped on the anti Hutton bandwagon, when several of my fellow respected witches were not so moved. Why was I so eager to believe that Hutton was some of kind of fallacious shill for Christianity, when he has actually been our advocate, even considering the daunting limitations of academia? The question is really why did I need and want to believe that there were antecedents to modern paganism that survived intact to the present times? Why indeed?
Hutton goes on to state that he sees three scenarios affecting the future of the witchcraft and pagan movements. I found the first one to be optimal, and the other two to be quite pessimistic.
"The first is that trial, error, and debate produce a consensual picture, solidly based on primary research and accepted by professional scholars who are not themselves Pagan, to which Pagan authors have made a significant contribution"."
The second and third are where witchcraft and paganism break up into mutually hostile sects, each with its own promoted history, and separated by geographic location and the length and breadth of one's involvement in a specific faction. I found the second and third future options to be quite terrifying, knowing that they could represent the ultimate end of these sects and the entire movement of modern paganism. It's a gloomy picture where these various factions, fragmenting into smaller and smaller groups, disappear altogether. With a shudder, I realized what Hutton was actually trying to say, and I felt compelled to deeply question my own motivations in order to realize the first possibility, and thereby negate the second and third.
It all boils down to a question of legitimacy versus authenticity. I had stated even in this blog that authenticity is much more important to me (and other followers of modern occultism) than legitimacy. But I was seduced, since constantly rubbing elbows with Christians, Jews, Muslims, and even Buddhists, and Hindus, I found myself secretly lusting after some degree of legitimacy. The other religions have been around for at least a thousand years or longer, and I was the new kid on the block. I wanted to be both authentic and legitimate, and Whitmore's book seemed to open the door to that kind of self justification. I must admit now that it was a tempting illusion, and one fostered by unmet desires. I should be much more concerned with what actually works and what is meaningful to me in the present world, not chasing after fleeting ghosts from antiquity.
What all of this means to me is that I have emotionally bonded with a concept (legitimacy), even though I have emphatically stated the opposite. I must correct this error and even perhaps go so far as to admit it publically. The problem is that "I want to believe," even though I should know better, realizing that it's actually not important in the here and now.
Over the years I have found that the various magickal lore from previous historical epochs, which are available to us today, have to be highly modified in order to make them effective and useful in the modern world. Would that logic not extend to a verifiable antique pagan belief or practice? Would I really want to sacrifice humans and animals, treat women as chattel, own slaves and enjoy public exhibitions of murder and mayhem in order to be truly an antique pagan? Of course not! I am not the same kind of person who lived in antiquity, and in fact, I couldn't even imagine what it was like to think and act through the lens of that culture and epoch.
Those times are gone, and the locations, languages, cultures and even the people are also long gone. We have only fragments from those times, and certainly not enough to recreate that world as it was. Yet it is those fragments that are so wonderful and amazing, and they have enriched our present world, even helping us to create a new pagan religion. My faith and practices were from sources that evolved over time, they were touched and given expression by many hands, and they were not invented out of nothing by some obscure crank. That alone should give me a sense of belonging and fullness, even a kind of legitimacy, and indeed, it actually does.
The problem that continuously faces me (and other occultists) is the balancing act of acknowledging the work of academics on one hand, and glorifying in the myths and lore of my occultic practices and beliefs on the other hand. This is a very delicate balance, and where problems arise is when I might lose my objectivity and confuse one for the other. These two perspectives are complimentary, but they occupy completely distinct domains - the one being the domain of objective science, and the other, the subjective domain of faith and spiritual wisdom.
Science says that matter existed before the mind, and that we are a product of a long and torturous evolution; yet religion and magick say that the mind existed before matter, and even participated in its creation and formulation. Both of these perspectives are correct, but it is important to distinguish between them and not confuse them. As a pagan, I can say that I need my myths, magick and my secret lore to subjectively explain my existential place in this world living in this time (and also, to define the powers and entities that are aiding me in this quest). I also need science and history, to help me build an objective context for everything else, which includes the populace of the whole world and its diversity.
Frater Barrabbas
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Ohio Priest Father Hummer Not Happy
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/ 12:23 AM /
From St. Mary Catholic Church, Chillicothe, Ohio:
Fr. Lawrence L. Hummer, PastorHowever, the guidelines for translation have been radically changed because of the institution of a group known as Vox Clara (literally, "clear voice"), which was established by Rome to oversee all English translations of the Mass worldwide in 2002. Before this the International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) had been responsible, with considerable input from local or regional bishops of a given language group. In the case of the U.S. the earlier translation adopted what was called "dynamic equivalency" in translating these Latin texts. The intention was that they not be slavishly literal, but would capture the meaning of the Latin in suitable English expression. Anyone who has ever translated anything from one language to another knows how difficult it can be to find suitable English for foreign expressions. Imagine then the difficulty of translating Latin, which very few speak people speak within the Church (let alone without) into modern English.
"Liturgiam Authenticam" insists upon fidelity to the Latin text: "Every word and concept presented in an original text must be fully accounted for within a translation, even when the language into which the text is being translated must be pushed beyond its normal limits of expression to do so."
"Liturgiam Authenticam" says further: "It is unnecessary and inappropriate to alter biblical or liturgical texts simply because some might take offense at their wording, as for example in some biblical passages that have sometimes incorrectly been criticized as depicting the Jewish people in an unfavorable light. Such misunderstandings are rightly dispelled by proper catechesis rather than by unwarranted interventions upon the text itself. If a given liturgical text is seen to require change in order to avoid misunderstandings of this nature, such a change lies within the competence of the supreme authority of the church and not of the translator." (p. 60) That would be true if everyone praying these texts were in possession of theological degrees. But the plain and simple fact is that most people are not that well versed in what we believe and what we don't. The thrust of this instruction is to say the hell with anybody who wants to prevent needless sexism or chauvinism in the texts we use at Mass. God is a male and that's the end of that! Rome has spoken; case is closed ("Roma locutus est; causa finita est").
The thrust of that statement sets back ecumenism at least 50 years, so no non-Catholic language may be used. Never mind that they may be more accurate. The New Testament itself uses the word "poterion" ("drinking cup") at the Last Supper, NOT chalice. But the revised translation insist on using the "Catholic" word "chalice," which is really a clouding of the Scriptures, not a clarification.
The sentence in question reads: "It (my blood) will be shed you and for all so that sins may be forgiven." In all of the other European languages including Italian (tutti) and German (fur Alle) the expression is "for all." We have been praying "for all" since the papacy of Paul VI. With the approved text as approved by the bishops, we are going to have to pray that Jesus shed his blood for "many" implying NOT FOR ALL, in conflict with most modern European languages, which translate the expression as "for all." It seems clear that the only ox being gored is the English speaking one. For all its outward appearances it is a double standard at best, and at worst, a slap in the face at English language scholarship.
It is precisely this issue of "passionate discussion" of the approved translations which troubles me so much because I believe the bishops have ignored important voices of dissent within their ranks, especially the recommendations of the Catholic Biblical Association, an institution the bishops use to produce the New AMERICAN Bible translation of the Scriptures, the basis for all our Lectionary readings up to now. Elsewhere in the English speaking world they use the New ENGLISH Bible translation. If therefore the Church wants to insist on the uniformity one English translation for all of the English speaking world, the bishops ought to explain why they allow different Lectionary readings, which, of course, are an intimate and central part of every Mass, called the Liturgy of the Word!
I must say the proposed translation revisions (many of them) are very troubling to me. Many of the issues are clear attempts to arrest the advanced efforts in this country to eliminate needless sexist language from the liturgy. The inconsistencies are sometimes glaring. In the Gloria, we will pray: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people ("hominibus" in Latin) of good will. But in the Creed, we will be required to pray "For us MEN ("hominibus") and for our salvation...and became MAN ("homo"). Where is the consistency? "For US" and "became HUMAN" would be perfectly acceptable and would eliminate a needless sexist barrier. And the precedent for it is set by translating "hominibus" as PEOPLE in the Gloria. Such inconsistency on the part of the bishops at such a critical moment in the life of the praying community is painful to watch.
In the end, I'm not sure what's in the poke. But if I'm intending to buy a pig, I usually try to make sure it's a pig and not a skunk. The poke needs to be opened before we buy. The laity need to be asked their opinion. The clergy need to be consulted too. And maybe we'll eventually find a pig in the poke. Right now we're all at the mercy of the bishops. We can only hope they remember what that word (mercy) means and grant us a reprieve until they get it right.
I actually asked some of my friends and respected colleagues what they thought and whether it should be shared with the parish. Below are some of their responses.
David Timbs teaches in Catholic schools in Australia and also studied with Fr. Hummer in Jerusalem. He is also a former Redemptorist priest. He had the following comments:
I share your alarm that the ICEL has been hijacked by "Vox Clara". One of the principals of this group from the beginning is George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney. George has a DPhil in Church History but is theologically illiterate. He has little sense of consultation within the Catholic community. His former Auxiliary, Mark Coleridge, is now Archbishop of Canberra, the Federal Capital (like Washington DC). Mark holds a DSS from the PBC and for a number of years was the principal English speech writer in Rome for JPII. He is clever and well connected and I am convinced he is looking forward to seeing George off to the Curia soon and his accession to Sydney and the Red Hat that comes with it. These are two fellows to keep an eye on.
The Hierarchy to a large extent has lost consciousness of the magisterial importance of the "Sensus Fidelium". Because they have and are failing to listen to the internal challenges of faithful, concerned and educated Catholics I fear the drop off rate will escalate. We're down to attendance fractions in this country (Australia)."
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