Pagan Wiccan


Here you can explore information about the Witch, Wiccan and Pagan lifestyles. Learn about Pagan holidays, moon phases, animal guides,candle magic, healing herbs and more, then find the books, jewelry and magical supplies you need. We have no content which would be considered of an offensive nature by those of open mind. If you have concerns in this regard, please review our site prior to allowing your children or teenagers to visit. May The God and Goddess Bless You on Your Journey!

Mob Mentality

Mob Mentality
This was another interesting column in the New York Times about the history, origins, and power of fear + mob mentality in the U.S. Normal people sometimes don't like sociopaths because they don't like feeling that they are just a patsy to the sociopath's intrigues. They are hyper focused on thinking that the sociopath is the root to their problems. It may or may not be true that sociopaths are to blame for as many problems for which they are blamed. Historically, however, it is this fear, suspicion, and hate of "others" that not only perpetuates negative stereotypes to the utter disregard of reality, but leaves people open to be a further patsy to those who would capitalize off of their fear. These opportunists may include political or religious leaders, bosses and neighbors, and anyone else that would use your fear to drive their own ascension to power, or even turn other people's fears against you. Here are excerpts from the column:

A radio interviewer asked me the other day if I thought bigotry was the only reason why someone might oppose the Islamic center in Lower Manhattan. No, I don't. Most of the opponents aren't bigots but well-meaning worriers - and during earlier waves of intolerance in American history, it was just the same.

Screeds against Catholics from the 19th century sounded just like the invective today against the Not-at-Ground-Zero Mosque. The starting point isn't hatred but fear: an alarm among patriots that newcomers don't share their values, don't believe in democracy, and may harm innocent Americans.

Followers of these movements against Irish, Germans, Italians, Chinese and other immigrants were mostly decent, well-meaning people trying to protect their country. But they were manipulated by demagogues playing upon their fears - the 19th- and 20th-century equivalents of Glenn Beck.

Most Americans stayed on the sidelines during these spasms of bigotry, and only a small number of hoodlums killed or tormented Catholics, Mormons or others. But the assaults were possible because so many middle-of-the-road Americans were ambivalent.

Suspicion of outsiders, of people who behave or worship differently, may be an ingrained element of the human condition, a survival instinct from our cave-man days. But we should also recognize that historically this distrust has led us to burn witches, intern Japanese-Americans, and turn away Jewish refugees from the Holocaust.

Historically, unreal suspicions were sometimes rooted in genuine and significant differences. Many new Catholic immigrants lacked experience in democracy. Mormons were engaged in polygamy. And today some extremist Muslims do plot to blow up planes, and Islam has real problems to work out about the rights of women. The pattern has been for demagogues to take real abuses and exaggerate them, portraying, for example, the most venal wing of the Catholic Church as representative of all Catholicism - just as fundamentalist Wahabis today are caricatured as more representative of Islam than the incomparably more numerous moderate Muslims of Indonesia (who have elected a woman as president before Americans have).

During World War I, rumors spread that German-Americans were poisoning food, and Theodore Roosevelt warned that "Germanized socialists" were "more mischievous than bubonic plague."

Anti-Semitic screeds regularly warned that Jews were plotting to destroy the United States in one way or another. A 1940 survey found that 17 percent of Americans considered Jews to be a "menace to America."

Chinese in America were denounced, persecuted and lynched, while the head of a United States government commission publicly urged in 1945 "the extermination of the Japanese in toto." Most shamefully, anti-Asian racism led to the internment of 110,000 Japanese-Americans during World War II.

All that is part of America's heritage, and typically as each group has assimilated, it has participated in the torment of newer arrivals - as in Father Charles Coughlin's ferociously anti-Semitic radio broadcasts in the 1930s. Today's recrudescence is the lies about President Obama's faith, and the fear-mongering about the proposed Islamic center.

But we have a more glorious tradition intertwined in American history as well, one of tolerance, amity and religious freedom. Each time, this has ultimately prevailed over the Know Nothing impulse.

Americans have called on moderates in Muslim countries to speak out against extremists, to stand up for the tolerance they say they believe in. We should all have the guts do the same at home.This is why I am anxious in crowds. This is why I am a libertarian. I think I have a healthy fear of persecution that helps constrain any inclination to persecute others. Similarly, I wouldn't mind if the tables were turned on some of those people who are so sure that they know what's right and best for everyone. Maybe if they were on the receiving end of persecution themselves, they wouldn't be so self-satisfied. But I am glad that with the prohibitions on women wearing face veils in France, protests against a Muslim community center in New York, etc., people who would normally consider themselves open minded, inherently "good" and "wise" individuals with clear definitions of "right" and "wrong" are being faced to stare down the barrel of reality.

I smell change.

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Mary Alexander Does She Even Understand

Mary Alexander Does She Even Understand What Calumny Is
A friend of mine forwarded a Blog post link from last June and written by a woman named Mary Alexander who authors a Blog entitled "Against all Heresies." In this bizarre post, Ms. Alexander writes (in part): "Hi Anonymous and Brett (aka Paul Anthony Melanson)..Blessed shall you be when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake...Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that calumniate you...Keep the comments coming. I'm just building up treasure in heaven. Cheers, Mary." (Full Blog post with comment here).

Now, I am not "Brett." But I suspect there is a motive for Ms. Alexander's false accusation. You see, Ms. Alexander has defended the late Father Leonard Feeney. And I am, of course, on record as opposing Father Feeney's interpretation of the dogma "Outside the Church there is no salvation." This wouldn't be the first time Ms. Alexander has demonstrated some sort of problem with me or an animosity. In the comments section of a previous post here at La Salette Journey, Ms. Alexander left a comment implying that the Church's 1980 Instruction on Euthanasia was somehow "out-of-date." She was immediately corrected by others who reminded her that the Catechism of the Catholic Church cites this document as authoritative (see here).

And this wouldn't be the first time that Ms. Alexander has engaged in uncharitable rhetoric. In her Blog post defending Father Leonard Feeney, whose interpretation of the dogma "Outside the Church there is no salvation" was condemned by Pope Pius XII, she had some rather unkind words for the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, a very-well respected priest who was loyal to the Church and her teaching. Ms. Alexander referred to this heroic priest and solid-Catholic thinker as being simple-minded and naive (see here).

I submit that Ms. Alexander would benefit from visiting this link to read up on calumny. This excellent entry says (in part): "..the calumniator is bound to adequate reparation for the injury perpetrated by the blackening of another's good name. HE IS OBLIGED TO RETRACT HIS FALSE STATEMENTS."

Ms. Alexander is right about one thing though. We all need to pray for those who calumniate us. I will get right on that.

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Asceticism And Ecclesiology

Asceticism And Ecclesiology
From an interview with Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos:

"QUESTION: Now we would like to tackle the sensitive question of the relation between monastic experience and the Catholicity of the Church. Namely, we are witnessing cases when in some circles (especially in our country) opinions are being put forward that assert certain superiority of "asceticism" and "prayer of the heart and mind" even in the respect of the canonical order of the Church and its One Liturgy; and this is going as far as to use such claims often as a justification for seceding from the Church and persisting in schism. In brief, we would like to hear your stance concerning this phenomenon; specifically, whether "asceticism" and "prayer of the heart and mind" have any meaning outside the liturgical and canonical unity of the entire Orthodox Church?"

ANSWER: Ever since Saint Irenaeus, the Fathers of the Church have taught us that the Church is very closely connected with Orthodoxy and the Holy Eucharist. The Church is the "Body of Christ and a communion of deification", Orthodoxy is the correct teaching and life of the Church and the Holy Eucharist is the true praxis of the Church. All three of them are connected to each other and none is overemphasized or underrated versus the others. A "Church" without Orthodoxy and Holy Eucharist is a conventicle. "Orthodoxy" without Church and the Holy Eucharist is a heretical school, and "Holy Eucharist" without Orthodoxy and Church is a simple religious gathering.

We should view the relationship between asceticism, the noetic prayer of the heart and the Holy Eucharist in this context. The Holy Eucharist is in the center of Church life, because through the Holy Eucharist we receive communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, but the Holy Eucharist presupposes asceticism and the noetic prayer of the heart. Both asceticism and the noetic prayer of the heart refer to the Holy Eucharist. Neither is the Holy Eucharist performed without preconditions nor is the noetic prayer separated from the Holy Eucharist. Both of these extreme autonomous situations cause ecclesiological problems. He who lives ascetically and has noetic prayer of the heart without the Holy Eucharist is influenced by misbegotten and erring conditions. He who lives the Holy Eucharist without the preconditions of asceticism lives in a mechanistic way in the Church.

Furthermore, it is not possible for spiritual gifts to revoke the canonical order of the Church, which is constituted by the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit "constitutes the whole institution of the Church" through the Local and Ecumenical Councils. At the same time, we should not underrate spiritual gifts in the name of canonical order.

In general, a great deal of attention is required regarding autonomous movements and cases of overemphasis on particular aspects of Church life.

From "Sobornost", September 2006.

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Heart Quotes And Sayings

Heart Quotes And Sayings

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~ Confucius

"If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear? ~ Confucius"

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. ~ Oscar Wilde

"Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart. ~ William Shakespeare"

False face must hide what the false heart doth know. ~ William Shakespeare

"He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. ~ Abraham Lincoln"

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain. ~ Mark Twain"

When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet in his private heart no man much respects himself. ~ Mark Twain


Creating Your Own Tarot Deck

Creating Your Own Tarot Deck
**handmade deck in picture from Sweet Laraine on Etsy**


Merry Meet :)))))) Have you ever considered making your own tarot cards for use? It's a great way to learn the cards and to bond with the deck that you will be using. It is also a great way to obtain a tarot deck if you are in an area that you cannot buy tarot decks. I know a few of you are in places where they are extremely hard to come by. The easiest way I know of is to use card stock and laminate your images. You can get card stock and laminating sheets at lots of stores. I know where I am located they are available at Staples, Wal-Mart, and the Craft Stores. They are pretty inexpensive as well.

Once you get the card stock you want to choose what size you want your deck to be. Pick a size that is comfortable for you hand. You may want to base the size on a deck that you already have that is comfortable to use. The next thing you need to decide is what type of deck you want to make. You can make one based on the Rider-Waite system, or you can create a deck based on your own personal system, more like an Oracle deck.

Now how to design your cards. :)) There are several ways that you can do this. I am familiar with photo shop so am actually making the card designs right in photoshop. I am doing a set right now based on the Rider-Waite tarot system. This is something that I've been working on very slowly over the last few months. If you wind up creating your own deck on the computer you could print your cards on card-stock.

Another method that I like is the collage method. Use magazines, pictures printed off the internet etc. and cut pictures to correspond to the cards you wish to make. You can choose one image for each card or a combination of images. Use glue to hold them in place until you laminate them. For those of you who love to paint or draw you may wish to hand paint or draw each card. Another method is taking photos to correspond to each card. Whatever you choose, get creative and have fun with it!

When the cards are the way you wish them to be, you can use laminating paper to laminate them. You may wish to have them done at a place as well. I know our Staples out here does it for really cheap. For most of you this will most likely not be a quick project. However, it is the best way I know to really get in and learn the tarot cards. It's an amazing experience that brings an incredible light to this method of divination. You will also have a greater personal connection with your deck making it easier to read as you are the one who designed it! :))))))

Below are some decks I saw on Etsy that may inspire you. Not all of them are handmade, but you can still see the idea. :)))) Under each deck is the link to the Etsy shop where I found them. :))

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Tarot of The Trees

Oracle Deck

The Stolen Child

Darkened Dreams

When the Tower Falls

Tags: why teach evoluti  luntrea lui caron  igns portent  making mojo bag  history of judge  religious vs. secular

Jimbo The Swamp God Teaches Faith

Jimbo The Swamp God Teaches Faith
An old George Carlin joke asks: If god is so all-powerful, can god create a rock so heavy that god cannot lift it? This question, Carlin said, was used by his fellow Catholic school classmates in order to stump priests about the omnipotence of that god. Because, of course, if god is all-powerful, surely there's nothing he cannot do, and the cycle of hilarity that comes with watching priests squirm continues.

Nobody has the same relationship with deity. Some of us see god(dess) as a conglomeration of energy. Some see That as a creator/creatrix deity that loves each and every one of us like a parent while maintaining balance, who knows everything and can do anything. Still others see That as something more than the first but lesser than the last.

We're also a little confused as to how our relationship should be expressed. Are we subservient to the Divine? Are we working with the Divine? Do we, perhaps, exist above the divine, creating It just as much as it creates us? Do we take Him/Her out for coffee? Can They see us naked? So many questions, so few deities...until now.

With the speed at which we're hurtling into the future, constantly evolving in thought and belief, it has become a white hot topic of debate as to where God(dess) comes from. No, this is not a new concept. It's actually one of the oldest questions about the divine. I remember as a small child attempting to understand the eternal nature of God after my mother and Sunday school teacher attempted to explain to me how God had just always been.

8 year olds have a really easy answer for this: Nuh-uh! One can understand immortality; that's just not dying. You see it in the movies. You read about it in This, it seems, is the argument that many have when explaining the concept of personal deity. If I believe that Jimbo the Swamp God is real, and you believe he's real, and we can get 10,000 other people to believe that he's real, then he'll become real, because we've believed him to be so. We have simultaneously decided both that God(dess) created man and that man creates God(dess).

It is this kind of 'mind over reality' thinking that fosters ideas like the law of attraction. Man creates his own reality. Thoughts become things. Blah blah blah... The more belief we give something, the more it becomes real. I'd like to, as objectively as possible, look at some of the problems with this kind of thinking.

Numbers. It seems that the running theory is that if enough people believe in a being, that it will manifest itself into reality on the astral plane, thereby becoming either an astral entity or a deity. But, how many people does it take before the character in my made-up bedtime story told to my children can become an actual, powerful divine force? If I tell the story, I'm giving credence and origin to the being, but add the belief of, say, two children to that. Does the belief of 3 people equal a deity? Or, does it have to be the millions of followers of Harry Potter? Is there a number somewhere in between? Perhaps the kind of belief is essential. Does innocent, blind faith make more deities than skeptical, academic faith? For this to be a law of the universe, there has to be a case in which it works every time. Unfortunately, we cannot test for the validity of the god-creation, so we cannot know.

God-only. Manifestation of spiritual entities - like astral beings or deities - only works in those particular instances. I cannot, for instance, believe in an apple so much that one manifests on my desk. Nor can I believe myself out of gravity. Belief becoming reality thinking only works on something that cannot quantitatively or qualitatively be proven to exist. This kind of thinking presents a conundrum for humanity: we can neither defend it nor go against it. You cannot say that God is not real because of a lack of proof, because the very definition of God is beyond proof. Likewise, you cannot scientifically or categorically defend your belief, because you must admit that it is simply believing in something for the sake of the belief. Depending on your view of this, it's either a win/win situation or a lose/lose one.

Properties. This is the issue that sort of gets at the very heart of the problem of man creating God(dess). If you view God(dess) as all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, all-creating, all-sustaining, etc. then man cannot believe God into existence. If God(dess) is even one of those things, then man cannot have created him/her/it. Just like a woman cannot procreate with her husband to create a horse, man cannot give birth to something that is greater than man. Sure, we can take bits and pieces of materials and create guns or bombs or whatever, and one could say those are greater in power than man, but they cannot in and of themselves create a universe, know all that ever was and will be, or sustain the life of every being in existence.

Herein, though, lies the great fallacy. I am not a philosopher, and I honestly confuse myself when I try and think about the really deep questions of life. I deal with reality on a daily basis. My job title forces me to look at death and decay and social issues that nobody wants to deal with. I do not have the luxury of flights of fancy, because they do not actually fix problems.

So, I can talk about how man cannot create a God/Goddess/Divine being all day long, but there's something about this that feels false.

I cannot describe myself as a glass half empty kind of person, nor do I feel it is half full. The glass has water in it. That's the reality. Does it matter how empty or full it is? No, because there's just enough in the glass for me to drink it. Does it matter how many people it takes to make a God real? Well, personally, that depends on my relationship with deity. And it must be remembered that all the arguments I can come up with to tell others why they can't deify Harry Potter must eventually turn back to me. Why is my view of the divine any more or less correct than any other? It's not.

My partner told me that his view of God is shifting, or, perhaps, evolving. He said that he feels that faith, in and of itself, is the real power. And this hits me at a very guttural, instinctual level. He said that we can call God whatever we want, because at the end of the day a belief in the divine is what gives hope to millions around the world. Faith is power. Now, I do not believe that faith is going to manifest something that is not already there. We can believe all we want in Jimbo the Swamp God, but that doesn't mean that he exists. However, if your faith in Jimbo the Swamp God helps you get through the day, and if you believe that his great swampy-ness is what makes the breeze blow, and that's what you need, then go for it.

After all, this world needs a lesson in hope. These are tough times for everyone, and if you can find any reason to keep on moving when life wants to stop you, I don't care what you call it. Faith rocks.

All Gods are one God, and all Goddesses are one Goddess. She creates; he gives order. Names are inconsequential to this harmony.

Now, the line must be drawn in saying that if enough people believe in something, that it actually becomes real on some plane of existence. We do not create that which is greater than we are. The Divine does not need the perception of man to exist. We are the creation, and there is nothing wrong with that. Enjoy your place in the cosmic wheel. Find your faith, and - as the Big O would say - live your best life.


Advanced Magick For Beginners A Brief Review

Advanced Magick For Beginners A Brief Review
Alan Chapman's Advanced Magick for Beginners covers all the major subjects that one would expect to be present in a beginner's book on magick and more besides. This is certainly a plus for the book and its readers. Unfortunately, I fear that many of the chapters may be too terse to be of any great value to the novice magickal practitioner.

What is more, Mr. Chapman's presentation of his material may not be the best for beginners. The author has taken great care to speak intelligently to his audience and has, it would seem, avoided "dumbing-down" much of his work. While this should be both appreciated and applauded of an author, it may in this case (in a book marketed to beginners of magickal practice) serve only to confound the beginner and hinder learning.

Simply put, this is a book targeted for beginners of the magickal path presented in an advanced manor.

Despite these drawbacks, Advanced Magick is an excellent book if you want to get practicing magick immediately. Drawing upon a post-modern paradigm, Chapman offers many techniques and suggestions as to how magick may be performed without all of the ritualism that so often accompanies magickal practice.

Of particular interest is his five step model for magical enchantment that, as he clearly demonstrates, can be applied to several modes of magickal working (viz., sympathetic magick, sigil magick, physical link magick, etc). While I do recommend this book for the serious student of the occult, I do so with some reservations.

It is most likely a work that the beginning student of the occult will need to read several times before he or she is able to absorb the nuggets of wisdom inside.

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Falling Into Grace Insights

Falling Into Grace Insights On The End Of Suffering Ebook By Adyashanti Epubmobi
Adyashanti asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to the full promise of mindfulness and spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the discovery of our essential being. In his many years as a spiritual teacher, Adyashanti has found the simpler the teaching, the greater its power to initiate this awakening. In Falling into Grace, he shares what he considers fundamental insights that will spark a revolution in the way we perceive life-through a progressive inquiry exploring the concept of a separate self and the choice to stop believing the thoughts that perpetuate suffering; "taking the backward step" into the pure potential of the present moment; why mindfulness and spiritual awakening can be a disturbing process; absolute union with every part of our experience and true autonomy-the unique expression of our own sense of freedom.

"Adyashanti affirms that we make the journey to realization not by separating from the relative reality of our everyday lives, but precisely by developing an attitude of complete acceptance and openness toward all situations and emotions and all the people we encounter."-REGINALD A. RAY, AUTHOR OF TOUCHING ENLIGHTENMENT

"Falling Into Grace is a dazzling, clear, profound book-a cool drink of water for thirsty hearts everywhere."- GENEEN ROTH, AUTHOR OF WOMEN, FOOD, GOD

"The path to enlightenment today is cluttered with concepts: Adyashanti cuts through them with a sword so merciless and tender that only space remains."- MEG LUNDSTROM, AUTHOR OF WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU CAN'T DECIDE


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Zeus And Jesus

Zeus And Jesus
What about the rain? For the Greeks, Zeus was the Lord of the Sky, and God of Rain. His name was "Zeus Pater" (Zeus, the Father).

The claim I found tonight about the word Jesus meaning "Hail Zeus" was interesting... but I'm not ready to jump to that conclusion. Here is the argument:

There was no "J" in the English language until about 400 years ago. That fact checks out. "The first English-language book to make a clear distinction between "i" and "j" was published in 1634." - wiki.

The Original 1611 King James Bible had the name Iesus throughout. Check again. Many sources agree.

Now what about this claim? IESOUS means "Hail Zeus". According to one site, the Hebrew name Jahshuwah (Jehoshua) was objectionable to the Greeks and Romans who replaced it with Ie-Sous. 'Jesus' is supposedly a transliteration of a Latin name "Ioesus", pronounced heysus. The claim is that this means nothing in Hebrew, but in Latin means 'Hail Zeus'. They do look somewhat alike, don't they?



Zeus was Jove in Latin. Hail is "Ave" in Latin, not "Ie". I checked out an alternate spelling. The word "suos" in Latin is the accusative plural of a pronoun that can take on different genders. No evidence supports the claim that "iesous" means "Hail Zeus".

There is another more factual claim that says the word Je-sus is Latin for Earth Pig. SUS is indeed Latin for pig and it is interesting that "Je" is a Greek earth goddess.

GE (je,ge) GAEA;GAIA GAEA (Jee),Noun. [Gr.Gaia derived from "Ge", earth] in Greek mythology the earth personified as a goddess,mother of Uranus the Titans,etcMOTHER EARTH: identified by the Romans with Tellus.

The Romans and Greeks did hate the Jews. They were at war and the accounts we have now are the result of the writings of the historian Josephus, a former Jewish commander from Galilee, who after he was captured by the Romans, attempted to end the rebellion, negotiating with the Judeans on behalf of Roman Emperor Titus Flavius' behalf. It is a mater of record that Josephus and Titus became quite close friends and that later Josephus was granted Roman citizenship and a pension. In fact, Josephus became known as Titus Flavius Josephus.

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Revealed God Has Told

" PRIMATE ELIJAH AYODELE, FOUNDER OF INRI SPIRITUAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH"In this interview with Nigerian Tribune's AYOMIDE OWONIBI, Primate Elijah Ayodele, founder of Inri Spiritual Evangelical Church, speaks about the future of Nigeria, and what Nigerians should expect in 2015.ON INSECURITY"If this government tries to have any kind of amnesty with Boko Haram, it would cause problems for this country. The government should not take it lightly with Boko Haram; they should fight the war against them. I see other nations supporting Nigeria in the long run. Boko Haram would still make the FG spend a lot of money. On the issue of Boko Haram, the CIA has misled the Nigerian government about it. As said by the Lord, America should be blamed, as directed by the Lord. These people are not spirits. I don't know whether the government is afraid to address things the way they are. They should address it from the roots.""We said it earlier this year that Abuja must be very watchful because there is going to be an attack on Abuja. The government should work more on security so that Nigerians can be protected.""Nigerians don't understand when a man of God speaks. We should not blame many men of God who said things in the past that did not come to pass. Everything is in the hands of God. He is the one who has the final say about everything that happens. What I am saying in essence is that APC will not make the presidency in 2015, though it will be very tough."Specifically, are you seeing Jonathan as President in 2015?"I am not talking about Jonathan here. I am talking about the party. I am saying again, PDP will make it in 2015. There is still going to be more negotiations. Honestly speaking, if the Vice-President does not sit up, his position would be used for negotiations. Most of the defected governors if not all, two would come back to PDP. There would still be more defections. APC cannot fight PDP, as they don't have the mandate. APC did not ask from God before they came together so they cannot stand.""Another thing is that the weather forecast in Lagos State, which said that rain would fall for 265 days is a lie. The Lord told me that it is a lie. There would be rain but not for 265 days. The meteorologists have made a big blunder. Nobody determines the work of God."WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THE MISSING MALAYSIAN PLANE?The missing Malaysian plane is riddled with politics. The people should put pressure on the Malaysian government. There is more to that missing plane than meets the eye. I would say it again, the government is involved. The government should be queried about the missing plane. It is not a crashed plane at the moment, but a missing plane.HOW ABOUT RIVERS STATE?If Rivers State is not careful enough, PDP might take over the state. PDP would take over Akwa Ibom. Also, if care is not taken, PDP would take over Sokoto State. These are the states that God has revealed to me that PDP would take over.I see the flag of Nigeria changing. At the end of it all, there is still going to be another constitution review. I see that there is going to be something like a referendum. I see a confab where there would be an adoption of referendum. There would be elections in 2015 despite insinuations that there would be none.Sports"I see NFF having problems with Keshi. As a matter of fact, Keshi might not finish his tenure. Nigeria would not perform as expected at the World Cup. We should not expect much from Nigeria at the World Cup."Education"There is a lot that still needs to be done in the education sector. There would be so many changes especially in the UTME as it would be scrapped. Some universities hoping to get licences would be stopped. ASUU would still go on strike; doctors would still go on strike."Economy"Nigeria's economy will not be fantastic in 2014. The price of food items will go up. Some markets will be shut down in the Eastern part of the country and in the Southern part. Prices of garri, palm oil and flour will go up. Price of vegetable will go up. Jonathan's presidential economic team will fail him. Some ministers will be eased out while new ones will come in.""The excess crude oil account will cause problems. I see that Nigeria will borrow money.""I don't know when this will come up but Aba will be the China of Nigeria where Nigeria will produce vehicles, motorcycles and tricycles. Exotic guns will be made in Nigeria. I am not saying it will happen in 2014 but it is part of the things that we should be expecting in the nearest future."Nigeria's unity"It may take 30 or 50 years but Nigeria cannot stay together for another 100 years."The Minister of Finance would have crisis and if care is not taken, she might not finish her tenure. I see the GMD of NNPC having problems. The price of petrol would still go up. Price of Flour would still increase. I see blessings for Nigeria in agriculture. Each state governor should still go and work on agriculture. EFCC would still expose a many politicians.""HILARIOUS..."


Satan Gives Commencement Addrss At St Sincerus

Satan Gives Commencement Addrss At St Sincerus
In the wake of Georgetown University's decision to invite Kathleen Sibellius (best known as the persecutor of Catholic and Evangelicals, as well as other faith communities,) to speak at its Commencement Ceremony recently, the Catholic Phoenix decided that mockery would be the most appropriate response.

So it announced that St. Sincerus University, the 84th largest Catholic university in the US, has invited Satan to be its Commencement speaker. (Today's liberal Catholic universities do not make satire easy.)

In a move already denounced by Catholic bishops & other leading religious conservatives, St.

Sincerus University, the nation's 84th largest Catholic university, has invited Satan to deliver its commencement speech later this month. Also known as the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer, &, more popularly, the Devil, Satan is a divisive figure among Catholics & other Christians. Several Catholic universities have upset religious conservatives in recent years by inviting controversial figures to deliver commencement speeches, as when the University of Notre Dame, the nation's largest Catholic University, invited President Barack Obama, who supports a woman's right to abortion, in 2009.

The invitation to Satan by SSU president Fr. Thad Despereaux comes at a time when many Catholics are highly critical of the Obama administration's attempts to reform health care, which some claim would force Catholic institutions to violate their Church's teachings by providing contraceptives as part of their health insurance plans.

Fr. Despereaux, in comments made to the Daily Sham, SSU's student newspaper, said that having Satan on campus gives bold witness to a central Catholic principle that God can be found in all things. "The continuing politicization of the faith indicates just how important it is for us to build bridges," Fr.

Despereaux said. "Our whole mission as a university is to bring people together. Satan is badly misunderstood by many people, & we hope to show our graduates that stereotypes, & the hatred they engender, have no place on a Catholic campus. As Catholics we are to hate hate." On-campus reactions at SSU have been favorable, as faculty & students alike have applauded the university's open-mindedness in issuing the invitation.

Dr. Sophia Greengrass, Director of the university's Wiccan Institute, called the invitation a brave attempt to promote the university's academic integrity in the face of "fascist attempts by the male hierarchy to impose its limited ">Thank you. ("loud applause") Thank you all very much. Thank you, Fr.

Despereaux. Please, folks ("continued applause"), please be seated. A little restraint every now ">Seriously, this is quite an honor for me. I can't say an unexpected honor, as this invitation was in the cards for some time now. And this despite all the non-attention I've received from many of your Catholic intellectuals; wasn't it your own Fr.

Cheever in Ancient Near Eastern Studies who said in your student paper that I don't exist? ("laughter"). He's not alone in thinking that, though I take it that after we got to know each other a bit better last night he has a different take on things. Talk about an ashen countenance when I discussed my background!

Suffice it to say that he knows a bit more about ancient mythology & sacrifice than he did before we spoke. It really is too bad he can't be here today, as he's much in my thoughts, as are all the fine academics at this institution. Much of the work you do is directly responsible for my being here today, ">To honor the graduates of St.

Sincerus, I will focus my remarks on the creative gifts God has so richly blessed you all with, as well as on your sacred responsibility to nurture those gifts, despite the heavy costs. As you know, you live in a world in which the majority of people seek to restrain, to control, & even to deny the creativity of the few.

Isn't it a sad irony that such a gift, which can help you to make & remake your world, ">

Read the rest here.


Sunday January 18 2009 Robert H Wolfe

Sunday January 18 2009 Robert H Wolfe
Theme: Fishy Business

23A: Fishy multi-talented celebrity?: OPAH WINFREY (Oprah Winfrey)

25A: Fishy musician?: PIANO TUNA (Piano Tuner)

39A: Fishy age recognition?: BIRTHDAY COD (Birthday Card)

57A: Fishy Brinks vehicle?: ARMORED CARP (Armored Car)

81A: Fishy Florida ballot?: HANGING SHAD (Hanging Chad)

93A: Fishy weakness?: ACHILLES' EEL (Achilles' Heel)

114A: Fishy warship?: MINNOW WAR (Man O' War)

116A: Fishy amplifiers?: HERRING AIDS (Hearing Aids)

I did not know that Man O' War is a kind of warship. Always thought it's a racing horse and is connected to Seabiscuit somehow. I actually think "Fishy thoroughbred?" is a better clue than "Fishy warship?" because of the annoying War/WAR duplication.

I liked this puzzle a lot. Caught all of the fish very early on and sailed through most of the puzzle storm-free.

I don't quite understand the clue for NO-HIT (4D: Pitch near perfection). I am confused by the grammar structure. NO-HIT is an adjective, right? A NO-HIT game. "Pitch near perfection" is a noun phrase, isn't it? No-hitter is a noun. Nolan Ryan threw seven no-hitters in his career, a major league record. None of them is a perfect game though.


11A: Heckler's partner in firearms: KOCH. Have never held a gun in my life. Not familiar with Heckler ">CASTLED

33A: Stimpy's pal: REN. Learned this dog name from doing Xword. Stimpy is a cat.

46A: Unbeatable opponents: NEMESES. Singular is NEMESIS.

53A: River of Hades: LETHE. River of forgetfulness. Styx is the River of Hate, forming "the boundary between the upper and lower worlds". Has anyone read "The Divine Comedy" or "Inferno"?

69A: German automaker: OPEL

61A: Pastry cement: MASTIC. No idea. I found some MASTIC sealant though. Is this cement somehow
108A: English philosopher of Herbert: SPENCER. I googled his name. Wikipedia says he coined the phrase "Survival of the Fittest". I thought it's Darwin original quote.

110A: Siren: LORELEI. The Rhine Siren, to be exact. Chinese lore does not have similar siren who lures those restless sailors.

124A: Some chasers: POSSE


2D: Kal Kan rival: ALPO. Know ALPO. Have never heard of Kal Kan brand. Don't own any pet.

5D: Reacting to Sinatra: ASWOON. Very interesting clue. Why Sinatra instead of Clooney?

8D: Stupor: pref: NARCO. As in narcosis. New to me. I only know NARC as "DEA agent".

11D: Astronomer Johannes: KEPLER. Another google. He was a German astronomer. That's an excellent portrait.

24D: "Newsboy" painter: INMAN (Henry). I forgot all of him. Wikipedia says nearly a dozen of his 30 Native American portraits are in the collection of the White House. Here is "Newsboy" once again.

26D: Infamous cow owner: O'LEARY (Catherine)

29D: Speaker of diamonds: TRIS. Ah, baseball. TRIS Speaker is in HOF of course.

32D: Pre-Mayan civilization: OLMEC. OLMEC, Maya ">ASSAM. The tea state. South of Himalaya Mountains.

36D: Sanskrit aphorism: SUTRA. Hmm, "Kama SUTRA". Kama is god of erotic desire/love in Sanskrit.

41D: Persuade: COOPT. "Persuade"? Not a familiar definition to me.

43D: Humdinger: DILLY. I often mix "Humdinger" with "harbinger".

45D: Reference citation: FOOTNOTE

47D: Whatnot shelves: ETAGERES

55D: Structural beam: I-BAR. Have only heard of I-BEAM. It's the same, I suppose.

56D: Emphasizes: POINTS UP. New phrase to me.

58D: Letters for shock treatment: ECT (ElectroConvulsive Therapy). So hard to remember this abbreviation.

64D: Henning and McClure: DOUGS. DOUG Henning was a Canadian magician. DOUG McClure was an actor. I knew neither of them.

51D: Early computer: ENIAC

95D: Calyx parts: SEPALS

98D: Twilled fibrics: SERGES. Be prepared. Everytime SERGE appears in our puzzle, I will link SERGE Gainsbourg. I think Jane Birkin's moaning is sexier than Brigitte Bardot's.

107D: Growl: GNAR. Knar is a knot on the tree. Both exist only in crossword world in my opinion.

111D: City near Brussels: LIER. See this map. It's in Antwerp. Too obscure a clue.

115D: Assn. for boxers: WBA (World Boxing Association)

117D: "Kidnapped" author: RLS (Robert Louis Stevenson). Here is the bookcover. I doubt I will ever read it.


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Fundamentalist Pagans

Fundamentalist Pagans

You might be a fundamentalist Pagan if you believe that

* only the Pagan worldview is true
* all Christians are the enemy (and OMG/WTF/BBQ the Burning Times are coming back soon)
* nothing less than belief in many discrete gods counts as "proper" Paganism

* the "proper" way to do Paganism is to devote yourself to a specific deity

Pagans on a devotional path commit themselves to one deity or to one god and one goddess. (apparently)

* all fluff-bunnies should be de-fluffed immediately and sent to bed without any supper
* Paganism is a fertility religion, and "The God" and "The Goddess" are heterosexual

* all ancient human remains whatsoever should be reburied

Of course, I sincerely hope that fundamentalist Pagans are a product of my fevered imagination, but I have come across some pretty mad stuff on mailing lists... or maybe that is because of the weird group dynamics on mailing lists.


Beltane The Witch May Day

Beltane The Witch May Day
Beltane (AKA May Day) is one of the most important of the witch's sabbats, second only to Samhain (Halloween!) in both status and merriment. It is still celebrated as a spring festival in many places around the world but its ancient roots are Celtic, hailing from Co. Meath in Ireland. It is traditionally a fire festival due to the act of burning 9 different types of wood and then bringing the cattle out from the barns to pasture for the first time of the year, passing them through the pyres as they went. This ritual was to cleanse, heal and protect them which, it was believed, would improve their milk yield for that year. Beltane's meaning is actually fires of Bel (who was the Celtic deity worshipped.)

From these origins, the customs and rituals extended and widened, shifting the emphasis more to fertility. One of these traditions is probably the most iconic symbols of the day worldwide - the may pole. Ribbons of red and white are tied to a pole in the ground and weaved in and out to make particular patterns, usually by the young women of the community. This is a celebration of love and pleasure, helping (and hoping!) to increase fertility along the way.

The Wicca/Witch Sabbat of Beltane

To Wiccans and witches, this has become a very important time to honour the gifts we receive from the natural world around us. It is the beginning of the light half of the year and astronomically a cross quarter day between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. The spark and energy around us at this time of year, one which tends to dampen during the bleak, colder months, comes back to us. It is perfect for being harnessed for spell work and giving them new vigour.

How to Celebrate Beltane

One the first things you must do on Beltane morn is to wake up early and wash your face in the early dew. This was originally thought to give you beauty all year round. But it is an opportunity to really get close to nature and experience the simple joy and calm of being at one with it. Feel the coolness of the gentle breeze or absorb the warmth with the morning sun as it rises. Really experience the earth beneath your feet and breath in the vital air. Engross yourself in the moment!

To mark this fire festival, you can build a bonfire or have a fire of some kind going throughout the day. Many Wiccans, covens or worshippers carry out a fire vigil, starting on Beltane eve but if this is not possible you can always burn a candle to honour the day. In particular, silver candles represent fertility. However, some dedicated followers have even been know to build a small fire in their cauldron! Please, of course, don't leave it unattended if you do this and don't overdo the burning materials inside it. But nevertheless it is a heart warming sight.

But as well as a festival of fire, Beltane is seen as a festival of flowers. Baskets of flowers were made, either for decoration or even as part of a ritual or ceremony. Hawthorn is the flower of the day and legend has it that this is the only time of year that it is ok to bring it indoors without risking bringing bad luck upon yourself. It was usually worn by the May Queen, a young girl chosen to represent the day.

You can also use incense and herbs, either as part of your ritual or in your home (incense for if the bonfire is not practical). Associated with Beltane are - angelica, frankincense, hawthorn, lilac and rose.

However, your chief priority should not necessarily be how you celebrate but instead the feelings, awareness and connectivity with your surroundings that you experience. The meaning of this time of year may be less relevant to our daily lives than when the festival first began but the sense of harmony and even excitement can be cherished all the same.

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Prison And Religion

Prison And Religion
Clifton Williams has been a practicing Muslim for 20 years but is currently incarcerated at State Correctional Institution Mahanoy. During one of his scheduled work times in the kitchen he had not yet been given any assignments, so he decided to complete one of his five daily prayers. He found an isolated corner away from the working area where he could pray, but prisoners were not permitted to occupy unauthorized areas on their own.

After five minutes of prayer he was ordered to return to his duties in the kitchen but he refused; he was eventually removed from the kitchen and taken back to his cell. Williams was punished for refusing to obey an order, and for occupying an unauthorized area. Williams pleaded guilty to the misconduct charges because, in the Muslim faith, once a prayer has commenced one must continue until it is finished.

Williams filed a civil rights action pursuant against SCI Mahanoy for violating the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. In order for there to be a violation, he must show that the facility prevented him from "engaging in his religion without any justification reasonably
Balancing the rights of the incarcerated and maintaining a safe environment for the inmates as well as the guards is a complex topic.

Based on the ruling, it was determined that there was no violation of the Constitution because the guards have an obligation to maintain safety and security within the prison. With nearly 400 inmates and just 26 guards, the inmates cannot be left alone in an unauthorized area. Prisoners also have plenty of time to pray in their cell, that is why they are not permitted to pray during work hours.

The conflict here is whether or not the prison should make accommodations for Muslim inmates so that they can have access to a clean room for prayer. In the past, during Ramadan, the facility provided a separate room for Muslim inmates to pray. In the meantime, prisoners are supposed to use the break room and or their cells to practice Salah.

Williams complained that the break room did not suffice because other inmates tracked dirt and urine on the floor. I feel that making a special room for prayer would be an accommodation that violates the Lemon Test, because it would favor Islam and it would not serve a secular purpose. Another solution would be to implement a new 'leave and return' policy which would allow inmates to leave work in order to go and pray.

This would require the inmates, like Williams, to be removed from work with an escort. However, this could cause further conflict by weakening the security force overlooking the inmates in the kitchen, and other prisoners would take advantage of this accommodation to get out of work. I feel that in order to maintain a maximum security level, without making special religious accommodations, and enabling the Muslim inmates to practice their religion with relative freedom; their five prayers must take place in their designated cells or in the break room.

This would not interfere with their labor hours, nor would it jeopardize the level of security within the prison.

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Judge J W Edmonds Famous Mediums

Judge J W Edmonds Famous Mediums Part 4
"Surely God would not have created a being as man...

to exist only for a day!

No, no, man was made for immortality."

~Abraham Lincoln

Famous Mediums, Part 4

Judge John Worth Edmonds (1816-1874), a well-known lawyer, New York State Senator, Judge of the New York Supreme Court Judge and Court of Appeals, was a Spiritualist and a medium. His daughter, Laura, also had the gift of mediumship and spirit contact.

Apparently Judge Edmonds stood firm in his Spiritualist beliefs and research he did into the credibility of several other mediums, even while being attacked often in the press and in political and social circles for his beliefs. The chief communicators were alleged to be Emanuel Swedenborg and Francis Bacon. Judge Edmonds wrote the following: Letters and Tracts on Spiritualism; Spiritualism, Volume I (1853); Spiritualism, Volume II (1855); and Uncertainty of Spiritual Intercourse (1856).

Those of you who have read my blog for awhile and know of my
Abraham Lincoln was regarded as a spiritualist by many and was said to have held s'eances in the White House and "frequently attended s'eances at the residence of the Lauries in Washington. The daughter was a medium." In his 1903 book, What is Spiritualism?, Dr. James Martin Peebles, M.D., recounts some of that history. "It was in this same family that Miss Nettie Colburn was entranced by spirits purporting to be Jefferson, and the fathers of our country, and who plead of President Lincoln to free those four million slaves in bondage. (See Mrs. Nettie Colburn-Maynard's work, entitled 'Abraham Lincoln, a Spiritualist.') Lincoln's emancipation message was an inspiration from the spirit world. Judge Edmonds, delivering an oration in Hope Chapel, N.Y., upon the life of Lincoln, gave the proofs of this. It is undeniable."

Though Dr. Peebles did not give us details of any of those proofs, he did give some background on Judge J. W. Edmonds. He served as an attorney in the law office of ex-President Martin Van Buren, became a New York State Senator in 1831, was appointed a Circuit Judge in 1845, was elected Judge of the (New York) Supreme Court and later, in 1851, took his seat upon the bench of the Court of Appeals. Peebles explained that Edmonds considered himself an agnostic until his wife's death in 1850 when he began experiencing her presence and on-going contact from the Other Side, until by 1851, he "became quite fully developed himself as a medium for visions, allegorical pictures, and direct communications from the spirit world written through his own hand. His daughter Laura also became a writing medium, and a trance medium with the gift of tongues. The Judge now openly avowed his Spiritualism, lectured upon it in public, wrote articles in the American and foreign press."

Peebles quotes the Judge as saying, "Spiritualism has deepened my faith in God, and the spiritual life and teachings of Christ. It has also inspired me with the most kindly Christian feelings toward all conscientious religionists of whatever name or party."

Continuing further, Dr. Peebles explains, "The pride, as he was of the New York bar for years, a jurist of unimpeachable integrity and keen discernment, as well as an authority on international law, Judge Edmonds was not only a Spiritualist, but a spiritual medium with fine clairvoyant gifts."

Judge Edmunds wrote of his daughter Laura's mediumship and xenoglossy. On occasion, while in trance and contact with a spirit, she would bring messages forth in other languages, Greek, Spanish, and American Indian: Chippewa and Menomonie tongues.

To Read

Famous Mediums, Part One, Betty

Famous Mediums, Part Two, Lenore E. Piper

Famous Mediums, Part Three, Eileen J. Garrett


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The Celtic Kinship With Brahmins

The Celtic Kinship With Brahmins


The Celtic society showing parallels to Hindu way of life and practices is found to have sprung 5000 years ago according to researchers. The mention of this period is amazing as it coincides with the end of Mahabharatha war and the pralaya at Dwaraka and at other parts of India.

Were they a group of people, dis-located in the face of natural disasters experienced in Bharatha varsha?

The entire Dwaraka population got disturbed. One wing went along a river (now found to be Indus- sarawad river basin) accompanied by Arjuna. It went upto the Himalayas in Kashmir.

Another wing followed sage Agasthya who brought them to Tamil lands and settled them there.

Did the group that went to Kashmir further spread out to the Alps?

Were they the group taken by people such as Balarama?

Were there others from Bharatha varsha who migrated out of India at that time?

Read the excerpts below.

Hindus have spread far than what we know today.


"The Celts were the first civilization north of the European Alps to emerge into recorded history.

The Druids of the ancient Celtic world have a startling kinship with the brahmins of the Hindu religion and were, indeed, a parallel development from their common Indo-European cultural root which began to branch out probably five thousand years ago. It has been only in recent decades that Celtic scholars have begun to reveal the full extent of the parallels and cognates between ancient Celtic society and Vedic culture.

The Druids were not simply priesthood. They were the intellectual caste of ancient Celtic society, incorporating all the professions: judges, lawyers, medical doctors, ambassadors, historians and so forth, just as does the brahmin caste. In fact, other names designate the specific role of the "priests." Only Roman and later Christian propaganda turned them into "shamans, wizards" and "magicians." The scholars of the Greek Alexandrian school clearly described them as a parallel caste to the brahmins of Vedic society.

The very name Druid is composed of two Celtic word roots which have parallels in Sanskrit. Indeed, the root vid for knowledge, which also emerges in the Sanskrit word Veda, demonstrates the similarity. The Celtic root dru which means "immersion" also appears in Sanskrit. So a Druid was one "immersed in knowledge."

Professor Calvert Watkins of Harvard, one of the leading linguistic experts in his field, has pointed out that of all the Celtic linguistic remains, Old Irish represents an extraordinarily archaic and conservative tradition within the Indo-European family.

Itsnominal and verbal systems are a far truer reflection of the hypothesized parent tongue, from which all Indo-European languages developed, than are Classical Greek or Latin. The structure of Old Irish, says Professor Watkins, can be compared only with that of Vedic Sanskrit or Hittite of the Old Kingdom.

The vocabulary is amazingly similar. The following are just a few examples:

Old Irish - arya (freeman),Sanskrit - aire (noble)

Old Irish - naib (good), Sanskrit - noeib (holy)

Old Irish - badhira (deaf), Sanskrit - bodhar (deaf)

Old Irish - names (respect), Sanskrit - nemed (respect)

Old Irish - righ (king), Sanskrit - raja (king)

This applies not only in the field of linguistics but in law and social custom, in mythology, in folk custom and in traditional musical form. The ancient Irish law system, the Laws of the F'enechus, is closely parallel to the Laws of Manu. Many surviving Irish myths, and some Welsh ones, show remarkable resemblances to the themes, stories and even names in the sagas of the Indian Vedas.

Comparisons are almost endless. Among the ancient Celts, Danu was regarded as the "Mother Goddess." The Irish Gods and Goddesses were the Tuatha De Danaan ("Children of Danu"). Danu was the "divine waters" falling from heaven and nurturing B'ile, the sacred oak from whose acorns their children sprang. Moreover, the waters of Danu went on to create the great Celtic sacred river-Danuvius, today called the Danube. Many European rivers bear the name of Danu-the Rh^one (ro- Dhanu, "Great Danu") and several rivers called Don. Rivers were sacred in the Celtic world, and places where votive offerings were deposited and burials often conducted. The Thames, which flows through London, still bears its Celtic name, from Tamesis, the dark river, which is the same name as Tamesa, a tributary of the Ganges.

Not only is the story of Danu and the Danube a parallel to that of Ganga and the Ganges but a Hindu Danu appears in the Vedic story "The Churning of the Oceans," a story with parallels in Irish and Welsh mytholgy. Danu in Sanskrit also means "divine waters" and "moisture."

The complete article can be read at

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Night Prey A Short Story Of Horror

Night Prey A Short Short Story Of Horror

Night Prey


Theresa Chaze

Lightning zigzagged across the sky and a minute later thunder exploded. She pulled her coat closer around her, pulling the hood back over her auburn curls. She stopped at the curb, looking al four directions before crossing. The road was leaf covered, but deserted of all human life except for her. She tried to hurry; the decaying leaves and rain made the road slippery. She slowed her pace.

Eyes appeared in the darkness in an endless stare. Lightning flashed. It crouched deeper with the nearly leafless brush.

Thunder rumbled. She jumped, quickening her pace. The storm clouds advanced, blocking out the moon and stars. Only the circular spots of the streetlights remained.

Drop by drop the rain began to fall. With each drop on the street, the sidewalk and even the leaves that lay upon them, they became his. Each drop, each step, each breath brought her closer to what could be her last. Motionless, he watched, waiting for his moment. His breath ran quick and silent; his hunger growled.

She stopped as if she had heard. A gust of wind made the street lamps sway. The circular spots flashed around like spotlights. The beam fell on her, reflecting off her eyes life a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. She shook her head, breaking the spell and continued forward.

Lightning flashed and he became visible for an instant. His hair clung to his face, almost completely covering it, except for two small slits where his eyes peered through. His face was scarred from endless battles; one of which took the right half of his nose. A small twig brushed across it and a fresh river of blood flowed down his face, pasting the thick mats of hair to his face. He licked his lips. They tasted of blood. Memory flickered. A well-bred young man in uniform waving good-bye to a couple that left impressions of love. His stomach reminded him of his hunger. He refocused his attention on her.

She huddled within her coat, trying to ward off the cold. The wind blew back her hood. Her face was flushed. Quickly she pulled it back over her head, trying to tie it in place with the strings. Her fingers were cold and stiff. The wind billowed it out. She fought the material and the wind. Stopping she pulled the strings tight and tied them in a knot, only her face remained exposed. She looked like a child-young, eager to experience the world.

The sky flashed white; thunder rumbled. She passed him. The veil began to part, allowing the memories to trickle forth. His parents. His sister. Their pride in his joining the service. His plane crashing deep within enemy territory. His capture. His cell had about an inch of water in the dry season, as much as two feet in the wet. The smells-mold growing, floating, covering everything. Human waste. Rotting flesh-decaying spirits. The insects disgusted, repulsed him until his hunger over ruled his squeamishness. He'd crush them between his fingers and mix them with a plant, another P.O.W told him was safe and his own spit, afraid to use the stagnate water. But thirst negated that restriction.

She reached the corner. He slowly slid backward, following her through the brush. He easily kept up with her, waiting until she crossed the street and started up the sidewalk before crossing himself. She splashed through a puddle. She laughed and jumped through again. He stared, confused by her simple joy. Thunder cracked over head; she jumped and continued.

The trees loomed over his head, bring back the memories of the guards, their drunken breath and the pain. He tried to push it away, to absorb himself in the hunt. The shame wouldn't leave. Anger welled and he screamed.

She stopped and listened, slowly turning to find the source. She couldn't see him, but instinct told her this didn't feel right. She started walking faster, slipping and sliding on the leaves. She lost her footing and fell on one knee. Quickly she got back up.

He heard her sobs, her labored breathing. It reminded him. His chest felt constricted. His teeth hurt. The rain washed the blood down his face, preventing it from clotting. It ran into his mouth; he gagged.

Lightning struck; thunder boomed over head. A dog barked in the distance. The sound echoed in his mind-reverberating backward to the place not even the best psychiatrist could reach. The place where laughter intertwined with pleas for help, squeaking doors, screams of agony and lust.

She heard him coming and ran from the sidewalk down the center of the street. Quickly glancing over her shoulder, she saw him as a moving shadow that the swinging street light outlined against the bushes. She stumbled, not quite falling. Involuntarily she whimpered, but kept moving.

Lightning lit the horizon. She saw a house ahead on the left. A faint beacon shone from deep inside. She ran to it, banging on the door, screaming for help. He leaped up the stairs and spun her around. She struck at him. He easily blocked her. Lightning flashed, illuminating his face. She screamed, but the thunder drowned her out. The door creaked. Her face changed to that of the well-bred young man. He gasped for breath-the pressure on his back, the laughter, the pain...the door closed.Theresa Chaze has been described as the woman who plays with dragons, especially the dragons of the mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.

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Cauldron Of Souls

Cauldron Of Souls
"Witch! Open your door! Help us!"

"Looking through the barred portal she spied two Children of the Gorgon supporting a third who was bloodied, bruised, and broken."

"Bring him in! Quickly!" The Witch waved the Children of the Gorgon into her home. "

"We found Atsu and
"Lifting their companion between them, they carried him across the room and lifted him gently into the cauldron. "

"Good, now sleep." The Children of the Gorgon turned to look at the Witch, their eyes widening as they saw her pointing a wand at them before they slumped to the ground. Atsu, who had been held up by his companions slipped below the surface. A minute later the Cauldron glowed green briefly before Atsu's skeleton, now devoid of flesh stood up. "Put that one in next" the Witch ordered. "

The Cauldron of Souls is a powerful, if unwieldy magical item. In form it is a large black iron cauldron, with 3 clawed feet, and a highly decorated surface. When a noxious mixture of magical reagents is brought to a boil and a dying body is immersed in it, the victim's soul is released and absorbed into the cauldron. From the boiling mixture the victim's skeleton rises out under the command of the cauldron's owner. The skeleton's bones are highly polished, and tinted a greenish yellow and it will have maximum hit points.

The Cauldron of Souls has a second power. When a different combination of magical reagents is added to the first, and the owner immerses themselves into the Cauldron, it provides restorative magics. For every soul absorbed into the cauldron, the following powers may be used:Cure DiseaseCure BlindnessCure Serious WoundsNeutralize Poison

The use of 2 souls can provide the following powers:CureallRestore

Don't forget to suggest something for November's Monthly Audience Participation!

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