Out Of The Fire
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/ 5:14 AM /
Sefer HaBahir, verse 3 excerpt
"Traditional interpretation: Because it is written (Devarim 33:23): The filling is G-d's blessing possessing the Sea and the South."
literally means "as it is said..."
The word can also literally mean "as it is assessed", where the letter shin is a prefix meaning "as" or "because", and where the remaining letters mean "be assessed". In other words, the word construct represents an active prophetic assay - the moment of truth where one's "fitness" is literally "assessed".
"The Test Of Mar Cheshvan:"
Hatred, bitterness. One must transform these that normally hide, concealed deeply within, to pass this test. Nice appearances and towing the line do not cut it.
"Torah Of Ram Cheshvan:" Possessing The Sea ">
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