Pagan Wiccan


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About The Laws Of Magick

About The Laws Of Magick
The Laws of Magick are not laws as in rules or a code of ethics or behavior. They are the basic precepts, or ideas on which the foundation of magickal working is based. I found them interesting and informative. The found at The Mystica was quite long, so I divided it up and the individual posts are listed below along with a short introduction by the author.

"Real magic-the magic which has been practiced and believed in for thousands of years - is based upon laws, if not fully believed by the practitioners, at least adhered to. These laws have been recognized as the governing structure which makes the magic at least seem to work, gaining for the practitioners the desired results, and making people believe in it."

"One of the pioneers to achieve a classification of laws involved in magic is Sir James George Frazer in his "The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion." Many others have discussed such a classification including Isaac Bonewits, to whom this writer is indebted for his brief classification of the magical laws, and Richard Cavendish."

The following laws place one in a proper attitude to perform magic:

* The Two Main Laws of Magick
* The Law of Knowledge


* The Law of Names
* The Law of Words of Power
* The Law of Association
* The Law of Identification
* The Law of Opposites
* The Law of Balance
* The Law of the Finite and the Infinite

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