Imbolgen 23
I've decided to do it. I'm opening my own "Etsy" shoppe featuring magically-mystical items handcrafted by yours truly, me. My shoppe is WITCHCRAFTS BY LIORAH LLEUCU.I haven't stocked it with any items yet - it will officially open with a small initial stock on March 29, 2009. These are the categories of items I am currently planning on carrying in WITCHCRAFTS -
Artisan Teas
Artisan Smudge Wands
Candle Magic
Herb & Resin Chest
Kabbalistic Creations
Sabbat/Shabbat Magic
Rituals Oils
Witch Bottles
Vintage Treasures
Custom Requests
No online stock yet - but visit my new shoppe anyway! Remember, OPENS MARCH 29 - [Nissan 4, Raven 4] - "a gateway to the mysteries of business!"
I hope I can figure out how to take good pictures of my items by then. First, I think I need to get a camera or something. Any suggestions about photographing items for sale is greatly appreciated.
I need to order some professional shoppe
Tags: kristin cast house of night serie guided meditation techniques fairy names elvish name candle magic rituals religious groups that occupy itlay ummer solstice godde gradual healing bruce epperly